Florida summer is here (even if actual summer isn’t for a few more days), and I’m not loving it. Summer is a great season, but this year has been absolutely terrible. The heat wave started a few weeks ago and I am absolutely over the humidity, blistering sun, and draining heat. How does that affect summer running plans? I’d love to tell you about that.
My Plan Is … Safety First
Honestly, that’s it. That’s the plan. Every day I lace up and go out, and figure it out from there. A few days have been ok to run, while others, the air is just too thick and soupy for it to be a good idea. While I’m disappointed to have to reign things in, this is the right decision, and I’m standing by it.
Stay Hydrated
Obviously, with such high temperatures, we need to stay hydrated and properly fueled. I’m forcing myself to drink more water and clean up my eating, just to make things easier.
Practice Sun Safety
Since we live close to the Equator, the sun is pretty strong, and we have to act accordingly. There’s no way I can manage long sleeves, but I do put on my sunglasses and hat to protect my face as best I can. I also try to go out before the sun is high in the sky: I’ve got sensitivities to a lot of sunscreens, so I do my best to work around that.
What About My Race Plans?
Obviously, I’m still working towards one race per month, even if it is brutally hot and humid. I did my June event two weekends ago. July is all planned out with a 5K while we are on vacation (although I am pretty sure we are going to walk it, since Mr PugRunner will be with me). And we are still looking at August. There is a beach run that might be fun, but we will see what fits in with the schedule.
And there it is. It’s not at all glamorous or exciting, but it will get me through these hot months.
What are your summer racing plans?
Link Up With Tuesday Topics
This year, I am joining up with Zenaida, of The Running Teacher for Tuesday Topics! Please join us every week for a new topic!
Zenaida Arroyo says
Looks like you have a great plan in place! Seriously, I have no idea how to deal with the hot weather. Kudos to you!
runswithpugs says
It feels so much worse this year. I don’t know why.
Kimberly Hatting says
I ‘ve got ZERO races formally on the calendar, but there are several I’m considering. I just need to pull the trigger & get registered:-)
runswithpugs says
I get like that too. But they are so much cheaper when you sign up earlier. Ugh.
Darlene S Cardillo says
I don’t have a plan for one race a month… some months are more and some none.
Luckily it doesn’t get that hot here (except for this week!!)
Good luck with your plans.
I need to train for a half and a full so sometimes a short race isn’t a good idea.
runswithpugs says
I do double up sometimes (more often than not), which makes up for the time I don’t get a race in. August is looking like that month. I don’t want to do anything.
Deborah Brooks says
It is so challenging for me to run in the summer time. It is also mentally hard to dial it back in the heat. But it must be done. Stay cool!
runswithpugs says
I know. It’s really the worst.
TayaRuns says
Summer running is brutal! Sounds like you have a good plan in place!
runswithpugs says
That’s all we can do is plan!