*** The following is a post sponsored by CamelBak. CamelBak provided me with one complimentary Arc Quick Grip water bottle for review on runswithpugs.com. All opinions are my own. ***
I am reaching the point of my training where hydration and fueling DURING my runs are becoming just as critical as before and after.
It’s kind of a difficult mentality around which to wrap my head. After all, I have had a solid, working system down: how to prepare, how to dress, how to carry my music. The idea of adding another wrinkle to the mix was a bit overwhelming, and I may have been in just a wee bit of denial about the whole thing. I had some recommendations from friends on their favorite kinds of hydration systems, but when Camelbak offered to send me their Arc Quick Grip 10oz Podium Bottle to try, I thought it would be the perfect opportunity.
The Arc Quick Grip 10oz Podium Bottle, is a small handheld bottle that is both dishwasher safe (so convenient) and BPA free. It is designed to contour to the hand, and it fit mine perfectly.
There were two features that I found really outstanding. The first was the cinch strap on the grip portion, which allowed me to secure it to my palm in such a way that I could leave my fingers open and unclenched, if I so chose. I appreciated this because running with a bottle is something that takes a little getting used to – it was nice to not have to worry about it falling off or distracting me. The second highlight was the twist-open valve at the top. I’ve seen so many bottles that have the kind of nozzles you have to pull up, but this is just an easy rotation to open and close. With a little practice, I bet I can do it one-handed.
The 10oz size serves my purposes perfectly for right now. It wasn’t too heavy or sloshy, even when I had consumed some of the water inside. I was really pleasantly surprised by that. There wasn’t any sliding or unnecessary movement, mostly from the cinch strap, but also because of the textured bottle-side that helped keep it from slipping.
And the velcro-closure pocket on the hand strap is nice and roomy. It’s perfect for an ID, maybe some cash, and fuel. I haven’t started taking fuel on my runs, yet, but I’m glad I have an option for a place to carry them when I do.
Both the bottle and the strap are easy to take apart for cleaning. The fact that the hand strap is of such light, mesh-like fabric means that it dries quickly after a washing. As a busy mom, this is something that makes my life easier.
The Arc Quick Grip bottle retails for about $20.00, which seems pretty comparable to other bottles I’ve seen on the market. I really appreciated the little details that made it so comfortable and versatile. Really, the only area where I think we could see some improvement is by offering some other colors. The blue is fine, but I would love to see more fun choices.
This bottle is a definite asset to runners or anyone who needs to carry a water bottle on them during long periods of activity. It is well made, comfortable, light and simple to use. I’m looking forward to many long and successful runs with this on my hand.
Amanda @ There Are 2 Sides says
I have so many hydration options. I have a Nathan handheld, which I really don’t love b/c I learned I like my hands free while I run. Except for my camera of course.
I have an Amphipod belt that I like, but it is jiggly while I run. Then I just bought a CamelBak Mini Mule. I have yet to use it, but I hope that I love it!
Amanda @ There Are 2 Sides recently posted…First Anniversary Celebration
runswithpugs says
Ooh, I hope you love it, too!
runswithpugs recently posted…review: camelbak arc quick grip water bottle
Danielle @ It's A Harleyyy Life says
I need a camelbak backpack! I seriously drink so much water on my long runs!
runswithpugs says
My brother-in-law has one – he seems to love it.
Rachel @ Undercover Diva: A Sitcom says
I definitely need a water/hydration system that holds fuel, too. This seems great!!
Rachel @ Undercover Diva: A Sitcom recently posted…Tofu & Veggie Coconut Fried Rice
runswithpugs says
It really was a great bottle!
Anne @ CandyCrazedrun.wordpress.com says
I have never understood ho people could run with belts, or actually holding bottle. Then I saw a friend with the hand strap bottles like those and thought it was a great idea!
Anne @ CandyCrazedrun.wordpress.com recently posted…A New PR?
runswithpugs says
I’m with you – I am really opposed to belts and backpacks. I understand there is a need (especially for elites and ultra runners), but I’m just not there (physically or mentally).
Sarah @ Sweet Miles says
That waterbottle looks excellent! I have always been weary of RUNNING while HOLDING a waterbottle, but this one looks pretty easy to deal with! It’s amazing how much better I feel on my runs when I actually take time to hydrate during them…who would have thought!
Sarah @ Sweet Miles recently posted…LR Taste of the Finest
runswithpugs says
It’s amazing all the things we don’t consider. It’s definitely nice not to have to actually HOLD anything.
Abby @ BackAtSquareZero says
I am a huge CamelBak fan, but actually prefer their Dart Backpack to any of the handhelds or waistbelts.
Abby @ BackAtSquareZero recently posted…A MCM Marathon Miracle
runswithpugs says
I haven’t seen that one, but I’m just not in a backpack place. I think it would annoy me.
runswithpugs recently posted…review: camelbak arc quick grip water bottle
Debbie @ DebRuns says
I just got a new hydration belt this summer with two 10-ounce bottles. I really like that size since they aren’t too heavy, and we have enough water fountains along our trail to refill them. The thing that I don’t like about my Nathan belt is that it’s really hard to get the lid on one of the bottles and it leaks water on me. It’s fine now, but this winter that will be cold!
My husband uses a North Face hand-held water bottle and strap and he likes it. I have to keep my hands free for my camera! 🙂
Debbie @ DebRuns recently posted…My Poor Runner’s Feet…
runswithpugs says
That’s nice that you have fountains around. If I had access to those, I probably wouldn’t use a bottle at all! LOL! I love that you carry your camera!
runswithpugs recently posted…review: camelbak arc quick grip water bottle
Luv What You Do says
That looks cool! I NEED water when I run over 5-6 miles but have never tried the handheld bottle. I do love everything camelpak…I should ask them to send me one : )
Luv What You Do recently posted…Soup for Sick Days