Here we are. Day 6 post-op.
Honestly? I’m struggling. I knew the recovery period for adults was going to be hard. Everyone has been incredibly frank and forthcoming about that. But Thursday and Friday weren’t that bad at all, and I got lulled into a false sense of security. I couldn’t talk and I couldn’t eat, but I could manage drinking and the pain wasn’t excruciating.
I figured the weekend was going to be great. Some napping, some hanging out with friends, maybe a trip to the movie theater or the outdoor mall to stretch my legs. It was going to be fine.
Unfortunately, I was wrong. Saturday and Sunday were tough. I had a fever and was in a great deal of pain. It’s a miracle I didn’t end up in the ER for dehydration because I barely managed to drink. And to add insult to injury, I had blue gatorade and liquid medication come out my nose. Mortifying. And gross.
I’m frustrated. I’m annoyed that my body isn’t handling it better. That I’m not healing faster. That I’m so freaking tired. All of which are totally unreasonable. I miss talking with Mr PugRunner and little man. Heck, I miss talking in general. Every time I have something to say, I have to text or write a note. I am so hungry, but it takes so long to eat anything that I’m over it.
It’s all normal. The ENT and the nurses and everyone who has had this particular surgery are in agreement on that. I just hoped that everyone was over-exaggerating a little.
I am extremely grateful. For Mr PugRunner, who has been holding down the fort. For little man, who gives the sweetest hugs and kisses. For my family and friends who have been checking in and cheering me up in a thousand little ways. For the internet, which is always awake, so when I am up at 3:00AM, I have quiet entertainment.
And even though I am angry with myself for getting exhausted after three hours of sitting upright, I am trying to focus on the positives.
The naps are out of control.
My snacking urges are completely controlled. Oh, I’m still ravenously hungry, but I dread the thought of eating. It took me almost an hour to eat 1/4 cup of mashed potatoes on Monday.
I have definitely lost weight. After all, most days’ meals consist of 3/4 cup of yogurt, a jello or pudding cup and then maybe a little bit of mashed potatoes (a recent development). Tomorrow, I want to join Mr PugRunner on an errand that will take us near Panera and I’m going to try soup! Or maybe pasta if I’m up to it! Keep your fingers crossed! The idea of chewing something sounds magical.
I am getting so much reading in. I think that’s probably the best part. I can just sit for hours with my books, and it’s awesome. I have almost finished A Dance With Dragons, and then it will be on to World War Z. I haven’t been able to bring myself to start Train Like A Mother, simply because it’s kind of rubbing salt in the wound at this point. Maybe tomorrow.
If I’m more with it tomorrow, I think I might start writing. Not blogging, but real writing. I haven’t been together enough mentally to spend time on anything too complicated, but it might give me a place to channel my energy. Who know what will come of it.
It’s going to end. The ENT said within seven or eight days’ time. Others have said longer. Some have said sooner. I’m trying to be patient, even if it’s not the way I’m wired.
My goals for the week?
1. Eat some kind of solid food that requires chewing. Any kind. Pasta. Scrambled eggs. Something.
2. Go for a walk every day. By the time I was up for it today, it was storming pretty horribly, and that just didn’t seem fun. Or helpful. Maybe I will try for the morning when my energy is up.
3. Go to the fireworks on Friday. Yes. It’s a big deal. I love 4th of July fireworks and we are going to have family in town, so it’s even more important. I haven’t wanted to take any pictures lately, and it’s a great reason to bust out my camera.
Little steps to get me through the week.
In the meantime, I’m trying to keep up with my favorite running blogs to remind of what I have to look forward to when this ordeal is over.The race recaps and training roundups are especially motivating, and I’m so lucky to have the time to read them all.
What’s your favorite soup at Panera?
Are you a napper? Why or why not?
Do you like the fireworks displays on the Fourth? (Or Fifth, as it will be here?)
Karen says
Recovery from surgery is never easy, I think we all have such strength that most of us try to push through and wish we would feel more like ourselves sooner than our body is ready (I’ve done it). Sometimes it’s best to throw your hands up (not in defeat) but acceptance and just let your body yea and take the time it needs (which is difficult to do…I’ve been there too). I know in my case I was also so frustrated with my body for not hurrying up the recovery process- but you are getting there, stronger everyday!
In the meantime, we are here! Sending you lots of positive thoughts for your recovery to speed up and smiles to cheer you up.
I hope that you are feeling well enough to get out for some ice cream and fireworks on Friday, now THAT would be a way to celebrate feeling better! 🙂
My favorite soup at Panera is French Onion…but they also have good Broccoli and Cheddar (yum!).
I am definitely a napper! I joke with my kindergartners all the time that I need a “rest time” in the afternoon too. I try to keep it to 30 mins or less when I get home from work. If I don’t nap by 10 pm I am out like a light.
