Monday means it’s time to share the Weekly Wrap time with HoHo Runs and MissSippi Piddlin!
If you do a weekly recap post, this is a great way to check in with other active bloggers for extra support, sharing and accountability!
This week was spent kind of adjusting to the first full week of summer. I am making it a point to be more spontaneous and free-wheeling this summer – I am notorious for being pretty rigid, but I want little man to have an amazing break and part of that is letting him do crazy things like stay up too late, have popsicles for lunch and spend way too much time in the pool. It’s definitely out of my comfort zone but the look on his face when he’s having the time of his life make it all worth it.
Sunday – rest
We all slept in a bit, and then spent the day running errands and hanging out. Little man joined me for some errands, which included lunch and homemade popsicles, and then Mr PugRunner took him to visit the Oscar Meyer Weinermobile at the local grocery store. I had never seen it in person! Hilarious!
Monday – Florida Striders Memorial Day 5K
While I have a race report coming, this was the race I had been waiting for since getting hurt earlier this year. It went well, considering.
I was a little disappointed that Mr PugRunner and little man couldn’t be there – they were planning on it, but little man had had a couple of incredibly busy days, and had actually been sleeping in. We thought it best to let him catch up on his rest. No point tiring him out in just a few days.
After the race, I found myself faced with a dead car battery. Certainly not a fun obstacle. A fellow runner came to my rescue and gave me a jump so I could get home.
The rest of the day was spent with family and friends – we grilled salmon and street corn and enjoyed the company until after the sun set.
Tuesday – rest
I had planned to rejoin my group but it didn’t work out and I was quite happy to take a rest day, instead.
Work was uneventful, and I couldn’t wait to get home to check the mail.
It’s been a while since I’ve been this enthusiastic over a book, but I am absolutely engrossed by Ron Chernow’s Alexander Hamilton. Like, I’m having a hard time putting it down. And I already have most of the musical memorized. It’s one of the best I’ve ever heard, and I can’t wait for the show to start touring so we can maybe see it on stage.
Wednesday – 1 mile running, 60:00 cycling
This day didn’t go quite as I planned. I was really looking forward to a run with my Moms Run This Town group later in the day, but holy moly – the temperatures were already in the 90s by 11:00 in the morning. I’m just not well-equipped for that.
In the morning, I ran a 1/2 mile warmup, hopped on the bike for 16 miles and then followed with another 1/2 mile run. It was just too hot to push farther and I wanted to start getting my legs used to the transition from pedals to road.
By that point, I was pretty done. I was so hot, I actually grabbed a cherry popsicle from the freezer instead of water. It was the perfect post-workout treat.
Thursday – 4 miles running
Since I had a little extra time in the morning (no bus stop!), I was ok to go for four miles. It was ridiculously humid, but the gorgeous sunrise made up for the fact that I suffered quite a bit of nausea.
I had to take a moment to get myself together, but was lucky to have some pretty understanding running partners.
After work, Mr PugRunner had I went to my parents for dinner and to pick up little man from his time at Camp Nana & Papa. We had a nice evening and tried to turn in early because he was having an all-day playdate with his buddy the next day.
Friday – rest
Body circuit was canceled due to the trainers having another commitment, and little man was having an all-day playdate. It ended up being a pretty busy day: we went to see the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles sequel, had lunch at the pool, did a little swimming, baked cookies, and went out to dinner. After all that, the boys decided they wanted to try a sleepover. Everyone was on board and when we got home, we got them ready for bed with an air mattress and pull out couch. I stayed up a few hours to make sure they were soundly sleeping, and then finally got to bed, myself.
Saturday – 3.1 miles running
Even though I didn’t have a great night’s sleep, I was ready to run. Mr PugRunner took care of pancakes for the boys while I got in my three miles.
It was horrifically humid, so we know that summer is here for sure.
After little man’s friend went home, he passed out for a hard, four hour nap. Yikes! He even slept through lunch! When he woke up and we got him fed, he and I headed to the city for the Jacksonville Sharks game. It was Superhero Night, and we were treated to appearances by some favorites, like Wonder Woman, Batman and Iron Man.
It was a great game, but the Sharks couldn’t pull out the victory. They’ll get it next time. Little man had a blast and I was so glad we got to hang out together.
And there you have it. We have entered June kind of slowly, but that will start ramping up. This week will be a little tough: we are currently in the throes of Tropical Storm Colin. It’s not a particularly awful storm (at least, not compared to the hurricanes we used to experience when we lived in South Florida), but there is tons of rain, plenty of high-speed wind and obviously, we operate under “safety first” rules.
