First, let me just say thank you to everyone who weighed in on yesterday’s post about possibly switching to intervals. I appreciated your stories, advice and support more than you know. This community is so amazing and I am so privileged to be a part of it.
And now, on to the big news.
I did it.
I treated myself to something pretty.
On Friday, I called our local running store and asked them if they had the Mizuno Wave Inspire 9 in the beetroot color in my size. They did and they were happy to set them aside for me. I went in on Saturday to try them on, and they were beautiful. Turns out they are a brand-new color, and I was the first person to even try on this particular pair of shoes.
They were meant to come home with me. And I loved that this is the first time these soles have touched pavement.
I tested them out on Monday, and they felt great. I’m going to alternate between my two pairs for a little while, but it’s going to be hard to resist running in that fun pink on my off days.
I’m still deciding whether or not they should have their debut at the Stadium Challenge on Friday. I guess I’ll decide as we’re walking out the door.
Speaking of Friday, I need some help.
The race is at night. We are both usually morning runners, so this makes it weird. My workout schedule for the week was supposed to be Monday, Wednesday and Friday runs with a Saturday bridge workout. Well, obviously Saturday is out because there is no way I’m getting up at 5 AM after a late run, and I don’t think Friday morning would be wise.
Of course, I’m going to have a lot of anxious energy, all day long, waiting for the gun to fire. I’ll be able to spend some of that getting my hair done (because lord knows my hair is in desperate need of some highlights and TLC), and then…. I don’t know.
Any advice on how we should schedule our day? What we should eat and when? We’re going to be at the venue for a while because there are about two hours between the kids’ run and our run, so I imagine it would be wise to bring some food with us for the interim.
How would you lay out your day leading up to the race?
Any last minute words of advice for me? I’m nervous going into this one.
Karen @karenlovestorun says
Is this a 5K race? If so, I would suggest running M, W and maybe and resting your legs tomorrow and then running on Sunday. I would count the run as your workout for Friday. That’s how I do it anyways. I usually eat three hours before any race. I want to have enough fuel to get me though but not have food still sitting in my tummy when I’m running (I’ve made that mistake! It’s unpleasant). Definitely bring something with you that you know will sit okay with your stomach to eat while you are waiting the two hours in between. Other than that HAVE FUN! How exciting to do a night run, I want to do one of those Electric Runs! Enjoy and can’t wait to hear all about it. Try to think of it as any other run, it’s just you and the road with some other friends along for the ride 🙂
Karen @karenlovestorun
Karen @karenlovestorun recently posted…Disneyland
runswithpugs says
Oh, heavens yes. A 5K. I don’t think I could manage more than that competitively right now. I did my run this morning, and then I think I’ll be done for the week. Since I very gracefully threw up at the end of my first 5K, I have that delicate balance to maintain of having something in my stomach to keep it settled, but not having too much that I have a repeat performance of that humiliation.
I am also stoked for our local Glow Run next year. I’m hoping this one is great. The stadium is gorgeous and there is definitely potential for awesome if they use the facility to its fullest (music, stuff on the jumbotrons, etc). I get really amped up for stuff like this, so it will be tough to settle myself down. The medal is really pretty though, so I’m just going to have to push through the anxious feelings and do my best.
Matilda says
Oooh new shoes, love the colour.
As for the run, have lunch as you ‘main meal’, and then have a light dinner. I would keep the routine as normal as possible.
Know your limits. Stay positive your attitude is everything.
Matilda recently posted…Self-Evaluation
runswithpugs says
Thank you! I adore them.
Positive has become my middle name. I’m focusing on the parts that are going to be awesome and I’m just going to try to let the tough spots sort themselves out.
Terikay says
Love your new shoes! It’s amazing the little pep in your step a new pair of shoes provides. Such a fun color! I think you should wear them Friday!
Everyone is different but for night runs I get out and walk the morning of. My legs get really antsy if I try just hang around all day. I eat a larger lunch and then light dinner at 4pm. The great news is this is a great time to play around with what will work for your upcoming night-time RD events.
Good luck! Have fun! I can’t wait to read your recap!
runswithpugs says
Yeah, I think I’m wearing them Friday, too. I was supposed to wear the old ones today and it didn’t happen. I’m hopeless!
I get really antsy too, and I’m hoping that since I’m getting my hair done, I will be able to relax a little. Well, I won’t have much of a choice, because it will take a few hours, so I’ll be pretty trapped in a chair. LOL. At least my hair will be awesome in any race photos, right?
