I’ve been doing a little soul-searching and I realize it’s time to get serious.
At least, a little more serious.
While I am at a good place with my running, I have been a major slacker in the cross training department. It’s not a good thing. I mean, I have the Jillian Michaels’ Power Yoga DVD and I try to do it on a regular basis, but I don’t. And while I hate (hate hate HATE) the idea of going to a gym to sweat and struggle in front of an instructor and a group of people, I think that’s what I need.
So I did some research and I found a gym set up rather close to home. They offer a small selection of classes, including bootcamp and spinning, and you can pay by the class without having a contract. The only con is that they don’t have classes during the day, which is when I will have extra time with little man going off to Kindergarden, but I’m no stranger to getting up at the crack of dawn.
Now, I just have to make the call and get set up. I have given myself a deadline of Thursday to get it done. You see, I also hate making phone calls so I have to give myself some time to work myself up to it. Hopefully, I’ll be set up to start my first class by next week.
The second thing is that I think it’s time to switch up my capris. I have been running in compression capris and I really like them, but I can’t deny the fact that it’s hot. I mean, it’s August in Florida and no matter how early or late I run, the humidity is suffocating and the temperatures are high. We still have a few more months of this weather, and I think it’s time to incorporate a running skirt into my fitness wardrobe.
This is a huge step for me. I pretty much never wear shorts and the runningskirts are a wee bit on the short side (I’m more of a maxi dress kind of girl). I found a couple that I like, and I even went to Lululemon to go so far as to try one on to see how it looked. I am right between sizes or I probably would have walked out with a Pace Setter.
So pretty soon, I’ll be ordering one of these three:
And there we have it. Two things I’m doing that will be huge leaps outside my comfort zone. It’s going to be a huge week!
What have you done lately that made you step outside your personal comfort box?
Which skirt would you pick?
FitBritt@MyOwnBalance says
I hate making phone calls too!! It’s something that has stayed with me since I was a child. Those skirts are so cute!! I would take up running just so I could wear one. They look pretty similar so I would have to try them on to choose!
FitBritt@MyOwnBalance recently posted…Greetings from Cape Cod!
runswithpugs says
Well, I did it! I called up and got the details and am going to start next week. Eek!
I can’t try on the two Athleta ones – we don’t have a store around here. I think I’m just going to play Eenie Meenie Miney Mo and hope for the best.
AnNe says
You are going to feels worlds better the moment you swap your capris for the skirt, in the fl heat, I promise you’ll never go back!
Yey for joining a gym! I am much the same, I never ever would spend a whole hour doing strength if it weren’t for body pump!
AnNe recently posted…Framing
runswithpugs says
I’m so scared!!!!!!! And vain. Incredibly vain. Showing that much leg freaks me right out.
I hope that the gym goes well. This is definitely going to be something new.
Sarah @ Sweet Miles says
That does sound tought!! But yay for joining and getting the ball rolling!! I love the lulu skirt 🙂
Sarah @ Sweet Miles recently posted…What’s In A Name?
runswithpugs says
I’m starting next week for sure. There will be stories to tell.
I loved the Lulu skirt, too. However, I need to either drop five or gain five pounds for it one of the sizes to fit me properly and I don’t want to drop that kind of money for something that was only meh in the dressing room.
Nellie @ Brooklyn Active Mama says
I would totally get the cuteness skort 🙂 yay for crosstraining! I am not a big fan of phone calls either :/
Nellie @ Brooklyn Active Mama recently posted…7 Easy Ways To Increase Your Klout Score
runswithpugs says
Phone calls are clearly the worst. I got it done, though, ahead of time!
Crosstraining will definitely be good for me. NOt something I’m really excited about, per se, but excited about how it will improve me as an athlete.
runswithpugs recently posted…stepping out of the comfort zone
Joanna @Makingmine says
I’ve never ran in a skirt – they are all adorable though! You can’t go wrong 🙂
Joanna @Makingmine recently posted…1 year
runswithpugs says
It’s just too hot to keep going as I am. I’ll report back on what I decide.
runswithpugs recently posted…stepping out of the comfort zone
Diana says
I have the Pace Setter skirt, and a friend of mine says the Swagger Skort is the best ever, so….. one of those two. =)
It’s funny, because for the longest time, I only ran in skirts. Now, though, I’m into shorts (+ bodyglide) and am a happy girl. =)
Diana recently posted…Week 5 Recap
runswithpugs says
The Swagger skirt is cute… 🙂
I tried on a pair of shorts. It was a no go. The world just isn’t ready for that level of horror.
runswithpugs recently posted…stepping out of the comfort zone
Heather Murphy says
Stepping out of your comfort zone is scary, but definitely worth it! You should try doing some circuit training at home. I have a one year old and find it so convenient and you definitely get results! I love the cuteness skort!
Heather Murphy recently posted…Date night, festivals and my favorite bedtime drink
runswithpugs says
I’m not so good at the home stuff. It would certainly be convenient, but after a few weeks of at-home workouts, I find myself slacking off and phoning it in. I am really leaning towards the cuteness skort as well. 🙂
Abby @ BackAtSquareZero says
I joined a gym for cross training. I spin twice a week and feel it gives my legs a break.
