And here we are, the first holiday weekend of the school year! By the time you read this, I’ll be wrapping up a very long day at The Swamp, for the Miami Hurricanes game. This will be my first time seeing a game at UF in Gainesville, and we’ll be with old college roommate and her family, meaning the experience will be amazing no matter what. By the time you read this, two weeks will have passed. Whoops.
- Cardio: 4.16 miles, walking
After Saturday’s shenanigans, we need a bit of a down day. I went for walk, of course, and then I chilled out with my clients. They are so sweet.
In the afternoon, I took A for his first haircut in about six months (he has been letting it grow) – he wanted it neatened up for picture day. It came out great, and we had a nice evening grilling out.
- Cardio: 4.1 miles, running
- Strength: Arms + Abs, 50 minutes
I started running for real today. Things are just cooler enough to make it manageable. I’m not saying I’m not a hot mess in every way, but it’s time to get back to work.
And then I went to the gym, where my body reminded me that when you take a break, your body does not cooperate. Sigh.
I’m also trying to get back into the whole cooking thing. My sourdough starter is being neglected because I just haven’t been home to make anything (she’s fine… just lonely). Meh. But on a positive note, Happy National Dog Day to these sweet nuggets!
- Cardio: 4.94 miles, running + walking
Tuesday, let’s do this! Things are feeling a bit more on track. I met up with J and we got in some nice miles. Of course, we all have to be home a little earlier than over the summer to say goodbye to the kiddos, so it cuts us short. I try to get up super early to adjust for it, but it doesn’t always work out.
- Cardio: 4.06 miles, running + 1.95 miles, walking
- Strength: Legs + Abs, 50 minutes
Today was the day to take control of my running. Rawr. It felt good and I was really happy. Even my leg session at the gym went well (I was dreading it).
We also got to pick up the car and return the rental! Yay! It looks great, rides well, and I’m super glad to be getting back to normal.
- Cardio: 5.94 miles, running
- Strength: Arms, 30 minutes
Is this what a comeback feels like? False fall, anyone?
Yes, I also went to the gym. I’ve been pretty good about that.
- Cardio: 5.93 miles, running + walking
To be honest, it’s been hard getting up and out in the morning while dog sitting. I love the pups, they are awesome. But they are super snuggly so leaving bed is tough.
And then it was time to dig in. Mr PugRunner took one car and headed to Gainesville to check into our rental and wait for our friends. I packed, went to photograph some of a local karate tournament and then picked up A from the football game. It was a super late night and I was exhausted by the time I hit my pillow.
- Cardio: 2.01 miles, walking
Even with a road trip and big football game, I managed a quick walk.
And then we loaded up in the car and drove to meet our friends. It was a wild day, full of tailgating and football. The Hurricanes absolutely dominated UF and that was cause for celebration!
- Cardio: 1 mile, walking
Time to go home! I don’t have a photo, but I did one mile of walking before we packed it up to leave. The rest of the day was just getting home, unpacked, and resettled. And then I was back to my client’s house. Time for another week!
- Cardio: 3.67 miles, running + 1.97, walking
Happy Labor Day! We had literally no plans and that was just fine. A took his girlfriend to the beach, and they had a great time, too. Did I take a nap after this run? You know I did.
- Cardio: 4.96 miles, walking
- Strength: Legs + Abs, 50 minutes
Mornings have been beautiful, while afternoons have descended into nasty thunderstorms. I’m all about taking advantage of the good weather where we can.
I wanted to stay home at night, but we had a meeting, so my evening was spent there, instead.
- Cardio: 6.06 miles, running
This week is on autopilot! I started with a run.
In the evening, we had a Yelp event at Fore Score, a virtual golf and game tavern. They serve food and drink, and guests can reserve private bays where they can play things like golf, basketball, lacrosse, and even zombie dodgeball… all virtually. So fun.
- Cardio: 6.57 miles, running + walking
Was I starting to lose steam? A little. But it was my last day of dog sitting and home was just around the corner! I ran and then treated myself to an iced salted butterscotch latte.
