Since it’s 2020, obviously everything is backwards, upside down, and screwed up. We spent the earlier part of the week prepping for a Tropical Storm (weeks after hurricane season ended), and I turned my mind to planning for Thanksgiving and Christmas. I don’t know about you, but I cannot wait until New Year’s! 2020 can exit stage right!
Sunday – 3.07 miles, walking + 100 pushups
Finally, I got a decent night’s sleep. My insomnia has gotten worse and worse as the year progresses, and it can be hard to wake with the alarm.

I also hopped back into the Abvember challenge, after taking a day off. I just didn’t have the energy after 13.1 miles.
Mr PugRunner made a lengthy trip to the grocery store. He wanted to stock up on some supplies, just in case the storm ended up being worse than anticipated. We haven’t had to pay much attention to the tropics this year, and it was weird prepping so late.
Monday – 4.05 miles, walking + 100 sit-ups
Monday morning walks are so necessary to getting back into the swing of the week. Sometimes, you just have to fake it til you make it, right?

Tuesday – 4.6 miles running + 2.19 miles, walking + 10:00 of planks
It’s frustrating that we can have such beautiful running days, and then other days are just so hot and humid. Ugh. But what else can we do but smile through it?

A had his virtual cooking club, and this week, they got to make quiche. He chose to add provolone, bacon and spinach to his recipe, and it was quite delicious. Cooking club has my fullest support.

Normally, Tuesday nights are date nights, but I wasn’t feeling up to going out. Mr PugRunner brought in tteakout from our regular restaurant, and we enjoyed a nice meal on the couch at home. It was kind of a nice break.
Wednesday – 4.38 miles, walking + 100 pushups
On Wednesday, we celebrated Veteran’s Day. I walked through a nearby neighborhood where they had a gorgeous display of flags, honoring all branches of service and our POWs. It was so inspiring to see them all fluttering in the morning breeze.

Technically, A didn’t have school for the holiday, but since it’s virtual, he took his class and got the work done anyway. Mr PugRunner also spent some time at home, which was nice.
Thursday – 3.00 miles, running + 100 sit ups
We woke up to the first bands of Tropical Storm Eta. Since it was only slightly drizzling, we decided to give it a go. By mile two, the winds had given way to a fairly heavy rain, and we ended up calling it at three.
My shoes may still be wet.

By afternoon, it was mostly cleared up – A had done all his schoolwork on Wednesday just in case of a power outage, so we had a long weekend with few responsibilities.
Friday – 4.40 miles, walking + 10:00 planks
Another Friday. I was pretty well looking forward to the weekend, even if we did get some more fog and rain.

After my workout, I went to grab coffee and was pleasantly surprised that the person in the car ahead of me paid for my order. I didn’t realize it was World Kindness Day until l got home.

I paid it forward by gifting a Starbucks gift card to a neighbor. Giving always feels so good.
Saturday – 8 miles, running + 1.31 walking
After last weekend’s half marathon, I made the executive decision to settle in at eight miles for the next few weeks. I see no harm in getting a bitt more comfortable there before bumping up to nine and ten miles.
This run was special, because J and I wore teal and purple in honor of the Foundation of Suicide Prevention and Awareness. We dedicated our miles to a friend’s father, who lost his life to suicide last year.

While we wrapped up, A spent some time packing boxes for Operation Christmas Child. We are definitely going to spend some time working on our giving and kindness this year. I think it will be good for our souls.
A solid week, even though I did get shorted some miles thanks to the storm. It happens. I hope to make it up this week.
This is our last week before A gets Thanksgiving Break. At his public school, he only ever had Wednesday – Friday off, but FLVS offers a full week. Whoo hoo! I want to find fun things to do, but with the uptick in COVID cases (knock on wood, our area still seems to hover on the edge of “ok”), I’m also thinking about making a run to the store for crafts and activities and spending the week at home.
I have not been quite so dedicated to Abvember, but I’m trying. Somtimes, these challenges are great, but they get difficult (especially if I’m out of the house or in the car, and can’t drop for 10 sit-ups right this second).
Now I have to switch gears for Thanksgiving. As I’ve mentioned, I’m not interested in celebrating at all this year, but I know the boys expect something, so I will get it together. Blah.
I am linking up with the Weekly Rundown, with Confessions of A Mother Runner and Running on the Fly! Check them out!

