We had the most wonderful Spring Break and Easter holiday.
I was looking for something to do for the week long break from school, and thought maybe I would take little man on a long road trip to visit his cousins. Mr PugRunner, perhaps feeling left out, got involved in the planning and booked flights for all of us to head north.
I was pretty excited because, not only were we going to get to spend time with Mr PugRunner’s brother and family, but it was also supposed to be time for the cherry blossoms to bloom. Unfortunately, the unexpected snow and cold weather delayed the blooming, so I didn’t get to see them. This time.
However, we found other ways to fill our days.
We visited a beautiful botanical garden to take some pictures of all the cousins. Little man had his first ever laser tag experience. We visited the Easter Bunny and spent the most amazing day at the National Mall in DC for the Cherry Blossom Kite Festival. I have never seen anything like it.
Best of all, little man got to enjoy the Easter holidays with some great family and some new traditions. My sister-in-law hides the Easter baskets and creates jellybean trails to guide her children to their locations. It’s something we’re going to need to adopt for our home. If we can figure out how to keep the pugs from eating the jellybeans. Little man thought it was fantastic!
The Easter Bunny didn’t forget me, either. I had mentioned that I wanted a running watch for my upcoming birthday in May, and Mr PugRunner strategized with his brother to make it happen a little early. I think I’m most impressed that it was pink! I honestly have not had a chance to take it for a test run, but it’s charging as we speak and I cannot WAIT to run with it.
We hope you all enjoyed (or are enjoying) your breaks and holidays! We’re working on getting back into the regular swing of things and settling into our routine!
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