Now that you’ve set them, how do you plan to achieve your goals this year? After all, French writer Antoine de Saint-Exupéry wisely said “A goal without a plan is just a wish.” That means we need to kick it into gear and figure out the best strategy to make those wishes come true!

Write it down
It’s always easier to stick to a plan when you write it down. Use a notebook, planner, or calendar to lock in your goals, so you can refer back to them and have a visual reminder of what you hope to achieve. You can always make adjustments, but having the framework in writing is never a bad idea.

Carve out the time
Now that you have your goals outlined, you need to make time for them. Get out your calendar and schedule regular days and times to get to work. Of course, you’ll have to honor this schedule – after all, you can’t reach your goals if you don’t dedicate the time to them. It will get easier, too, once you get in a routine. Hang in there.

Don’t be afraid to ask for support
Remember: you are not alone in seeking to achieve your goals. Reach out to someone who will help encourage you and even push you from time to time. It could be an old friend, who knows all your ins and out, or a new one, who you might have met in pursuit of similar goals. Everyone needs a little helping hand from time to time, and most people are happy to help cheer you on (especially if you do the same for them!)

Create a reward system
I am a big believer in the “treat yo’self” mentality. When you hit a goal, promise yourself a reward. Maybe it’s a rest day from the gym, or new running shoes, or even a race registration. Whatever carrot you choose, make sure it’s something you find exciting and motivating. It will help you get after your dreams.

Stay on track
It can be so easy to get distracted, but stay they course! Consistency and dedication will carry you through, even on the hard days. Remember your goals, and keep pushing through. It will all be worth it.

How do you plan to achieve your goals?
Link Up With Tuesday Topics
This year, I am joining up with Zenaida, of The Running Teacher for Tuesday Topics! I am so honored to be carrying on the role from Kim, at KookyRunner, and I hope that I live up to her running blog shoes! Check out our new graphic!
We’d love for you to be a part of it! Just join the link up, comment on your hosts’ posts, and then comment on at least two others. It’s a great way to share the love!

All great strategies! I have found that most goals need an end date, at least for me. Deciding on a deadline, then working backwards to set mini goals has worked for me. Good luck in ‘24!
Oh, I didn’t really think about it that way! I will have a goal of “do this before X” but I never really considered X any kind of hard deadline.
Yes, I love that quote (“a goal without a plan is just a wish.”) So, so true. I’m trying hard to stay on track with my January goals. To make it more fun I’m getting some stickers to put on the days in my planner when I complete an activity towards one of my goals. I’m trying to be more proactive and engaged this year- otherwise it’s easy to let things slide.
Great post!
I have stickers for my planner and I love adding them!
You’ve got this, and you know you have all of us for support, too!
Great advice! The reward system works well for me, too. I can’t tell you all the stuff that I’ve promised myself on those long runs!
Also, having a support (and accountability) system works well. The running blogging community is a great help to me!
Huge help! We have to look out for each other!
I love this! I love even more the reward system. New shoes? Yes, please. New top? Definitely.
I have two new tanks coming today! Yay for me!
I am all for a great self reward system!
It’s so motivating!