The Casino Bridge Run 5K in Biloxi, Mississippi marked the 13th state in my 50 state quest. Mr. PugRunner registered us for this event as my Christmas gift, and I was pretty surprised and excited. Mississippi is probably the last state we can comfortably drive to, with Biloxi being just under seven hours away, but you know I’m always down for a road trip!

About The Casino Bridge Run
The Casino Bridge Run is a SMALL, local race that boasts a 5K and a 10K. It’s put on by a Biloxi running group called Harley Sports, and it is what you might call “traditional” in its operations. Mr PugRunner confessed that he had a difficult time finding any information about it, other than what appeared on their website, and updates on social media were slim. That being said, he got us into the 5K, and we just trusted that we would be able to figure it out upon arrival. What we DID know was that the race would go back and forth over the Biloxi Bay Bridge, and would end up at the pool area of one of the local casinos.

Packet Pick Up
We rolled into town on Friday afternoon, and had a little time before our check in at the Margaritaville resort. Packet pickup was at the Golden Nugget, which was literally right next door to our hotel, so we just walked on over. It’s been a while since I’ve been in a casino type building, and the Golden Nugget was everything I expected it to be (dark walls and carpets, dim lights, the faint hint of cigarettes). Packet Pickup was in a conference room, and we quickly got our bibs and shirts. There was a shoe sale going on, as well as some vendors selling gels, stickers, jewelry and other accessories, but we wanted to get on with our night.

The Night Before
I’m going to be completely honest and tell you that we had a good time on Friday. A really good time. I regret nothing, but it wasn’t the smartest thing to do the night before a race. We checked into our room, cleaned up and went for pre-dinner drinks in our hotel. Then it was off to an Italian restaurant in the Beau Rivage, were I had the yummiest cheese and spinach ravioli with wine. Mr PugRunner wanted to play some roulette, and then we tried a Creole restaurant for espresso martinis and dessert. The only saving grace is that the start line was literally in the parking lot of our hotel, and with the race starting at 8:05AM, we could get plenty of sleep.

What To Wear
Sidebar: we went back and forth over our outfits for quite a bit. The weather called for rain and temperatures from anywhere from 45 to 60F. Oh, there would be wind, too. Mr PugRunner decided on an Alter Ego cap, t-shirt, half-zip, and shorts, while I went for the tank and shorts, with Alter Ego cap and older running shoes. I also packed gloves, and we got ponchos. He ended up being too hot and had to take his long sleeve off. I didn’t need my gloves once I started running, and that was ok.

Race Morning
I was not feeling my best when we woke up for the race. It was a foggy morning, and I was really debating if I shouldn’t just walk the darn thing.

I showered and dressed, and then decided to go to the hotel’s coffee shop for a bagel and some caffeine. There were several trips to the bathroom, which I will blame on nerves.

Finally, we braved the elements and exited into the Margaritaville parking lot. I wanted to check out the start line activities, but it was really super quiet and chill. In fact, at 7:30, we were among the only runners there and the start line wasn’t even completely together yet. The race director got a little panicked when he didn’t see the perforated tab on my bib – it was windy and I had folded it up to pin, thinking it would just be used for a finish line drink, but he told me it had to be unpinned, because we had to tear them off and turn them in when we crossed the finish line and that’s how we would get our times! Learn something new every day.
The Start Line
Finally, things were in order to start. The 10K runners lined up and took off at around 8:05 after the National Anthem, and then we were up. Apparently, there was also a competitive walking division still to go.

We took our places, and I decided I was going to give this my best shot. It was cold, and windy, but also incredibly humid and the ground was slick. This was going to be something!

