It was one of those days where the best-laid plans quickly evaporated. I had planned to get up at six and squeeze in my 31 minutes, in time to get little man off to school and still make a nine AM ladies’ coffee group.
The reality was that we were awakened at 5:30, when our oldest pug burst some of the benign cyst he has near his hind leg. We had a lot of cleaning up and calming down to do, but we finally got the situation under control. Only to have little man wake up with a kind of ugly cough. Since ugly coughs generally mean strep in our house, we decided to play it safe, keep him home from school and take him to the doctor. (Not to worry! No strep. Just a mild case of the sniffles, probably brought on by the crazy weather we’ve been having.)
At about 7:15, with the fort held down, I was able to sneak out for Week 2, Day 2. I wasn’t sure that I was going to be able to squeeze it in later, what with appointments and evening T-ball practice, and, quite honestly, the thought of not doing it made me a little edgy. Could this be the start of something like love of running? Gasp.
Again, it was cold, so I bundled up in an extra sweatshirt, which ended up bogging down my movements. I would have been cold without it, even with the physical activity, so I don’t regret the decision. On the plus side, there was no wind today. Just super cold, crisp air.
I was a little slower today, and didn’t travel quite as far. The difference from Week 2 Day 1 is probably negligible to most, but I’m interested to see where I’m falling on distance and speed from day to day.
Physically and emotionally, I feel good. My feet, ankles, knees and hips are doing well. I’m experiencing moments of soreness in areas where new muscles are being forced to work, but that’s to be expected. I’m noticing some higher energy levels, too.
I’m planning tomorrow as a day of straight walking. I feel like I’ll want to push myself, but I don’t want to do too much, too fast. Especially not when I’m just starting. Mr PugRunner took today off entirely, so I want to be able to motivate him for his second day of Week 2. I like being able to push each other and discuss our results.
On a side note, I’m on Day 15 without my ginormous, daily Diet Dr Pepper fix. I’m only drinking a diet soda if we go out, and I’m only getting caffeine in an occasional bit of chocolate. I WANT it, but I don’t NEED it. I know this is healthier for me in the long run,

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