A new month is upon us and that means we have some new books to share on our February Bookshelf! Here we are, with Fairyburger, for “My Month Is Booked,” reviewing what I enjoyed (or didn’t) in the month of January.

The Skylark’s Secret – Fiona Valpy (January Book Club Selection)

In a million years, I would have never picked this up on my own, and I was prepared to skate through a ho-hum story. However, I was pleasantly surprised by the narrative, following Flora and Lexie Gordon, two incredible women, set in different timelines, each navigating a different, if related, set of challenges. There was a great sense of balance as we switched from one chapter in mother Flora’s voice, to the next from Lexie’s perspective. And while The Skylark’s Secret shares so much about Lexie’s search for answers about her past as she moves through her own, uncertain present and future, I don’t feel like author Fiona Valpy made Lexie’s personality entirely about that quest. Well written, expertly paced, and with enough humanity to keep the tale human and compelling. There were two little twists in the end, one slightly more predictable, that tied things up beautifully without being too convenient, that I really appreciated. I would absolutely dive back in for more of Valpy’s works. 4/5 stars.
Homeseeking – Karissa Chen

I love a sweeping story that traverses time and distance, and the tale of Sushi and Haiwen fills this beautifully. Karissa Chen weaves a tale of two children, who kindle a friendship in Shanghai, against a backdrop of war, poverty, famine, and loss. We follow the story from past to present and back again, as our characters sacrifice to survive and keep themselves and their loved ones safe. Haunting and emotional, I really adored this. 4/5 stars.
The Other Mrs. – Mary Kubica

I received this book as a Christmas gift and went into it blind. At first, I wasn’t sure, but Mary Kubica wove a suspenseful tale of lies, betrayal, secrets, and murder and I struggled to put it down. The Other Mrs. falls into the category (for me) of an easier read, but it is twisty and turny and just different enough to be addictive. While I would have liked more character development, and I did guess some of the surprises, I was all in to the very end. Fun, smart, and definitely kept the reader guessing! 4/5 stars.
Where They Last Saw Her – Marcie R. Rendon

My heart! From the first word to the last, Marcie R. Rendon crafts the most stunning narrative of Quill, the Native American woman who will no longer stand for the disappearance, abuse, and murder of the women on her reservation. It was a beautiful and powerful tribute to what happens when one person takes a stand against injustice, and how it can make all the difference. While the story was difficult to read, the writing was gripping and the characters came to life for me. This one gets five stars from me, and I’d like to read more of Rendon’s works. 5/5 stars.
Things have slowed down a little, but that’s ok! I am almost finished with another book and have two more to go before I need to restock the TBR! What’s next for you?

I’m reading Homeseeking as we speak! It’s so good! Where They Saw Her sounds intriguing–I will add it to my TBR.
I thought Where They Last Saw Her was excellent. Hope you love Homeseeking!
Homeseeking and When They Last Saw Her appeal to me. I had to laugh when I read you need to restock your TBR – not sure if you see my State of the TBR posts on the 1st of each month but mine is certainly well-stocked!!
I really think I need to get in on some library action. I’m a book goblin – I buy them all and I hoard them. I just love the comfortable feeling of being surrounded by loaded bookshelves.
These are all new to me! Thanks for the suggestions!
Let me know what you think!
Yay, thanks for linking up and so glad to have you joining :]!
These are all new to me—I’m definitely adding Where They Last Saw Her and Homeseeking. My TBR is way out of control, but I like to tell myself I’ll get through it all someday!
They are both excellent! I hope you enjoy!
Where They Last Saw Her gave me chills. And my TBR is pretty hefty, too!
These sounds like great stories — especially Homeseeking.
Homeseeking was beautifully written.