Have you ever wanted to build your running community and help it grow, but just didn’t know where to start? Look no further! Building community is one of my primary foci for the year, so I am ready to help you take on the challenge!

Organize A Run
The easiest way to build your running community is to just organize a run. Pick a time and place, and put out the invitation. Easy peasy. This one is always tricky for me because I enjoy going out super early in the morning, but you never know…
Join A Run Club Or Group
If you’re not the organizational type, chances are there is a run club or group near your area where you can join! Check your local running store or social media groups for more information, but chances a local group exists. Some might be free while others might charge a membership fee, but it’s a great way to meet more local runners and grow those relationships.

Gather A Group For A Race
Getting a group together for a race is always a wonderful way to build your running community. If you see a race you want to run, simply invite people to join you. Some might want to run with you (or have you run with them) for the support, while others might want to meet up before and/or after. You might score a running buddy, but you’ll definitely benefit from the built-in cheering section!

Connect Virtually
Social media can be an amazing place to build your running community. Through all my years of blogging, I’ve “met” some really incredible people, and even though we might not run together in person, we do support each other along the way. Bonus… knowing people all over the country (and the world) means a chance to meet up with these awesome runners if they every come visit your area or vice versa!

Plan An Event Outside Of Running
This one takes the runner right out of running, which may seem a bit bizarre, but… sometimes it’s fun to spend time with your favorite running friends doing something other than running. Even if it’s a coffee date or some other kind of adventure, it can be nice to see everyone while doing something different!

What are some ways that you try to build your running community? Anything I missed?
Join us next week for Tuesday Topics —> Ways That Running Helps The Winter Blues
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I am back with Zenaida, of The Running Teacher for Tuesday Topics! Please join us every week for a new topic!

You have listed all the important points, Jenn!
I’m part of a big running club here in Cape Town (400+ members), but I’m also trying to build an informal one around me by encouraging friends to join in for runs. I encouraged them to sign up for a 5k this Saturday… let’s see how many will turn up!
I hope it’s a huge turnout!
I think it’s very important to have a community. I’m lucky to have running friends and two local running organizations that host races and events. And numerous opportunities for mentoring new runner. All keep me motivated.
That’s so great!
I sure do love my run squad! They have supported and motivated me for years
The very best!
I want to be more involved with a running group. I’ve been saying it for years but haven’t quite found that group. I do love my virtual running group friends!
It can be hard to find a good group, or a compatible group. Most of ours are in the evenings, which is not great timing for me.