The PaceSetter is so cute. I tried it one, but it was too short and my legs chub rub:(
Abby @ BackAtSquareZero recently posted…MCM Marathon Training – 6 Weeks Down
runswithpugs says
Do you like the spinning? I’m not sure if I’m going to enjoy it. But I guess you just don’t know til you try.
I don’t love how short they are, but I don’t think you can run in long skirts. At least not super effectively.
Abby @ BackAtSquareZero says
I do really like spinning. Next to running it is my favorite workout. However, a lot depends on the instructor so if you get a bad one the first time try it out again with a different person.
Abby @ BackAtSquareZero recently posted…Crock Pot Confessions
Karen @karenlovestorun says
My favorite running skirt is the pace setter!! I LOVE it! 🙂
Karen @karenlovestorun recently posted…Weekly Workouts August 5-11
runswithpugs says
It really is adorable.
runswithpugs recently posted…stepping out of the comfort zone
Meg says
I love the Lulu one!!! Go for it 🙂
Meg recently posted…Unintentional Rest Week
Matilda says
I’ve never run in a skirt, I just haven’t found one that i like, but i do like that lulumon one.
Just remember the magic happens outside your comfort zone.
Matilda recently posted…Would You Rather #2
runswithpugs says
True story. 🙂
runswithpugs recently posted…inspired yoga + run jacksonville beach – giveaway from ZOOMA
Kristen @ Medium Roast says
I love those skirts! I am actually super excited for fall so I can start wearing capris and leggings while running again. And good for you for taking that next “serious” step and figuring out a gym to workout at!
Kristen @ Medium Roast recently posted…The Pleasure of Good Posture.
runswithpugs says
Capris are really my favorite. They haven’t been bothering me until recently, but now it’s getting to be too much.
Debbie @ DebRuns says
Hmmmm, they are all adorable, but I think I like the Athleta Swagger Skort best.
What is it about making phone calls? I hate doing that, too! Good luck!
Debbie @ DebRuns recently posted…Becoming a Runner, Where Should You Start?
runswithpugs says
So hard to decide!
I have no idea what it is, but man, I hate the phone.
jan says
My comfort zone is all running and not much else, so I totally get what you mean! Good luck w/ your new activities!
The skirts are all cute. I love the new ones w/ the ruffles/pleats. So much better than the flat style.
jan recently posted…Planning a First-Year 5k: Part IV
runswithpugs says
I definitely don’t think I would go for a flat style. I’m trying to get into the function over fashion mindset. 🙂
runswithpugs recently posted…inspired yoga + run jacksonville beach – giveaway from ZOOMA
Holly says
I know the feeling all to well regarding “comfort zone” as I started increasing my milage last week 16 to 18 this past weekend and its a bit of a struggle. Funny because I’m almost doing the opposite of what you are doing…taking the cross training down a bit because its really wearing me out with running. At least, I’m trying that this week so we will see if it helps with my legs. I personally wear capris for the cross training classes and running skirts until I need to do laundry running shorts. My go to running skirt brand has always been lululemon as you will not find another maker out there that gives you all the pockets you need for race day. I have a UA skirt for short workouts that do not require GU’s and thats the only running skirt I own that is not lulu! problem is Lulu is expensive so try to snag a deal this winter on the skirts to stock up for next spring 🙂
Holly recently posted…Week 9 Marathon Training: Miles are Wearing me out
runswithpugs says
Great tip about the pockets.
I think if and when I ever get to 16-18 miles then I might need to reevaluate but for now, I think the cross training will serve to make me stronger and build some muscle. Or at least, that’s the rumor. If not, I can always stop.
Holly says
The most helpful crosstraining personally has been High Intensity Interval Training/Tabata and Core exercises I can feel improvements in my running form from core alone. If you have the time its great! Glad to stumble on your blog and looking forward to following along!
Holly recently posted…Week 9 Marathon Training: Miles are Wearing me out
Cynthia @ You Signed Up For What?! says
I wear running skirts almost exclusively (unless it’s cold out) but I’m typically a Nike girl, because the stuff just fits me best. I am about to pull the trigger on a skirt from Skirt Sports, I think – I love their stuff.
Cynthia @ You Signed Up For What?! recently posted…Bike Commuting, Take 1
Andrea says
Cross training is one of my struggles. I’m just soo lazy. I cant’ do it!
As for skirts. For some reason, I just can’t imagine exercising in skirts (although I grew up cheerleading so not sure why). For our first Disney 5k, I had to convince my friend to run it with me. So when we got to the expo and she begged me to try a running skirt, I agreed since I owed her. And I haven’t looked back. I LOVE running in skirts! I love the pace setter! And I’ve been eyeing the swagger for a while. The cuteness one is new…I’ll have to check it out!
Andrea recently posted…Recipe- Potato-Crusted Fish and Fresh Broccoli
Brienna Nesting says
I have the swagger skort in purple and I love it. My only complaint is that the waistband sits pretty high, and I don’t have a short torso. I have a few others, the one I love the most is from UA. I have one or two from Brooks that are nice as well. The most important thing I’ve found is to make sure the shorts underneath don’t ride up while you run.
Brienna Nesting recently posted…Life After Life