Happy Monday! It’s time for the Weekly Wrap with HoHo Runs and Taking The Long Way Home!
If you do a weekly recap post, this is a great way to check in with other active bloggers for extra support, sharing and accountability.
Here’s the week in numbers:
Sunday – 3oo abs
Monday – 6.46 miles, running
Tuesday – rest
Wednesday – 7 miles. running; 300 abs
Thursday – rest
Friday – 8 miles, running
Saturday – rest
I pushed it a little harder this week. I really wanted to make up some “lost” miles and the timing worked out, so I went for it.
Sunday – 3oo abs
We had very few plans for the actual day. I did a workout that included 300 crunch related moves (bicycles, regular crunches, Russian twists, oblique v-ups, etc), and felt ok with that.
However, in the evening, I really wanted to attend the Keep Jax Beach Clean post 4th of July week beach cleanup. It’s been very eye-opening and productive to join in these efforts, and I was really pleased that Mr PugRunner volunteered to come with us.
MiniBar even supplied special mermaid donuts for the event.
We spent a few hours cleaning up assorted trash and cigarette butts, joined by another friend and two of her boys and then grabbed pizza for dinner. It was getting late so we skipped the official afterparty and awards ceremony (for most butts, weirdest piece of trash, etc), but I’m sure a lot of trash was removed based on all the volunteers we saw.
Monday – 6.46 miles, running
My legs were itching for this run. It had been so long and I just wanted to get out there. Fortunately, the ladies obliged. We rocked out those 6.5 miles and I was so grateful.
And then we were back to regular life.
Tuesday – rest
Yay for rest days. I asked my parents if they wanted to join us at the beach, and so we spent a lovely morning with them. I don’t have any photos, but the dolphins were so close to shore, and they were actually playing, rather than just breaching. There were actual jumps and twists, and it was so cool. I could have watched them all morning.
We got lunch together at a beachfront restaurant and then we hit Target to start purchasing some back to school supplies. The big day will be here in about a month, so we wanted to get a jump on it.
When we got home, Mr. PugRunner and little man planted a citrus tree in the backyard. It was the one year anniversary of PopPop’s passing, and this was how they wanted to commemorate the occasion. It was hard work in the heat of the afternoon, but we now have a beautiful tree and we are excited to see it grow.
Wednesday – 7 miles, running; 300 abs
At the end of this run, I was still feeling pretty good, so I pushed for the seven miles, rather than leaving it at six. I was glad to do it.
Our beach plans for this day had been postponed, and little man asked to go see Antman and the Wasp, instead. Antman isn’t my favorite but the movie was funny and entertaining. Even better, we were the only ones in the theater so that was kind of cool.
Thursday – rest
We had an interesting day planned. Mr PugRunner had a consultation with an acupuncturist for his sinus issues. He has been struggling for quite some time and we have reached a point where antibiotics aren’t as effective and things aren’t getting better.
The initial meeting was very successful and the doctor talked a lot about preventative versus reactive treatments. I’m very much on Team Prevent, and quite frankly, we are running out of options.
Mr PugRunner liked what he heard and signed up for an eight-appoinmtnet block of sessions. The doctor was able to get him started right away, so little man and I walked to the nearby bookstore until he was finished. It was probably a dangerous move, considering my book addiction, but we were able to walk out with only three books (one for me, two for little man).
Friday – 8 miles, running
This was long run day. M and S took a pass, but A was a trooper and totally hung with me for the majority of the eight miles. I don’t know that I would have done as well on my own, so it was helpful having a buddy along for the run.
After lunch, little man went to his friend’s house for a sleepover and we took advantage of the opportunity for a date night at the newly opened Treylor Park.
I love this location in Savannah and am thrilled to have one here. Our dinner and drinks were fabulous and we had a really nice time talking about upcoming travel plans.
Saturday – rest
I had thought about going out again for just a few miles, but after a late night and a few cocktails, I was content to not rush out of bed too quickly. Mr PugRunner enjoyed a massage from a local therapist while I put together a pie and fruit salad for a gathering later in the day.
The Scouts had another summer activity: roller skating. I wasn’t too sure how it was going to go, but little man really enjoyed it, once he got the hang of it. I hadn’t thought to bring his roller blades, but he wants to go back so we will try that next time.