I hope you are feeling better today than you did yesterday 🙂
Karen @karenlovestorun
Karen recently posted…Weekly Workouts June 24th-30th
runswithpugs says
Thank you so much for the virtual hugs. Ice cream and fireworks would be awesome. Especially if it doesn’t rain. 🙂
I just feel like I should be so much farther than this. I guess I’ll see what the doctor has to say tomorrow and try to work with what I have.
The French Onion is good. I have to check to see what Tuesday soups are.
runswithpugs recently posted…recovery
Terikay says
Hang in there Jenn! Recovery takes time and patience. I remember when I had my tonsils/adenoids out as an adult, I made a long list of all the foods I couldn’t wait to consume. Enjoy time with your books and napping. Mr. PugRunner rocks. Virtual hugs!
runswithpugs says
I have told Mr PugRunner that every restaurant in a 15 mile radius had better watch out because it will be on like Donkey Kong. I hear the adenoids make it extra tough, so I’m glad that I didn’t need to have those removed, but ugh. Starting a new book today so that should help pass some time 🙂
runswithpugs recently posted…recovery
Amanda @ There Are 2 Sides says
Like I said, it took me 3 weeks to go back to work from that surgery, it killed me. BUT, with that being said, I would gladly do it again every year if I had to, just to stop having the constant tonsillitis.
And I remember sleeping nonstop when I was recovering. You’ll get there, it just takes time.
And i LOVE naps, especially on the weekends after a long run!
Fav healthy soup at panera – vegetable with pesto.
Fav unheathier soup at panera – baked potato for sure!
Amanda @ There Are 2 Sides recently posted…Monday’s Motivation
runswithpugs says
Three weeks is just so loooooong. The ENT and Mr PugRunner are in cahoots against me sleeping. Since Sunday, they have been insisting I get up, get dressed and move to the couch. Blah. I do feel a little better when I’m up and around, but getting to that point is not so fun.
At this point, I don’t care if it’s healthy or unhealthy. I’m lucky if I’m cracking 500 calories a day at this point. I haven’t had the vegetable pesto yet. It sounds good.
runswithpugs recently posted…recovery
Cyanne (RunStretchGo) says
I’m so sorry to hear its been such a tough recovery for you! But setting small goals is a great way to keep moving forward. It’s been a few years, but in my mid20’s I had my wisdom teeth out, and they dislocated my jaw, and didn’t tell me. So 2 days into recovery my jaw locked, I had an allergic reaction to the muscle relaxer they gave me, and spent a month in PT for my jaw. It locked again when I was in grad school and couldn’t eat solid food for over a month. It was miserable, so I feel your pain!
Love naps! I’d like to have one everyday, but they frown upon it at work 🙂
Cyanne (RunStretchGo) recently posted…7 state, 21 mile Challenge: The Finale
runswithpugs says
Oh, no! I am supposed to have my wisdom teeth out as well, and after this, I’m just not so sure. People who have done both assure me that the wisdom teeth are a walk in the park, but obviously not with a dislocated jaw. I have TMJ so I know how awful lockjaw can be. And that’s awful about the reaction to the pain meds. Hopefully you were able to take something, because I can’t imagine getting through this without some kind of pharmaceutical intervention.
I fully support the European siesta model. I think it leads to so much productivity.
runswithpugs recently posted…recovery
Kristen @ Medium Roast says
Oh man, tough recoveries are the worst. I hope you can eat some more solid foods soon! I can’t even imagine how difficult that must be.
Our fireworks are on the 3rd here so people can enjoy sleeping in on the 4th, which I love and greatly appreciate. Still have to work on Friday, though. Boo.
I’m definitely a napper, especially when I didn’t sleep well the night before. And any soup at Panera is the best soup ever 😀
Kristen @ Medium Roast recently posted…Food Lately.
runswithpugs says
LOL at all the soups are the best soups. 🙂
It would be easier if I just wasn’t hungry, but the sounds coming out of my tummy are frightening.
I’m really not sure why they pushed ours to the 5th. I guess to start the weekend off right? People have been firing them off all week anyway.
runswithpugs recently posted…recovery
Kristin Smith @ A Mom on the Run says
Sending hugs – let me know if you want to get out for a bit this weekend – we have plans Saturday morning but that’s it.
I had my wisdom teeth out in college and it was a piece of cake. Kind of gross, but I went and took a final the afternoon after they were removed.
Kristin Smith @ A Mom on the Run recently posted…Run for the Pies 5K
runswithpugs says
Thanks, girl. I appreciate it.
I just don’t want anyone messing with my mouth/throat area for a while. If ever. Ugh.
runswithpugs recently posted…recovery
Shannon says
Aw, sweetie I sure hope this gets over fast for you! It’s no fun recovering from surgery. When I had my surgery for cancer it was in my neck and it made it so hard to do anything…I feel for you! You are strong and very blessed!
