Wow. What a year.
There were ups. Little man graduated from VPK and started Kindergarten. Mr. PugRunner had an amazing year of growth with his business. We discovered (and became hooked on) running. I had my tonsils removed.
There were downs. We lost the best friend known to man. I had my tonsils removed.
We traveled.
We got to spend time visiting family and friends.
Little man lost his first teeth.
I did the impossible and ran 13.1 miles.
All in all, I am grateful for this year. We have our health and so much love and support from so many. It really doesn’t get better than that.
We are having a quiet evening at home. We enjoyed sushi take out and will spend the evening watching The Family, with champagne and slices of red velvet cake from Publix. Tomorrow, Mr PugRunner celebrates his 40th birthday, and we are planning a fun day for him.
It’s nice to lay low and enjoy my little family.
I don’t really believe in making resolutions, but I do have a lot of goals for 2014. They include continuing on our family running journey, further growing and developing some of my hobbies, and to maybe thinking a little bit more about the possibility of a marathon.
I hope you have a wonderful and amazing 2014, full of happiness and health, love and laughter.
How did 2013 treat you?
What are you most looking forward to in the New Year?

I don’t do resolutions either. But I have goals. Lots of them!
Lisa recently posted…Bring it on!
And I have no doubt you’re going to achieve them! Get it, girl!
Happy 2014!! 2013 treated me well and I cannot wait to see how 2014 shapes up! I’m excited to hopefully travel more and to see where my relationship with Bam Bam goes 🙂
Rachel @ Undercover Diva: A Sitcom recently posted…Goals for the New Year
<3 <3 <3 2014 is going to be awesome! I just know it!
I’m doing the cliche thing and resolving to be healthier. But instead of trying crash diets this time I am working on the emotions behind my eating first. It’s going to be an interesting journey. Happy new year!
Meg recently posted…The Blogmopolitan Quiz
That sounds like an incredibly insightful and sustainable plan. Best of luck!
Happy New Year! With all that you accomplished with your running in 2013, I can’t wait to see what you do in 2014! =)
Diana recently posted…In the Rear View Mirror
Me either!
runswithpugs recently posted…a look back at running in 2013 & what’s to come this year
No resolutions here! 🙂 Happy 2014 to you!
jan recently posted…2013 Goals: A Recap
I know I said this in the comments to my post, but I am so happy to have come across your blog this year. It looks like my plans to run the Moab half in March might no longer happen. If so, I hope to see you at the Gate River Run (by far my favorite race :))
Anne @ recently posted…2013 Candy Crazed Run Favorites
<3 The feeling is mutual!
I would be so very excited to meet you! Keep me posted!
You had a great year all in all I think! So happy you enjoyed your half!
Amanda @ There Are 2 Sides recently posted…Welcome to 2014
Loved it! I can only hope that ZOOMA is just as great! Happy New Year!