How was your week in review?
Do you have a season of bad weather where you are? How do you manage your training though it?

I hate dealing with dead batteries. In the hot weather here, they don’t last very long, and when they die, they are DEAD!
Nice training week. Glad your race went pretty well.
Debbie recently posted…Protein Pancakes, a Boost from Bob’s Red Mill and a Giveaway!
I know. It died twice in the past week – unfortunately one of the times was when I was on my own. I am pretty good at a lot of things, but I don’t do car stuff. I guess I should learn. That being said, our car apparently has a very unique battery, so even the guy who jumped it needed a moment to figure it out. I’m glad he was there.
Wow, what a beautiful sunrise! I’d love to be able to not be in the car driving to work during the sunrise so that I can enjoy beautiful scenes like that.
Kathryn @ Dancing to Running recently posted…ZOOMA Annapolis Half Marathon Training Log – Week 18
I am very grateful that I get to be out for a lot of our sunrises. I love them.
LOL when my son was around the same age he was obsessed with that hot dog car too! So fun
Deborah @ Confessions of a mother runner recently posted…Eggplant & White Bean Burgers-Meatless Monday on The Grill
How can you not be??? It’s a hot dog! And a car! I don’t think I ever realized it was actually real.
What, you couldn’t just run home after a race? lol
Susie @ Suzlyfe recently posted…NOW Foods Immersion and EPIC Giveaway!
Right? What’s wrong with me, not wanting to run 31 more miles! Ultra running – here I come!
runswithpugs recently posted…weekly wrap: 5.29 – 6.4
It sounds like a busy start to June for you and family! I love that you are being carefree, I need to do the same as I’m already starting to stress out!
Janelle @ Run With No Regrets recently posted…Weekly Wrap: Setting Goals for June
Carefree is very not my MO. I am way too OCD, anal and type A, but it’s not about me, and I want everyone to have so much fun. It’s been kind of nice.
runswithpugs recently posted…weekly wrap: 5.29 – 6.4
Our summer came in with a vengeance as well, but NO complaints from me 😉 I love the warm weather, and the humidity doesn’t bother me much because I seldom ever try to run “fast” in it. I had a popsicle today, and it was the Bomb 😉
Kimberly Hatting recently posted…Oh, My Achy-Breaky Heel…
I do try to run fast in the humid weather, and it’s absolutely awful. It’s good training, but ugh, it’s demoralizing in the moment.
runswithpugs recently posted…weekly wrap: 5.29 – 6.4
Nice job getting in what workouts you could in the heat! Sorry to hear about your car battery after your race! Same thing happened to me once and no one had jumper cables so we had to call a towing service that jumped us.
It sucked! I didn’t have the AAA card on me or that would have been my option.
runswithpugs recently posted…weekly wrap: 5.29 – 6.4
You’re doing great! Sounds like Little Man’s summer is off to an awesome start! I once saw the weiner mobile on the highway, but never got up close and personal. It’s hilarious though, either way!
Stacie Seidman recently posted…Truthful Tuesday
So hilarious.
We are trying to have a blast, and so far, short of yesterday’s tropical storm, I think we are doing well.
Dead car battery – no fun!
I’ve heard amazing things about the Hamilton play. I’ll have to check out the book!
Nicole @ Fitful Focus recently posted…Marshmallow Free Chocolate Rice Crispy Treats (gluten free, soy free)
The book is riveting. There are a lot of tedious bits but the entire story is just so fraught with drama and tragedy – it’s almost like a 1700s soap opera. I am hooked.
runswithpugs recently posted…weekly wrap: 5.29 – 6.4
The wiener mobile has come through our town a time or two. It’s pretty cool! Great job on your runs this week despite the heat! Looks like your son’s summer is off to a fun start!
Debra @HappyRunningSole recently posted…Weekly Wrap
Great job getting your workouts in in the heat! It is miserable trying to workout when it’s so hot! I love the Oscar Meyer Weinermobile! That picture made me laugh! I would love to see it in person though!
You know I love sunrise pictures! These are great! So beautiful! Love it wiener mobile! 🙂 Welcome to the busy summer!
Tricia @MissSippiPiddlin recently posted…5 Favorite Camping Foods
I’m currently in the FL panhandle and the humidity this week was no joke. I got my rides and runs in, though not pleasant. I think it’s a great idea to have a more relaxed summer. It’s all about making memories, right? I have seen the weinermobile! Our high school band played at the opening ceremony of one of their plants. Talk about memories!! Thanks for linking with us Jenn!