After a quick lunch, we ran home to change into bathing suits and head off to a pool/bbq gathering. We’ve had the plans for this in the works for a while, and it was great. Kids of all ages played great together, and the adults were all able to chill and chat. It was hard to call it a night.
This ended up being one of the most fun weeks. With school right around the corner, I really feel the need to squeeze in as much as possible before the end of summer, so the next few weeks are definitely going to be packed!
How was your week in training?
Do you roller skate?

Great week of workouts and it looks like you had a lot of fun too! you definitely made up for lost time when it came to your running – you totally rocked that last week!
Kim G recently posted…Weekly Wrap: I’m Running Again!
Such a busy week! Your recaps always make me feel like a slacker!
I”ll be very interested to hear more about your hubs sinus treatments.
Oh, me, too. It’s been such a struggle for us all. I know he feels miserable and we are really trying to explore every avenue. So many people swear by acupuncture, so I don’t see how it can hurt.
Isn’t it sad how fast summer is coming to an end already?! I don’t want it to end.
If I could grow a citrus tree I would definitely be planting one!
Oh, gosh. It’s crazy! I feel like we just started, and we have so much still to do!
300 abs exercises? Yikes! You had a great week of workouts! The dolphins must have been so fun to see. We got to see some hump-backed whales in California this past weekend. Amazing!
The Accidental Marathoner recently posted…Weekly Wrap ~ July 15, 2018
Oh, they were brutal! I hate doing my abs, which shows, but I do try.
We are hopefully going whale watching next summer, and I cannot wait. I’ve been on tours before and they are magical.
That’s an amazing undertaking doing all of that beach clean-up. Isn’t it disgusting how inconsiderate others can be, leaving their garbage behind like that? Thankfully, there’s people like you (and your family) pitching in and helping keep America beautiful 😉
It’s definitely eye-opening, and I think so good for people to see the waste. As we were cleaning up with our buckets, people were leaving the beach, and literally leaving bottles, wrappers and other junk behind. Talk about rude and destructive.
Miss the ocean. I love watching the Dolphins.
I’m thinking of Melbourne Half on Feb 10. Know anything about it?
You son is having such a fun summer. You’re a great mom!!
Darlene recently posted…Weekly Wrap for 7.9.18-7.15.18: On the Road Again
Aw. That about made me cry! He is having fun this summer. It’s a really good summer and I hope he has great memories of it.
I don’t know much about the Melbourne half. Melbourne is gorgeous so I can only imagine it’s a decent race!
Such a beautiful way to commemorate PopPop! Also, a really busy week!! And 300 abs my goodness!!
You really did have a great week. I love that you planted that tree. It will be a meaningful tribute as you watch it grow. <3
Coco recently posted…Sweaty Summer Workouts
It’s worth pointing out that I have a bit of a brown thumb, so I’m al little concerned about the tree, but … hopefully it fares better than some of our other gardening attempts.
300 abs sounds like a killer workout! I think it’s wonderful that you all volunteered to help with the beach clean up! Summer really is flying by but it really looks like you all are making the most of it 🙂
Michelle @ Running with Attitude recently posted…A quick wrap up
Killer indeed. My core hurt for days!
I have been loving the heck out of this summer!
Great job on getting those miles in! I need to start working out again!
Farrah recently posted…Fermentation Revolution
It’s the one thing really keeping me in check right now. The last few months have been a little challenging.
Nice work with all of the great ab work. I have been trying to do more. And oh that mermaid donut!
It was quite fabulous.
So many miles! Nice work!
Sounds like Little Man is having an amazing summer! I can’t believe it’s half over already. Wahhhh!
I hope the acupuncture works for the Mister. I’ve been struggling with allergies and asthma the last few weeks myself. I’m curious if he’ll find that to be helpful.
Stacie Seidman recently posted…Truthful Tuesday: the one about Badger
I feel you on the pressure to squeeze as much into the summer days as possible. I feel like summer is just flying by, and we only got out of school for the summer a month ago. If only the winter months would fly by as quickly as the summer ones do.
Kathryn @ Dancing to Running recently posted…Chicago Marathon Training Log – Week 6
Wow, that’s a crazy number of miles. I’m glad you’re making the most out of your summer! The donut looks amazing, too!
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