Due to some very tight scheduling today, I had planned to get up at 6am to run.
This translated to waking up at 3am, laying there for three and a half hours, then dozing off to the drone of the snooze mode on my phone and finally getting out the door at 7:20.
I tried.
However, had I gone any earlier, I would have missed this.
So, you know. It all worked out.
It was in the low 40s today, with a slight wind, and you know what? It really didn’t bother me. Sure, it was cold, and I would have been a lot happier in the 60s, but I didn’t experience that awful burning in my windpipe today.
Which means I’m getting better.
That realization made this last day of Week 3 FLY.
I even ran an extra minute during my second 3 minute jog interval when I accidentally paused the Couch 2 5K app. I only noticed when my coordinating 3 minute song ended and I saw the countdown stopped at 1:20. Oops. I just unpaused and kept going. Take that, self-doubt.
The only thing I really didn’t like about this week was that the distance came out so much shorter. I really like having those 3 mile training periods. I’m sure we’re going to start building back up soon. And I’m excited! Excited about longer distances, excited about how great I feel… Just excited.
I’m noting this as a great outing.
In the meantime, Mr PugRunner is also doing really well. He has one more run in order to complete Week 3. He has been trucking along beautifully and even stopped at a local running store the other day to ask questions about stretching (the answer? stretch a lot after and never before) and when to come in for the official shoe fitting. He seemed pleased that the shoe prices weren’t exorbitant, too, which will make the continuation of this activity even easier. I’m so proud of him.
Can’t wait to see how we both do with the continuous five minute run interval next week!

Curious? You’ll kill it! Which store did he go to? I was also pleasantly surprised by the people there, I was super intimidated my first time going in, but they were SO knowledgeable and helpful!