So last night, I just tried to relax before I would have to finish packing for the drive to Amelia Island.
We had dinner at a local restaurant to support little man’s school. It was nice to get out with friends, even though we’ve been eating out a lot this week. Our dishwasher was broken and I was being incredibly lazy. It was just easier to let someone else do the cooking and the cleanup.
I haven’t finished that aforementioned packing yet, either. I have most things folded up, but for some reason, the shorter the trip, the more things I try to bring. I will deal with it after I get the little man off to school.
Today would have been Oscar’s 14th birthday. I’m having a hard time with it. Little man has been doing well, but this week, he started crying and telling me that he missed Oscar and wished he didn’t have to go to heaven. That makes two of us (well, probably five of us). It’s a bad weekend all the way around, because Oscar passed the day after my first half. For whatever reason, I can’t shake that out of my head. The two have absolutely nothing to do with each other, I know, but it’s this mental block I need to overcome.
So. Where am I at for tomorrow?
1. Stay warm and stay hydrated. It’s hard for me to drink during the cold, especially things like water or electrolyte replacer (a good glass of pinot noir would be just the thing). I can’t imagine I will be sweating that much in 30 and 40 degree temperatures, but it’s something I need to watch.
2. Focus on my music and the scenery and the finish line. Those are the three things that will matter. I need to clear all the less-than-positive thoughts from my head and just breathe the run. Period. The end.
3. Finish with a smile and with gratitude. I am singularly blessed in that I can go out and run tomorrow. I need to never forget that.
How do you hydrate in the cold weather? Is it different than how you manage the heat?
Are you running any races this weekend?

It’s still so hard, I’m sorry you guys are having a rough time this week with your memories of sweet Oscar. It seems to hit us at the most odd times and out of the blue. Sending big, healing hugs.
And we can totally get the Pinot Noir fix at dinner tonight – I heard wine makes you run faster. An expert told me so. It worked for me last weekend!
I like where this is going. I am all for a nice glass o’ wine. 🙂
runswithpugs recently posted…twas the night before ZOOMA
We just lost our beloved dog this week and you’ve been on my mind a lot. I went back and read your post about Oscar and it help me so much in my own mourning process so I wanted to thank you for that.
Just remember to have fun and relax during ZOOMA! You are amazing.
Mer recently posted…Goodbye Jack Daniel
Oh, Mer. I’m so, so sorry for your loss. It’s heartbreaking. Sending so many hugs and so much love.
runswithpugs recently posted…twas the night before ZOOMA
Good luck and have fun. I don’t hydrate that much when it is cold.
Darlene recently posted…Before the Mayor’s Wellness 10 Mile Race
It’s so hard to keep the fluids going in when it’s like this. Fingers crossed for no cramping.
runswithpugs recently posted…twas the night before ZOOMA
Can’t wait to meet you!!! Let’s go out there and have a great and fun race. Woo hoo! xo
Jesica @rUnladylike recently posted…Half Marathon Race Day Playlist
It was so nice meeting you! I hope we have the opportunity to do so again at another race! So proud of your awesome performance!
Losing a pet is the worst… you grieve and grieve and people don’t always get it – it’s not as acceptable as grieving for a person. Which is stupid. Because they’re family, too! =(
As for your race, you’re going to be great – try to stay hydrated today and don’t worry so much about drinking during the race. You don’t need as much as you think you do, as long as you’re hydrated before hand. You’ll be ok.
Diana recently posted…Eat & Run
Thanks, Diana. It was a tough couple of days. <3
I hydrated and did my best 🙂
Good luck! I am sure you will have an absolute blast, I am crazy jealous!
Anne @ recently posted…Five Things Friday
Thank you! I can’t wait to share. This race was amazing!
Just relax you will do great! I don’t have to hydrate as much, but still I make yourself take a little at most of the aid stations. You will be surprised how warm you will get once you get going! Good luck.
Kathy Nguyen recently posted…Runnng its Own Reward?
I mixed up water and Cytomax. It worked ok. Still got some cramps at the end. My calves just don’t like those last couple of miles. Boo.
Good luck tomorrow Jen!! I know Oscar will be cheering for you too 🙂
Kristen @ The Smith Summary recently posted…Weekend Splurger
Thank you, Kristen. I am pretty sure Oscar would have been all “screw this noise, Mommy. stay in bed and snuggle where it’s warm.” He was all about the cuddles. <3
Good luck and have fun!!
I hydrate some with nunn tablets in water before running. It seems to help.
Lisa recently posted…Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious
Thank you! It was a great race!
I just force myself to drink, even though I don’t feel like I need it as much.
Yesterday was my coldest race ever in SC.
Hope you didn’t get too cold.
Abby @ BackAtSquareZero recently posted…Comment on How Not to Taper by abby
It was frigid! Eeek!
runswithpugs recently posted…twas the night before ZOOMA