- Cardio: 5.54 miles, running
Friday was BUSY. I started with my run. We are back to swampy, humid weather. Boo.
I was on the committee to cook and serve dinner to the band kids, so I spent some time making eight pounds of taco meat. Then I napped before dinner time… it’s always so fun to serve the kids, and this was a great meal. Unfortunately, the weather was trash. Lightning delayed the game for an entire hour, the band couldn’t play because of the rain, and our team got crushed. They can’t all be great nights.
- Cardio: 5.52 miles, running + walking
Up and at it again. I slept in just a little and went for some nice miles. My body feels pretty good now that I’m working more on runs than walks. I’m grateful for that.
At some point, I decided I needed to go to the store for mums to decorate with, so I spent a good chunk of time running errands. I also scored myself a nasty migraine, which was zero fun whatsoever. Here’s hoping the rest of the weekend is better!
Thoughts + Goals
Ok. Things are good. Everything is moving in positive directions, and even though the summer was a setback as a whole, I am incredibly motivated and ready to keep going.
On a tragic note: I lost Doughlene. She had been in the fridge waiting for me to be ready for her, and she developed mold. Devastating. On the plus side, I had a small jar of Doughlene 2, who is alive and well. She is back on the counter, ready to be fed and made into delicious bread.
We have another fun week, with more meetings and events. And we are getting closer to our first band competition (at home), and our fall trip!
What You Missed On The Blog Last Week
- How My Running Journey Began (Tuesday Topics)
- Training To Run In Altitude (Runners Roundup)
- An Ultimate Coffee Date For September (Fit Five Friday)
How was your week in training? Do you have fall where you are?
Weekly Rundown
I am linking up with the Weekly Rundown, with Confessions of A Mother Runner and Running on the Fly! Check them out!
Wendy says
Ok, I’m not laughing that Doughlene got moldy, just at the name. Made me lol. Glad you have a back up Doughlene!
Have a great week! Hopefully you’ll get some respite from the humidity.
Coco says
Sorry about the football fiasco and dough disaster but it’s early in the season and Doughlene 2 will rise again! 🙂
Glad you are feeling optimistic.
Deborah Brooks says
Well you have sure been busy and active! LOL on the dough glad you have a back up!
Jenny says
I watched that UM-UF game on TV! I was rooting for UF and my husband was for UM. In the end I didn’t care that much though- I’m glad you had fun and that your team won.
You “northerners” are getting some good weather already! It’s still swampy and muggy down here.
Glad your runs are feeling good and that you feel you’re moving in a positive direction- our best time of year is coming up.
Melissa says
Poor Doughlene (but that name is amazing) – glad that you have Doughlene 2. Looks like a good, busy and fun week! Glad the weather is getting a little better!
Kimberly Hatting says
We’ve had a taste of mid/late fall temps, but I think summer is returning this week (yay!). I’m one of very few who fight the end of summer/start of fall, but it really needs to wait until the calendar says it’s officially time, LOL.
Darlene S Cardillo says
Sorry to hear about Doughlene. Hope her death was painless.
I haven’t run or been to the gym all week.
I’ll go back to gym once my face isn’t scary but I’ve been walking a lot and hope to start running (as long as my ribs don’t hurt).
Debbie says
As everyone has comments, the name Doughlene just cracked me up! Glad she had an understudy who could step in and take her place.
Our weather has been mostly amazing with sunny days and lower humidity. I’m not thrilled to have to wear a jacket on my bike rides, though.
Lisa @ TechChick Adventures says
Our sourdough starter has had some mold on it before, and my husband just got rid of the mold! He said the blog where he got the recipe from said it was OK. So yep, we’re sticking to that story 😉 We have made several loaves of bread lately. It pairs so well with soup and makes delicious grilled cheese sandwiches! Tis the season!
runswithpugs says
Oh, interesting! I will stick with that story too for next time. I guess if we take penicillin and eat bleu cheese, a little mold won’t hurt.
I am making a grilled cheese board next week, and might have to make some sourdough for it.