First Half Of The Casino Bridge 5K
Although I didn’t really hear the directions for the 5K runners, my plan was to follow the bridge. We ran past the Golden Nugget resort, and then continued on the Biloxi Bay Bridge. It has a fairly wide pedestrian walkway, giving runners and walkers plenty of room. There is a little incline that curves up to the bridge itself, and then there is a long straightaway before the real incline that climbs to 95′. It was a beast.
I was immediately sweaty and uncomfortable with the humidity, but my hands were cold from the chill and the wind. Eventually, I did have to take off my gloves because it was just too much. Even though I’ve been running without intervals, this was a day that called for them, and I just counted light poles as I ran and walked.
On this section of the run, we went up and over the summit, and I was really looking forward to the momentum of the downhill. Imagine my surprise when I saw the 5K turnaround sign halfway down the bridge!

Second Half Of The Casino Bridge Run 5K
While it was nice to not have to climb the entire back side of the bridge, it was also a bit challenging to make the turnaround on the decline and immediately have to head back up. But that’s what we did. I just kept my eye focused on the peak and the long downhill back to the Golden Nugget. I also sang to myself, and tried to enjoy some of the scenery.
Finally, we left the pedestrian walkway and hooked left into the Golden Nugget parking lot! Hurray! I charged through the finish chute, where the runners had to wait in line to turn in their bib tags! My hands were NOT working, so the staff member had to tear it off for me. I have no idea how they were able to get accurate times by collecting the tags, but theirs matched my gps watch time pretty well, so I guess they have it down to a science. I collected my medal, and waited for Mr PugRunner, who was a few minutes behind me.

The After Party
Directional signs took us to the coolers of beer and soda, and then on to the Golden Nugget pool area. On a nicer day, this would have been fabulous. I was sad it was so gloomy and unpleasant out. However, it wasn’t raining, and the music was playing, so we found some seats to enjoy. Volunteers served rice and beans (I only wanted rice), and Moon Pies and cookies. It was a yummy assortment of post-race fuel.

We hung out until the wind really kicked up and then it was time to head back to our room to shower and really start the day.

Final Thoughts
The Casino Bridge Run was fun and low-key. I was prepared, and did fine, so I’m not at all disappointed with my results. Do I wish the weather was way more pleasant? Of course, but that’s not within our control, so we do the best we can.
While it was small and a little old-fashioned, everything was perfect. The long-sleeve race shirt is comfortable and of nice quality. The medals double as bottle openers, and are a unique shape. You couldn’t beat the course with the beautiful views and the after-party was well planned and would have been awesome on a warmer, sunnier day.
If you’re in Biloxi, check out the Harley Sports events. You won’t regret it.

What state should I run next?
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Well done, Jenn! This sounds like such a fun race, and I love how you made it a great outing together. Those low-key races have such a special charm.
How about Texas for your next state? It’s really standing out to me on your map. I think it’s calling your name!
Ohhh, Texas. You know, the tricky things about running the 50 states is going to places you really don’t want to go lol! I think we are going to look at the New England area next. Mr. PugRunner wants to do something where we do a few states in a week or two, if we can time it right. DC and Maryland are super close together so we could make that work. Likewise, Maine, Vermont, Connecticut and New Hampshire. And let us not forget New York and New Jersey!
But yes, I’ll have to get to Texas. Let me see what they offer in Austin.
Sorry that the weather didn’t cooperate, but you still did great! This sounds like a fun race to do. Have you done MD yet? I can’t tell if it’s colored in.
For as small as it was, they put a lot into it, and I love that.
No, to Maryland! What are your suggestions? It doesn’t have to be a half or full, but it should have a cool medal!
I love a good low key race weekend that you both can participate in. Makes for a fun weekend but does not take over the weekend. Nice job you 2!
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I will tell you… both our hips were a little achy from the cold and the bridge. We just aren’t used to it lol!
Using the bib tabs for results is really old fashioned! I haven’t seen that for awhile. When my son was in the Air Force he was stationed in Biloxi for a while but I’ve never been there. It sounds like you had a fun time.
I’ve never seen it before! And I have no idea how they were able to log the times accurately. But cool that we got to experience it!
I’ve seen the tear offs before. Looks like a nice race with great after race perks. Up north there’s rarely a medal if not a half and food as little as an apple. Lol.
Next state? New York of course.