It’s a hard time of year.
Summer is technically almost at an end, but the heat and humidity are still going strong in most parts of the country. School is back in session, which means new morning schedules, more traffic from more people on the roads, and just a general sense of craziness.
I see a lot of people struggling right now. The long months of insane heat have taken their toll, and those who have been running summer races, or even just training, are looking forward to cooler temps and a little bit more flexibility in their workout schedules.
I’m trying hard not to get dragged down by that special kind of fatigue that comes from the pattern of waking up most days of the week before the sun, dressing in the dark, and hitting the road while the streetlights are still burning. It’s hard, and sometimes, the thought of staying snuggled up in bed is overwhelmingly tempting.
My eye is on the prize. Or prizes, as the case may be. My first “big” race is in 23 days. Less than a month. The thought is terrifying and exciting. I am hopeful that I am ready and can put in a great showing, and I know that if I slack on my training, I won’t be happy with my finish. And once I finish Tower of Terror, I will have two half marathons on the books, and I need to build up my mileage to handle those comfortably.
Having races scheduled in the interim definitely keeps me looking ahead and on track. I am pretty much trending towards a race a month, which keeps giving me focused on the pay off of short term goals, as opposed to waiting for one, big, long term goal. My strategy seems to be working. I’m building to the bigger races, but enjoying the smaller ones to keep me going in the meantime.
Hopefully, the weather will change in another month or two, and it will give everyone, myself included, renewed energy and drive. The time change will also make going out in the morning a little bit easier. I know that I am far more likely to bounce up if there’s daylight. And if that daylight doesn’t equal 95 degrees and 100% humidity.
How are you managing in these last few weeks of summer?
Do you think cooler temps and the time change will jumpstart your motivation, if it’s been waning?
Are you good training for one thing at a time, or do you like to keep your calendar full?

I am not really looking forward to the temp changes as it’ll mean below-zero runs and snow, but I will be happy once we’re in our schedule and I can sneak in runs during the school day. And I am awful at focusing on one race at a time, obviously.
Ashley (@FiddleDeeAsh) recently posted…#TravelHudsonValley Orange County
Brrrr! I am also looking forward to going out a few mornings after little man has gone to school.
runswithpugs recently posted…end of summer running blues
Congrats on all you are doing… I am also thinking of going into a bigger run… I like having something on the horizon to keep working towards…
<3 Having a busy schedule is really what keeps me going. I feel invested, so I need to keep pushing forward.
I’m looking forward to a temp change, so over winter.
I usually keep my schedule pretty open, in fact there is nothing in it at the moment.
I’m volunteering at a spartan race in a few weeks, that’s about it.
Matilda recently posted…Post Whole30
Ah, yes. You’re definitely ready for the warmth! I can’t wait to read about your volunteer experience!
Ironically I just wrote a post about being upset about the heat! It definitely wearing on me. Good luck w/ your races this month!
jan recently posted…Hot
LOL! I think it’s one everyone’s minds!
I want those cooler temperatures so that I don’t have to wake up so early 😉 It might make me stay in bed longer though..which isn’t what we need if we’re training! Can’t believe our race is sooo soon 🙂
Rachel @ Undercover Diva: A Sitcom recently posted…Week 3 #TOT10Miler Training Recap
I know it is! I am absolutely freaking out!
runswithpugs recently posted…end of summer running blues
I am looking forward to winter when the fleas die off or go into hibernation or whatever they do. LOL 🙂 Temp doesn’t affect my desire to stay snuggled up in bed. 😉
DragonLady recently posted…Remembering
LOL! You’re right, temperature and bed are not mutually exclusive.
runswithpugs recently posted…end of summer running blues
We have SO many more races around here when the weather cools down. I think there are 10 that I am looking at between now and Jan. Summer is just too damn hot to run sometimes. I love fall running!
Amanda @ There Are 2 Sides recently posted…Old El Paso Twist on Tacos Giveaway
Ten! That’s awesome!
runswithpugs recently posted…end of summer running blues
I cannot even explain the sheer energy that runs through me the moment the weather turns. I LOVE running in cold weather and nothing excites me like the dip in the thermometer!
Anne @ recently posted…Ginger Lentils
Yeah, we still have a little way to go before there’s any kind of cold weather or dip in the thermometer. But it’s certainly exciting.
runswithpugs recently posted…end of summer running blues
It’s been hot and humid here again, but it’s supposed to break tomorrow night! Since my sons are both already out of school (and graduated from college), the only way back to school affects me is that traffic gets really heavy. Since I train most of my clients in my home, I don’t do a lot of rush hour driving. 🙂
I stay pretty motivated to run year round with or without races on my calendar, but I do LOVE how much faster I get when the humidity lifts! Fast is a relative turn, of course! 😉
The three races that I want to do the most this fall are all this coming weekend, and I can only do one of them. 🙁
Debbie @ DebRuns recently posted…And The SPIbelt Winner Is…
Back to school traffic can be a nightmare. Before I had a child and I had a commute to work, it added about 30-40 minutes to my drive. Blah.
Aw, I’m sorry! I hope you are able to get all three of them done, in subsequent years!