Shannon recently posted…Happy Friday it’s FF Time!
runswithpugs says
kim says
SO sorry you still feel so bad! I hope you feel better soon!
I cannot nap! As much as I would love to, I always feel more tired afterwards than I did before!
kim recently posted…What have I done?!?
runswithpugs says
If you nap too long, it can definitely end up making you feel worse. Anything under an hour is just perfect for me.
And thanks. I’m ready to be back to myself any day now!
runswithpugs recently posted…recovery
FiddleDeeAshley says
I’m so sorry, mama. You know i wish I could help! It always seems like Days 3-5 are the worst after surgery. I don’t think I actually chewed food for a week. Try not to overdo it (I know, I know) because you can’t rush the healing. As for soup, I’m a tomato soup gal. And I love a good nap…if only my kids didn’t hate them so much. And YAY for fireworks! Love you!!
FiddleDeeAshley recently posted…runDisney Announces Tinker Bell 10k at Disneyland Resort
runswithpugs says
Mr PugRunner picked up mac & cheese and chicken noodle soup from Panera. I got down about four pieces of the mac & cheese before I had to give up, and was able to eat a bit of the broth from the soup. I wanted tomato, but the best part of the tomato is the croutons, and I think I would cry if I couldn’t chew them. 🙁
Love you, too, mama.
runswithpugs recently posted…recovery
Kristen @ The Smith Summary says
Sorry you’re having a rough time 🙁 Your body needs all the rest right now – get well soon!!!
Kristen @ The Smith Summary recently posted…ABCs of Me
runswithpugs says
I know you’re right and I’m trying hard, but my brain does not want to. At all.
runswithpugs recently posted…recovery
Ari @ The Pace of it All says
Aw, I’m sorry to hear you’re hurting so much. :*( One of my students got his tonsils and adnoids (spelling?) out over spring break and he lost so much weight so quickly because he couldn’t eat, the idea of even drinking water freaked him out. But he got better and so will you… and soon, I know it!
Ari @ The Pace of it All recently posted…Mini shopping spree… and the Influenster Sunkissed VoxBox!
runswithpugs says
Adenoids are supposed to be the worst. Thank goodness I don’t have any problems with mine. I hate drinking, I hate taking my meds (especially the liquid ones), and I hate eating. It’s ridiculous. I am hopeful that tomorrow I will wake up feeling a lot better and can just get going with my life again.
runswithpugs recently posted…recovery
Kathy Nguyen says
I am sorry recovery has been so rough. A friend of mine had this surgery two years ago. She said it was really hard to recover. Just try and relax. It will get better. I am not a napper, I just can’t nap in the middle of the day unless I am sick. Feel better soon.
Kathy Nguyen recently posted…Running Naked…Recentering
runswithpugs says
I’m glad I’m not alone, but I just can’t understand how two tiny little things make such huge issues. It’s baffling (and irritating).
Trying to rest and take it easy, but ugh ugh ugh!
Hali says
Awe!!! Recovery is so tough! Keep your spirits high, give your pug some kisses, and remember that better days are ahead!!
Hali recently posted…Week three marathon training, CHECK!
runswithpugs says
The pug kisses are what’s keeping me going. They just want me to stay in bed and snuggle. Good puggies. I am so ready for the better days. So. Ready.
runswithpugs recently posted…recovery
Meghan @ Crazy Casa K says
I’m so sorry! My sister had a tonsillectomy as an adult and it took much longer than she thought. Lots of tears, ice cream, cold soup and sleep. So sorry! I hope you feel better soon…
Meghan @ Crazy Casa K recently posted…Best of the Week!
runswithpugs says
I can’t cry. The thought of having to replace the tears with fluids so I don’t dehydrate terrifies me. I think today will be an ice cream day. I’ve been trying to avoid dairy because it creates some swallowing problems, but eff it. If I’m going to miserable, I might as well be miserable eating something yummy.
Abby @ BackAtSquareZero says
I am such a napper – it is my favorite part of marathon training, well maybe second. I always reward myself with a nap on Sunday after my long run and on Friday I encourage myself to take a rest day, by letting myself nap during my normal post work run time.
Oh, and now I want Panera – Broccoli Cheddar soup with a Med. Veggie sandwich.
Abby @ BackAtSquareZero recently posted…Mizuno Wave Sayonara Review
runswithpugs says
Napping is so fantastic. 🙂
Mmmm. That sandwich sounds goooood.
Nellie @ Brooklyn Active Mama says
Recovering from surgery is SO HARD! I am sending some happy vibes your way. I hope you really start to feel like yourself soon. I really love the fact that you are napping a lot, that seems pretty normal as you are still in recovery. I would love to nap, all the time actually but the two little ones make that impossible 🙂
runswithpugs says
We were very lucky that our little guy was always a great sleeper and it’s only recently that he’s cut out naps (and he just turned five). It’s been harder on me than anyone else LOL. Today is a much better day, thank goodness.