Diana says
I’ve never run a night race, so I have no advice, sorry. =( But l LOVE those shoes!!!! Nice choice. =)
Diana recently posted…Frederick Women’s Distance Festival
runswithpugs says
I love them, too! I was thisclose to getting the blue ones, but little man and the three women who worked in the store all voted for the pink, and I think they were right. They feel like they were made for me.
Kathy bruinooge says
Congrats on the pinks!!!! My fav color!!!! I bought myself some newtons. Supposed to help form. Mud strike running… Did a quick run in them yesterday and so far so good :)). Eating should be fine. Like everyone else is saying bigger lunch. I usually eat an apple with sunflower butter before a night work out at 4:30 ish. That plus a few gels before you race!! Good luck I’m looking forward to hearing about it ! Good luck
runswithpugs says
I’m going to need all the luck I can get! Thank you!
I hope your new shoes are as good to you as mine are being to me! Thanks for the tips!
Lindsey says
Love the pink shoes! 🙂 I’ve done an evening race (15k) and a 10 miler that started at 10PM. I think I had a grilled cheese (my power food haha!) maybe an hour or so before the 15k and then I had flatbread and salad a few hours before the late night race. Can you practice this week and do evening runs? That way you’ll at least have some kind of idea..
As far as the day goes, I think your adrenaline will probably kick in so you don’t have to worry TOO much about it. I did Animal Kingdom all day before my 10 miler and then just relaxed for a few hours leading up to the race. I usually go to bed really early, but I was so pumped for the race that it didn’t even matter. GOOD LUCK! 🙂
runswithpugs says
The Tower of Terror? I’m doing that in a few months!
It’s tough to get out at night because the humidity is just so brutal – at least in the predawn hours, you have a slight chance of not melting away to nothing. Slight chance.
Grilled cheese sounds like a yummy power food to me 🙂
Lindsey says
My first Disney race and I LOVED it! And I am with you on the humidity….I’m sure you’ll be fine though! Have fun at your race! 🙂
Lindsey recently posted…Compliments
runswithpugs says
It’s going to be my first Disney race, too! Did you blog about it last year? Do you have a link to the recap? Would love to read it!
Lindsey says
It was so much fun! The weirdest thing (I thought) was that the corrals were all by last name, not by pace, but I was so happy to be at Disney that I didn’t care too much!
Lindsey recently posted…Compliments
runswithpugs says
Just read it! So cool! I’m super excited about it.
Sarah @ Sweet Miles says
I agree with the above comments, don’t run on Friday, keep your legs fresh! I would maybe not even run on Thursday too! I would do run Monday, walk Tuesday, Run Wednesday, rest Thurs and all day Fri! Then Saturday rest, and Run light again on Sunday! Don’t change what you eat on Friday too drastically or you might upset your stomach during the race. Just stay hydrated all day and I imagine you will ROCK it no problem!!
Sarah @ Sweet Miles recently posted…Lake Trip Recap
runswithpugs says
Sufficient hydration is my goal and priority. That will make all the difference in the world.
Thank you!
runswithpugs recently posted…something new & prepping for a night race
Lora says
Tehehehe those shoes look so cute! I hope you like them! I’ve never done a night race, but I regularly run later in the day. Just take it easy, make sure to have a snack, and have a blast! 🙂
Lora recently posted…FEAR: False Evidence Appearing Real
runswithpugs says
So far, I adore them!
runswithpugs recently posted…something new & prepping for a night race
Kristin @ A Mom on the Run says
Love the shoes!!
For night races, I just make safe eating choices throughout the day, then about an hour before the race I eat my normal pre-running food, a Clif bar.
Kristin @ A Mom on the Run recently posted…Product Review and Giveaway: ENERGYbits
Mer says
Absolutely LOVE those Mizunos! I’m a Mizuno girl so I just love seeing when someone else is too. 🙂
As for the night race, I have no advice as I’ve never done one (yet – I have two coming up in Sept and Nov) and I’m a morning runner too. I’m looking forward to hearing about how you fare and any tips you might have.
Mer recently posted…Running Nerd
runswithpugs says
Yay for Mizunos! I love them and they are so comfortable.
I will definitely let you know how it goes. Hopefully, getting my hair done will keep me relaxed enough to keep it together for the run.