You may want to sit down for this revelation.
I. Hate. The. Taper.
Shocking. I know.
I don’t even know if I’m doing it particularly well. “Resting” really isn’t in my nature and the whole stepback of miles has felt more like laziness than smart management of energy.
But, as with all things running, I am trying to trust the process.
In less than a week, I will be running my first half-marathon. I cannot believe that ten months ago, I was struggling to complete my first weeks of Couch 25K. In less than a week, I will be pulling on my compression sleeves and sporting this gorgeous medal. (It’s so sparkly!)

I’m feeling a whole lot of feels and I’m just hoping that I can keep my nerves under control. I had such an awesome time at the St. Augustine 10K and I attribute a lot of it to not having my usual pre-race anxiety. Fingers crossed that I can have a repeat performance.
I am hoping to enjoy this week. I’ll be taking some pictures, resting, enjoying a joyful, love and laughter filled Thanksgiving, and spending time with some of my favorite people in the world. Additionally, we’ll get in our first visit to Santa!
So, blogging will probably be spotty this week, as it’s a holiday and I’m desperately trying not to overdo it. I hope that you and yours have a wonderful Thanksgiving week, with lots of love and happiness and delicious food.
How do you feel about the dreaded taper?
Any advice for me on how to get through it without losing my mind?

I never really was bothered much by taper.
At this point, the best thing you can do to improve the half-marathon experience is to relax and breathe so you can stay in the moment and enjoy each step when race day comes around. 🙂
I am a bad breather. Very bad. I’m really not cut out for this running thing at all!
Don’t let the taper worry you. That’s the least of it. Keep yourself hydrated in the upcoming days, get lots of sleep, and be sure not to go out too fast in the beginning. It’s hard to do when you’re so excited and amped up at the start. Find a pacer nearby and stick with them.
Believe in your training and you’ll do fine. Remember that the race isn’t against the other runners, it’s against the voice in your head saying you can’t do it. Good Luck and I hope to see you then!!!
Haley recently posted…Weekly Workouts 11/18 – 11/24
I absolutely hope to see you! Are you part of the Run Space Coast FB group?
I hate it too. I definitely want to do that race someday. Good luck. Start slow and enjoy. There’s only ONE first half.
Darlene recently posted…Running and Eating
Gah! I know! I hope it’s as epic as I want it to be!
I despise the taper, but my work load has kind of forced it upon me. So I guess that’s a good thing?
As for advice – Wine & Pies Thanksgiving!! CAN’T WAIT!!
Kristin @ A Mom on the Run recently posted…2013 Wine & Dine Half Marathon
I guess it’s one way of doing it. However, hopefully your workload is down and you can enjoy this race! I am so excited for you.
I love the taper.
Good luck on your first half!! You’ve done your training. You’re ready! YOU GOT THIS! 🙂
DragonLady recently posted…Maniacal Monday #25
I really hope so! Thanks for the encouragement!
Tapering is the worst, but stick with the plan. It will be worth it!!! Good luck at your half, you will be great!
Meg @ Meg-in-Training recently posted…Money Saving Tips for the Holidays
Thank you! I’m sticking!
I hate taper.. but I only love that it lets me sleep in and eat more. I cannot wait to hear how you do! I’m so excited 😀
Rachel @ Undercover Diva: A Sitcom recently posted…Just One of Those Days
Oh, gosh. I wish I could sleep more! I am excited! And scared! And excited!
One good thing about the taper is that you can spend more time reading running blogs!
Tina@GottaRunNow recently posted…The Puddle Experiment
This is true. And I have fallen way behind!
Good luck on your race, you are going to do fantastic 🙂 I am so proud of your progress!!
Nellie @ Brooklyn Active Mama recently posted…Share Your Step Up Story & Win A FitBit Activity Tracker!
Thank you so much!
I loved my taper for my full…..
Amanda @ There Are 2 Sides recently posted…Monday’s Motivation
I can imagine for a full, it’s a much-welcomed break!
You will do fabulously. The taper is tough but just think of all the energy you’re storing up for the big shebang!
Stephanie @ Cat Lady Runs recently posted…Running in St. Augustine and an Irrational Fear
An excellent point, to be sure! Fingers crossed that it worked.
I’m actually not really tapering for this next race – I hope I don’t regret that… Can’t wait to hear all about Space Coast!
Kristen @ The Smith Summary recently posted…That Time I PRd in Fun
Gah! You’re going to do great, regardless!
I love tapering!
And you rocked today!!!
Andrea recently posted…Weekly Recap- November 25- December 1, 2013
I couldn’t have done it without so much incredible support! So glad we got to hang out more!