How was your week in training?
Any big victories this week?

There are some days when the weather just doesn’t support being outside and there’s not much that we as runners can do about it. We had a huge storm last night and a lot of people are without power so sometimes the treadmill isn’t even an option.
Hmm, gotta get my stepsons into a cooking club. I’d love it if they made me a quiche!
Eek. I hope everyone got their power back! That’s awful, especially when it’s cold.
This was a yummy quiche. I hope we can make another one soon.
My son’s school has a cooking club and I’ve been encouraging him to join – such a good skill!
How nice to have been gifted a coffee, and then to pass it on. I like your plan to focus on giving – we were just discussing last night how to volunteer/support some local charities this holiday season. So many people are hurting…
It would be great for him!
I wish we could do more with the people in need but the pandemic is really cramping everyone’s settle across the board.
Both my boys enjoy cooking, but their dad is our main cook so it all makes sense! I think it’s great. BTW, we are having quiche this week too!
I don’t think I could dedicate myself to any kind of ab challenge. I did the WOD today at home and there were 50 abs in the middle. I considered skipping it but I knew it I was there i wouldn’t have been able to. That’s my motivation, lol
Yay for quiche!
My lower back really started hurting. I think it has to do with that fact I’m just on the hard floor. I don’t take the time to get a mat out everytime I need to do the moves. Whoops.
Well, I tried to jump into the Abvember challenge, and failed miserably LOL I got through six hours on Monday (last week), but totally forgot about it after that. Oh well, I do planks every morning, so my FOMO isn’t too severe.
I’ve fallen off the wagon. My lower back has been hurting and I just can’t manage anymore. Blah.
it’s great to learn cooking skills at a young age. Thanksgiving definitely does not feel like a holiday this year at all! But lots to be thankful for none the less
I am so glad he cooks, and does it so well. He will be making the mac and cheese and pumpkin pie for Thanksgiving.
Yes, lots to be thankful for. That’s what we need to remember.
Nice work despite the weather! The tropics have been crazy this year. One right after the next. Glad the storm wasn’t too bad for you guys.
We aren’t planning on a Thanksgiving this year. Since it’s just me in the house, I’m doing the lazy woman’s thanksgiving. Getting a rotisserie chicken, stove top, and Bob Evans mashed potatoes… Lol. Laziest.
That sounds great to me. I would be totally down for ordering Chinese or pizza, but I think the house would revolt.
Sorry you had to deal with the tropical storm earlier in the week. Just another thing to worry about – ugh! I am not in the Thanksgiving spirit, but I’m trying to get there. I know I have so much to be thankful for but I’m so sad for all the millions of people dealing with so many hardships this year.
It’s just so hard this time of year. I have been listening to Christmas music every day to try to lift my spirits. It’s only been mildly effective.
I love quiche!
I am jealous that your son has the week off. We have class Monday and Tuesday and then off the rest of the week.
A few times I have paid for someone’s order at the drive-thru. Feels good to help someone and I never expect anything in return.
He has never had a week off before! It’s kind of cool… except that we can’t go anywhere or do anything.
Yikes on the storm and all the rain. A’s cooking club sounds soo fun and I love how much he gets into it. His quiche sounds delish!
Sounds smart to hang at 8 miles for your long run for a few weeks after your recent half. I’ve become the queen on building back up slowly and it seems to be working well so far.
We got a ton of rain dumped on us as TS Eta moved through. BTW, technically, it’s hurricane season through November 30th.
I’m half meh and half excited about Thanksgiving…
Debbie @ Deb Runs recently posted…Writing a Birthday Letter to Myself During a Global Pandemic
We usually call it November 1. That’s when our focus moves on to “winter” lol.
I was kind of excited yesterday. Today, I am not.
Culinary Class sounds awesome! Is that a local thing he is doing with friends or anything like that? I was tossing around some travel ideas for Thanksgiving but got rejected by the family. But now I’m freaking out a bit because my daughter came home with a fever and headache. OH NO! I can’t find a test center until Monday, so isolation until we know more. Whomp whomp 🙁