The countdown is on until my first Gate River Run.
I’m trying to get past the apprehension and disappointment and on to the excitement.
A lot of times, I have felt great about saying “Hey. I’m running this for fun. I’m going to soak it all up and enjoy and not worry about anything else.”
The Gate is not that race.
Unfortunately, this year, it’s going to have to be.
I’m feeling… ok.
My foot is hanging in there.
I have been diligent about stretching, both my arches and calves. I’ve done some yoga. I’ve rolled my foot over a frozen water bottle, a can and a golf ball. I’ve rested and hydrated.
Nutrition has been… eh. I confess to being upset and soothing the hurt feelings with glasses of wine and Girl Scout cookies. Smart? Probably not. But it is what it is. It doesn’t happen often, and I’m not going to feel guilty about it.
Also in my arsenal? KT Tape. I started using it last Saturday, on a complete whim, and, while it didn’t make everything better, it alleviated a lot of the pressure in my arch. I don’t know if it’s just a placebo effect or if it’s really working, but I’m taping up tomorrow morning. It certainly can’t hurt.
What are my goals?
- Walk away with this around my neck.

- Be kind to myself and don’t beat myself up.
- Finish on my feet.
- Enjoy.
So, bring on The Gate. I’m excited for Mr PugRunner since this will be his longest race to date. I’m excited for our friend who will be participating in the one mile rehab challenge. I’m excited that I get to spend a morning doing something healthy in a beautiful city.
Those are the things I need to keep in mind when the gun sounds at the start.
Are you racing this weekend?
Do you race with minor (or major) injuries? Do you cut yourself slack on your performance?

I have a 4 mile race on Saturday.
Yes, unfortunately I have raced with injuries – not smart but my goal is just finishing if I am hurt. Good Luck!
Darlene recently posted…Foto Friday
Thank you! I definitely hit the goal of finishing.
Good luck to you!!
Diana recently posted…Wacky Winter
Thank you!
I am horrible injured person. I pout and I make myself (and everyone around me) miserable. I think your attitude is pretty good!!
I have a whole box of free samples of KT tape leftover from a race I organized, but I haven’t used it yet. I should give it a try!
Good luck in your race–have FUN!!
jan recently posted…Persuasive Techniques in Advertising Lesson
Definitely give it a try. In my mind, even if it’s a lot of hooey, it can’t hurt, and if it makes you feel better, then it’s helping.
I really, really, really REALLY try to have a good attitude about things like this. Sometimes, I fall short. Way short.
I hope you finish happy and smiling.
Abby @ BackAtSquareZero recently posted…Team Chocolate Milk
Well, I finished it. So, that’s half the battle. :/
I hope the race went well for you! I ran Gate yesterday as well. It was my first time running it, and I loved it. I can’t wait to do it next year.
Angie recently posted…Run now, wine later