There has been so much tragedy of late.
The devastation wreaked by both man and nature has been staggering. Incomprehensible.
Shootings, bombings, explosions, hurricanes, tornadoes, fires. It’s just too much.
Today, please remember the victims of the tornadoes in Oklahoma. The children who didn’t survive. The people who lost their family and friends, their homes and businesses. The lives lost and the lives that are forever changed.
If you are in a position to help, the Red Cross is on the ground in the stricken areas. You can visit to make a donation online or text REDCROSS to 90999 to give $10 to American Red Cross Disaster Relief in order to aid the victims in Moore and surrounding areas.
K-FOR in Oklahoma has a comprehensive list of shelters, resources and ways in which people can assist. Every little bit helps.
Please keep those devastated by this tragedy close to your hearts and in your thoughts.
P.J. Murphy says
It is definitely a crazy world we live in. I agree that we all should take a moment and figure out the best way to help/honor those affected by tragedies.
I do love how the general running community at large seems to respond to tragic events. There is no doubt in my mind that there will be numerous people running to raise funds for the victims of this most recent tragedy and that there will be races popping up to benefit the people most affected.
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runswithpugs says
It’s encouraging that so many communities have banded together to help those who are have been hurt or are suffering in the wake of these recent tragedies. I hope that you are right and we see some amazing benefits organized for the victims.