It seems that it’s Friday the 13th. I’m superstitious about a lot of things (you should see me during a football game), but 13 is kind of my lucky number, so today is going to be a great day!
First, please visit the ZOOMA Florida Ambassadors page and see if you recognize someone!
I am so excited to be a part of this group of running and fitness bloggers, representing the ZOOMA Florida race. It’s going to be my second half marathon, and I am so excited to see if I can beat my time for my first half in December. I would love to get my hands on that ZOOMA Personal Best medal.

Here’s hoping that the month between half marathons helps me tighten up my pace!
Are you thinking about visiting the Sunshine State in January to run through beautiful Amelia Island and on the beach at ZOOMA Florida? Check out my badge on the sidebar for a discount code good for 10% off your registration fee.
In other news, this morning, despite really, really, really wanting to stay in bed, I got my butt in gear and completed over 9.5 miles! It was kind of a struggle. Even though I hit the restroom several times before running out the door, I got hit with the urge at around mile three. Ugh. I run through some construction areas, so there was no shortage of portapotties, but… I just couldn’t do it.
So I detoured to the local grocery store, instead. At that point, I was past the halfway mark. My legs got pretty tight, which I’m confident was from stopping and sitting in the loo, but it couldn’t be helped. I sipped at my water, and took a couple of pink lemonade Honey Stingers to keep me going. I stuck to my 2:30/1 intervals, and only doubled up on walk breaks a couple of times. I kept telling myself “You can run for two and a half more. It’s only two and a half.” And that kind of got me through.
I found a great little running track in one of the neighborhoods on my way, and hopped on it for something different. I got lapped by a man who looked to be in his 70s. You know what? I was ok with that. I just kept putting one foot in front of the other and when I reached my goal of 9.5 miles, I did a small happy dance.
In my head.
I didn’t have any energy left for more than that.
I would love to get my pace closer to 12:00 for Tower of Terror, but a friend gave me some great perspective this morning. I started Couch 2 5K in mid-February, which means I’ve been running for only seven months. Less than a year. Add to that, I had to take off about a month between June and July for recovery, and that gives me six months. So, I really can’t be too disappointed in myself. Practice makes perfect, and I’ll get faster the more I run.
While I would love to be done for the weekend, I plan to get up for a three or four mile recovery run tomorrow, just to keep my legs loose. I’m getting awfully close to taper-time!
We had little man’s Open House last night. So far, we have been really happy with his school and his teacher and last night really cemented those feelings for us. I really like how the classroom is being handled and what will be covered through the year. He’s been having a great time with the transition to Kindergarten, and I have been having a blast volunteering at his school. I’ve signed up for several committees and opportunities, and I’m excited to get started as Room Mom, as well. Our school has an incredible principal, wonderful staff and a great PTA. I’m looking forward to the years ahead.
Hope you all have a wonderful weekend. I plan to chill out, watch a lot of movies and hang with the family and some friends.
What do you have planned for the weekend?
Would you use a random construction portapotty if nature called while running?
How were your workouts this week?

you earned those movies! I am going on a long bike tomorrow am and hopefully a 5 miler on sunday… that’s still a challenge for me, but not for long! WEll done! sounds like everything is coming together for you!
Watching Argo, as we speak!
Good luck on your bike and your run!
Um, yep – I would and I have used random portapotties while running. When you gotta go, you gotta go.
My workouts this week have been sparse! I didn’t intend to take off so much time after my triathlon, but life got in the way this week. Back on track this weekend!
Cynthia @ You Signed Up For What?! recently posted…I Am An Iron Girl!
On the one hand, I’m totally ok with it. I’m not skeeved out by portapotties. On the other, I keep expecting to open one of these up and be attacked my some kind of crazed raccoon. It’s a pickle.
Good luck this weekend!
And I meant to say – CONGRATS on the Zooma race! I was looking at the one in Annapolis, looks like a nice race.
Cynthia @ You Signed Up For What?! recently posted…I Am An Iron Girl!
Thank you! I’m so excited!
Yeah, I’ve had a few of those random bathroom moments. Including running into a (small) airport and getting all kinds of looks from the waiting passengers. Oh well, one of the less glamorous sides of training.
My season is pretty much over, and I’m enjoying living the racing bug through all of you who are still racing and training. Keep up the good work!
Wornout Soles recently posted…Defining Moments – David McGillivray Boston Marathon Race Director
LOL! An airport? That’s the BEST! Cracks me up.
I don’t know that I have a season. I guess that’s a perk of living in the south. Always outdoors weather.
I ALWAYS use construction portapotties when I’m running. No shame there. I’m already sweaty and gross and if you have to poop, you have to poop! My workouts were really great this week! Running a 5k tomorrow…wish me luck 😛
Rachel @ Undercover Diva: A Sitcom recently posted…Healthy Living and Disordered Living
I’m going to have to start carrying a pack with TP. Fortunately, it was just my tiny bladder.
Good luck! You’re going to do great!
Holiday’s that’s what is going to happen this weekend (after presentation night for run club tonight) and the next 2 weeks. So looking forward to it.
I have never used a random construction portapotty. The only time I have used one of those was at an actual event.
Workout this week. Running, and lots of walking, fishing, and just enjoying the holiday.
Matilda recently posted…Fit Bit Review
Whoo hoo! Enjoy your break! Hope you have a wonderful time!
I’ve used some really weird bathrooms, including one before a half in Nashville that was not there for the race, but we didn’t realize it. Disgusting.
Workouts this week: 2 days of shred, taper stretching, and a short shakeout run in the morning before my half on Sunday!
LOL! I’m so glad I’m not alone!
Good luck on Sunday!
You should be TOTALLY thrilled with yourself! Seriously! 6 months? You’re doing AWESOME! Also, I don’t know about you, but for me, the race atmosphere generally lends itself well to me finding an extra “oomph” and I tend to go faster than I would on a regular training run. So you never know! I took my training runs for my half marathon this past spring rather slowly – I did 12 miles in 2 hours, 50 minutes. My actual race time was 13.1 miles in 2 hours, 37 minutes. Race day magic is real. 😉
Diana recently posted…“Runnin’, runnin’, runnin’….”
I’m excited to run ZOOMA with you! Congrats on your 9.5 miler. I’m jealous that you’re doing the ToT 10 miler. I can’t wait to be able to do that race one day when it fits. I’ve heard it’s a lot of fun! Glad you’re happy with your son’s school and teacher. I’m a teacher and always hope that parents feel that way when they leave open house.
meghan @ little girl in the big world recently posted…I signed up for Ironman Chattanooga
I can’t wait to meet you!
I’m kind of regretting signing up for ToT instead of Wine & Dine, but… I wasn’t sure how far I was going to go with my running so I thought this would be the logical buildup. Next year, things will be different.
I’m sure your students’ parents were very happy. It’s definitely a great feeling to be so excited for the school year. Hopefully, that feeling continues.
I have no pride when it comes to port-potties! If I need to go, and it’s there, I’ll use it! 🙂
We had a great weekend down in Blacksburg running in the Hokie Half, and I’m sure I’ll be pretty sore tomorrow!
Isn’t it exciting to volunteer at your son’s school? I loved being a room mom! 🙂
Debbie @ DebRuns recently posted…Hokie Half Marathon Race Recap
I usually have no pride, either. It just feels weird doing it in a quiet neighborhood. Oh well. Next time.
I’m glad you had fun. Can’t wait to read your recap!
I LOVE volunteering. And I love my son’s school. I was pretty nervous going into it (I get a little anxious in unfamiliar situations with new people), but everyone is so welcoming and there are so many opportunities to help.