Happy Monday! It’s time for the Weekly Wrap with HoHo Runs and MissSippi Piddlin, guest hosted by Zenaida!
If you do a weekly recap post, this is a great way to check in with other active bloggers for extra support, sharing and accountability!
Sunday – rest
We celebrated Father’s Day. Mr PugRunner wanted to see the sunrise at the beach, so we obliged by getting up super early, picking up doughnuts and coffee, and setting up shop on the sand.
Originally, we were only going to be there for an hour or two, but we ended up staying until nearly noon! Between shelling and swimming and dolphin watching and boogie boarding, we were having too much fun.
At home, we gave Mr PugRunner the second part of his gift: a fishing rod (The first part was a really nice cooler for the back yard that accidentally arrived a few days too early. Oops). Now the guys can fish together instead of sharing a rod.
And then we grilled burgers and enjoyed dinner with my parents.
Monday – rest
We had to leave the house a little earlier than usual because I had to get little man to his first day of basketball camp before work. Eek. Drop off went fairly smoothly and pickup was also relatively easy. I had some time to kill between the end of my day and the end of camp but I was able to use it for errands.
He had a great day and seemed excited about all the new skills he was learning.
Tuesday – 4 miles, running
I was lucky to be able to drag myself out of bed to get these four miles. The heat and humidity has become oppressive. Four is all I could manage, and I wasn’t really thrilled about that, but it was better than nothing.
I had some extra time after work before I had to get little man, so I took a book to the beach and read for a while. It was a glorious, breezy afternoon and I loved the break.
Also nice? Receiving my medals from the Rock ‘n’ Roll Virtual Series! These were really gorgeous, and they all had bases so they could stand up and hang on a medal rack.
Wednesday – rest
We had a bit of a scramble – after work, I zipped home to shower and change and then it was right back downtown to get little man and meet my parents for my mom’s birthday dinner. Our meal was delicious and it was nice to take a stroll around the city afterwards.
Thursday – 5 miles, running
I was able to run with S this morning, and it was nice having a buddy.
In the evening, I was elected part of little man’s new school’s PTA committee. It’s very important to me to volunteer time to help at school, and since he will be starting from scratch, I want to be as hands on as possible.
Friday – rest
After camp dropoff, I made a trip to a local fish market to pick up something for dinner, and then did some grocery shopping.
At 3:15 Mr PugRunner and I went over to the gym for the awards ceremony. Little man didn’t win any of the individual trophies, but he cheered on his fellow campers and came home with a new basketball.
Saturday – 5 miles, running
I was a little rushed for time, and settled for five miles.
Mr PugRunner signed up for a cornhole tournament in the neighborhood, so little man and I rode our bikes down to cheer him on for a bit before we had to get ready for a birthday party.
The tournament ran way longer than we thought, so we had to take separate cars to the party. Mr PugRunner and our neighbor took third place, and they plan to do it again. I’m glad to see some of the guys in our community coming together for some social events.
I have to give myself a little bit of grace for summer. I only have some smaller 5Ks coming up until October or November, so as long as my base stays strong, I should be ok to ramp up my training when things cool down.
How was your week in training?
Have you ever watched the sun rise at the beach?

So many birthdays! Sounds like a great week overall, and you still fit in a lot of miles!
I had no idea cornhole tournaments were a thing! That’s so fun!
Stacie Seidman recently posted…La Mundial: The good and the bad
April through June is just a constant round of celebrations around here!
Cornhole is super popular. They had fun and I’m glad!