The truth is I have a ton of running gear. In fairness, I NEED all of it, but in more fairness, I need to keep it organized properly for efficiency and neatness.

Running Shoes
I store my running shoes on a rack in the garage. They do take up several shelves, but I have a fairly healthy rotation, and it’s not time to donate any pairs yet. The rack is right outside the garage door, so it’s easy to grab a pair on my way out for a run or race. It’s a perfect set up, and it’s a great way to see what I have and rotate through.

Sports Bras, Socks, Shorts + Leggings
I have a great systems of shelves and wire drawers in my closet, and that’s where the bulk of my clothing hangs out. This is also probably the messiest part of my organization system. Leggings and tights end up folded on a shelf above these two drawers. The top drawer houses my bras, socks, gaiters, gloves, and other small accessories. And in the bottom are my running shorts.

Running Tops
We have more space for hanging than drawers for folded items, so all my running tops go on hangers. Tank tops are on the top rod, while long sleeves and sweatshirts go on the bottom. Yes, they hang in ROYGBIV order.

Yes, I have a problem, and no, I’m not doing a thing to solve it. I have an extensive collection of Goodr glasses, and they hang in this really cool display in our office. I don’t have room to keep them in their original boxes, so this works just as well. Again, I arrange them by color, and by style. And yes, I’m about due for an additional display hanger.

My fabulous Alter Ego hats hang on the shoe rack. I don’t usually decide if I’m taking a hat until I’m on my way out the door for a run, so this is the perfect place for them. As I work on the garage, I plan to hang some additional hooks above the rack to accommodate them a little better.

Fuel + Hydration
My running fuel stays in a container in the pantry. Since I’m not running super long distance right now, I don’t have a ton in stock, but that change depending on where I’m at in the training cycle. It all hangs out with my nut butters, which are also on my list of fuels I enjoy using.

How do you organize your running gear?
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I love that you hang up your running tops (and colour-coded, too)! So much easier to have an overview!
I fold my shorts and tops and put them on a shelf.
To be honest, I don’t have that much gear, especially since I just gave away a lot of things (there’s a big need for second-hand running gear in South Africa). But I still manage to have messy drawer with all the hydration packs and bottles!
Ugh. Just a mess. But I don’t have time to organize.
I’m lucky that I have 3 bedrooms to store things in dressers.
Each drawer is a different type. I roll everything so they take up less room and I can see the colors.
And yes I can’t keep those boxes. They’re in trays on a shelf in a cabinet
I love this, your gear is very organized!! As many years as I have run I honestly don’t have much running gear at all. A few tops, a few pairs of leggings and I always have two pairs of shoes I rotate. That’s about it besides what is in my running bag. I need to up my running gear game!
OMG, I love how your tops are arranged by color. Great idea!
I have a problem lol!