Yesterday, I had my pity party.
It felt good to get it out, and now I can (try to) put the bad feelings behind me and look to the future.
We saw the ENT this morning. Due to the medications I am taking, I should absolutely not be operating any kind of heavy machinery (this includes cars, boats, tractors, hot glue guns and electric pencil sharpeners), so Mr PugRunner acted as my escort. And also my part time translator. I can talk a little, but I tire pretty easily.
Everything is moving along beautifully, according to Dr S. In fact, he said that tomorrow, I should be seeing some pretty big improvements, and by the weekend I should be great. Happy 4th of July to me! He compared it to racing, which I appreciated: when you don’t know how long you’re going and you don’t know where the finish line is, it can be a really big struggle, but when you know where the location of that line, you can put your head down and get there.
Currently, in addition to the rawness in my throat, I am experiencing some pain in my tongue and in my ears. Both are normal and will pass. Obviously, I’m still not eating much, but I’m not dehydrated, so that’s good. I do need to make sure to brush my teeth every few hours (which I’m doing) and gargle with warm salt water (which I started today, because it hurts like hell). We talked about my meds, and he wrote me a new scrip for a pill version of the one liquid I am taking. It has been effective, but I have been having horrible anxiety over the dose: it takes me about 10 minutes to ingest because of how small my swallows are, it burns horribly, and more often than not it backs up my nose. I would much rather do one quick swallow with a little pill than deal with all that.
I walked out of the office feeling encouraged.
And sleepy. I hadn’t been in car since the day of the procedure, and that little trip wiped me right out.
Anyway. I’m making lots of big plans in my head, because I am ready to get back to my life!
Here’s where I need some input.
I want to run a 5K on August 2. Barring any surprise complications, I am clear for physical activity on July 11, which will give me 22 days to prepare.
The race takes place at Everbank Field, home of the Jacksonville Jaguars. It involves running around the practice fields, the game field, and… to the top of the stadium and back down again. I am pretty sure I won’t be able to run the whole thing (especially uphill) and I know I won’t be fast.
Do you think I have enough time? Do you think I can do it?
I want this particular race because I love the Jags, I love the venue and it’s a night race. There’s also some bling involved, which is the cherry on top. It’s tough to find a tolerable race in the dead of summer, and this would be perfect. I am itching for another race, and I have missed on some fun opportunities since my surgery, so I think it would be good for my running soul to get out there.
Part of me keeps telling myself I’m crazy and have no business even attempting this. The other part says what do I have to lose? I was in a good position when I was sidelined, and my body will remember what to do, even if it does take a few steps backwards.
So let me have it: register to get back in the swing of things or wait for another time?
What are your plans for 4th of July? Are you planning to train or run any races?

Girl, SIGN UP!!! You can totally do it. It will be like your reward for all this surgery mess! Even if you don’t get your best time ever, you know you’ll enjoy it anyway 🙂 22 days should be plenty of time to prepare, even if you have to push it a littttle bit faster to get that endurance up. So do it to it! Maybe all of your optimism will help you heal even faster!!
Sarah @ Sweet Miles recently posted…we are blessed
Oooh. I like framing it as a reward! I mean, I’m sure I’ll be a little bummed if my time is awful, but at least I can fall back on the fact that I’m making a comeback! I wish optimism would make this heal faster. It would be much appreciated.
Feel better. Yes, sign up! Be optimistic.
Darlene recently posted…Wordy Wednesday – Happiness
I am trying. This week has been a major test of my positive thinking powers, that’s for sure.
runswithpugs recently posted…looking ahead
Of course you can do it! It will give you something to look forward to. Glad to here some positivity has returned.
There had to be some positivity. It’s been a dismal week.
If I were in your position, I’d register. If you don’t go absolutely nuts and try to push some kind of absurd PR, you should be fine. I mean, if you’re able to walk, you can do it. Look at it as interval training if you can’t run the whole thing, or even a really nice powerwalk. Or a slow, relaxing walk where you’re supporting something you care about. That’s what it’s about–getting out there and supporting your chosen community. So yeah, go for it! 😀
On this one, I’m speaking from experience. My school hosted a 5K in April I was really excited about…until it came time to run it. I did not want to go. It was cold, and I hadn’t run in almost two weeks. But I made myself go, and while I didn’t PR, I did get 1st in my age group and a “Certificate of Awesomeness.”
B.J. @ GeekFitness recently posted…Your Fitness Quest: It’s Dangerous To Go Alone
A “Certificate of Awesomeness” is pretty cool.
You’re right. Even if I do intervals for the whole thing, at least I’m getting out there to do something I love. No matter how I cross that finish line, the point is just being there.
Go for it! If anything you will have to walk part! It will be great training for your next big race! Good Luck and I hope you start feeling better soon!
Ruby recently posted…My week so far
I am so stinking self-competitive, that I know walking will bug me. But better to be out there and bugged than doing nothing at home, I guess.
runswithpugs recently posted…looking ahead
You should totally sign up! It will be great motivation for your body to recover. Plus, the race sounds awesome. I’ve never run a night race before. Even if it’s not your best race, it will definitely be a great step in moving you forward after recovery. And definitely keep gargling with salt water — it works wonders! Hope you feel better soon!
Kristen @ Medium Roast recently posted…Rest Days.
Mr PugRunner just texted me confirmation! We are signed up! The Tower of Terror 10 Mile will be a night race, so it will be good to have a little nighttime experience. It’s still going to be hot as heck, but at least the sun won’t be out. I’m excited!
The salt water is making all the difference. I feel like a new person today.
You’re cleared by the doc I say sign up! Hope you’re feeling better soon!
Jill @ Fitness, Health and Happiness recently posted…10 Signs That You Might Be Overtraining
Today is much better. I was pretty much resigned to feeling awful forever, but I think this is the home stretch!
You’ve gotta sign up! What’s the worse that can happen? You have to walk for a while, or you have to drop out. There’s really nothing wrong with either of those options! If you love the Jags, love the venue, you’ve got to at least try to do it! 🙂
My family ran in a local 5K this morning! It was a great way to start our holiday!
Debbie @ DebRuns recently posted…Firecracker 5K Race Recap
We did! We did! I’m so excited! It’s going to be good to get back to normal!
Glad you and your family had a great run!
You should totally sign up! 22 days should be no problem 🙂 Glad you are in better spirits!
Meghan recently posted…Healthy Butterfinger Shake!
Thank you! It’s so great to be feeling better!