This wasn’t an earth-shattering week. Well, except for that 10 miler on Friday. That was pretty epic.
I’ve been pretty busy with carpooling and volunteering and it’s been challenging getting into my back-to-school groove. I think I’ve got it, though.
Sunday: rest
Monday: 3.22 miles; biceps, triceps, inner thighs
Tuesday: biceps, triceps, inner thighs
Wednesday: 2.58 mile run; biceps, triceps, inner thighs – I overslept and had to be home by 7:00 AM. This is as much as I could get in.
Thursday: I was feeling a bit lazy. Let’s call this a rest day.
Friday: 10.10 mile run. Holy moly, spicy guacamole! I did it!
Saturday: I had every intention of doing 3-4 miles today, but my knees were still a little sore. I decided to give myself a break, and stick to biceps, triceps and inner thighs.
This week, I plan to continue in a similar vein, and my goal is to hit 10.5-11 miles on my next long run. And then I think it will be time to start tapering in advance of the big day.
My countdowns are as follows:
19 days til Tower of Terror 10-Miler.
77 days til Space Coast Half Marathon.
125 days til ZOOMA Florida Half Marathon.
I have a Color Me Rad 5K in there, and I am looking at a local 10K in November to help fill in the holes.
Any advice for me for the next 19 days?
How does your race schedule look through the end of 2013?

Congrats on your awesome 10 miler! You’re doing great!!! And I can’t wait to hear all about the Tower of Terror 10 miler! That one is on my bucket list! Disney races are my favorite!!!
Mindy @ Road Runner Girl recently posted…Fitness Friday…September 13th Edition!
Thank you! I hope it’s a great race. I have heard so many mixed reviews, and I don’t want it to be dull or to be mad that I didn’t do a different event. I am planning on one runDisney race a year. They are super pricey and fortunately, I live in an area that offers tons of incredible races, so I hope I can stick to that plan. Or close to it. I started planning out races through 2015 and Mr PugRunner looked at me like I was insane. LOL!
runswithpugs recently posted…weekly recap: 9/7-9/14
My advice to you is to relax and trust in your training. You’re going to be great! =)
Diana recently posted…“Runnin’, runnin’, runnin’….”
Oh, I am so bad at relaxing. I am going to be jumping out of my skin!
Thank you for the support. One of these days I’m going to calm the heck down!
runswithpugs recently posted…weekly recap: 9/7-9/14
My advice – don’t overdo it so you can stay injury free! Enjoy Tower of Terror!!!
Kristen @ The Smith Summary recently posted…The Liebster Award
Ack! That last week is going to be so hard!!!
Great job on your 10 miler. My advice is to take it easy. You want to go into your race healthy. You are ready. Also don’t forget to enjoy the experience.
I am trying to make enjoying the experience my first priority. Eeeek!
What an awesome and fun race schedule, I am really jealous haha!
Tips for the next few days: Trust your training. You are doing everything right, there fore, ya got nothing to worry about 🙂
Anne @ recently posted…Five Things Friday… the 13th!
I have a lot of 5k’s from now until the end of the year. Then I think I am going to tackle my 2nd full marathon next April!
Amanda @ There Are 2 Sides recently posted…Monday’s Motivation