Halloween was amazing! Absolutely amazing!
While I don’t love the fact that Halloween was on a Thursday (I’m sure the teachers didn’t love it either), we just had to make the best of it.
We hosted a little pre-Trick-or-Treat dinner for some of the little ones in the neighborhood, with yummy food for the kids and adults alike. I hoped it would take some of the pressure off getting home and getting dinner fixed before heading out for the festivities.
Little man was excited to see some of his friends.
We wanted to serve some hearty, mostly kid-friendly selections, to provide a good base for the candy frenzy to come. I totally reigned it in on desserts, serving only cupcakes and munchkins with cider, (which was hard because I love making Halloween desserts).
We had orange and black tortillas with spinach dip, ghost-shaped marshmallows and strawberries on sticks, little brie cups, and “mummy dogs” (hot dogs wrapped in strips of crescent rolls)…

And then there were cocktail meatballs, a platter of chicken nuggets and little individual macaroni & cheeses (made in a muffin tin!). Don’t worry! Recipes to come!
We did a bit of a Star Wars/Clone Wars theme. I wasn’t comfortable with the Padme Amidala white spandex unitard number, so I modified a Cleopatra costume to moderately resemble Princess Leia’s gown from the award ceremony from the end of A New Hope. I think it worked.
After chatting and enjoying dinner, and letting the kids play in the yard for a bit, the sun was finally low enough in the sky that we could head out.
I had made little goodie bags with some glow necklaces and rings for safety, so we got the kids together and out the door. After some adorable group pictures, they hurried off with their bags while I stayed behind to hand out candy and offer cider and donuts.
I hope you had as wonderful of a time as we did and that you are ready to enjoy your November (OMG how is it November already?)!
Do you have any special Halloween traditions?
Can you believe it’s almost the end of the year already?

Nothing special in our house for the holiday…Thanksgiving is more my thing!
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Thanksgiving is right about here! It’s showtime!
Wow, you put on quite a spread! Sounds like Little Man had a great night!
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