Finally, last night, I could delay any more.
When little man went not bed and Mr PugRunner headed out for his run, I gathered my materials: a roll of white elastic and about seven yards of tulle in varying shades of pink.
For future reference, seven yards is probably two times too much. But better safe than sorry.
There are a ton of great tutorials for no-sew tutus online, from people who have made them far more often (and with far better results, I’m sure) than me. I pulled different ideas from different people, but the basics are the same.
I cut a length of elastic about 3″ shorter than my waist (or really my hips. I want it to ride a little on the lower side), and knotted the two ends together. Then I stretched the elastic circle around the back of a chair.
I cut the tulle into strips that were 12″ wide and about 22-24″ long (My tulle was from a bolt. I left it folded at the top, and then, following the instructions of the woman at the fabric counter, cut the strips by following the grout lines on my floor. I then cut the strips apart at the fold, and voila – reasonably uniform strips of tulle) and then attached them to the elastic by making slipknots, as shown.
I just kept tying the different colors all around the elastic, filling in the holes along the way.
I’m glad I got some of the sparkly tulle. It adds a really pretty dimension to the whole thing.
After about 45 minutes, I was finished.
It’s a little bit fluffier and heavier than I envisioned, but it should be fine for 3.1 miles. I don’t think I could manage it for more than that. At any rate, it will make for cute pictures.
And, true to princess form, Molly had to get in for a photobomb.
I can’t wait to get started on some white and neon tutus for my upcoming color runs.
Do you run in tutus? Do you make them or buy them?

So cute!! The first tutu I made was for Gasparilla. It was SO easy and super fun to tell people that I made it!
Rachel @ Undercover Diva: A Sitcom recently posted…Taper Crazies
I hope I’m not the only one wearing a tutu tomorrow! I can’t wait to see all the pink everywhere!
runswithpugs recently posted…tutu time
Love it! I’m a huge fan of the tutu for shorter races. I have a St Patty’s day one and a black one for Halloween, but have never made one myself. Looks easy enough!
Stacie Seidman recently posted…Thursday’s Threads
The hardest part was just convincing myself to do it. Once I started in, it went super fast. Where do you buy your tutus from?
runswithpugs recently posted…tutu time
The St Patt’s day one was from Claire’s, I think it’s for kids though. The other one I got at Walmart at Halloween time.
Stacie Seidman recently posted…Thursday’s Threads
Cute!! And so simple to make. Though I don’t understand how all you costume runners do it. I’m convinced I would hate having extra “stuff” on. I picture myself ripping any costume off half-way through a race. 🙂
Larissa recently posted…A dark side of health bloggers
Well, it’s a first time thing for me, so we will see… 🙂
runswithpugs recently posted…tutu time
Really cute. I agree with you, I would love to run in a tutu for a 5 or 10K, but don’t think I could do it for longer than that.
Abby @ BackAtSquareZero recently posted…Pack it Up – Take Your Lunch to Work
Honestly, I didn’t even notice it. I think I could do up to a 10K with it, maybe even a half.
I’ve never made a tutu, so yeah I’ve never ran in one.
I should make one for my daughter though, she’d get a kick out of it. Great job, love the tonal pink.
Matilda recently posted…Music – The Run Mum Mix