I’ve been all over the place with blogging this week – I have a lot of catching up to do at home, so it just hasn’t worked out well for sorting photographs and getting all my thoughts typed out.
This week, while not exactly what I had planned, was pretty productive. Despite storms, and soreness, I kept up a reasonable level of activity. It was also in my plan to try two new things this week: yoga and swimming.
I never did get around to the swimming, but it will come.
Sunday: rest
Monday: 3.4 mile run
Tuesday: attempt at speed work – completed 4x 800m repeats with a warmup before having to call it quits because of the heat and humidity. I was annoyed at myself for even thinking about bailing, but was pleased that I got some of it in. Total of about 2.25 miles.
Wednesday: 60 minutes of yoga at sunrise. I’ll report more on how the actual class went next week.
Thursday: Rest. Because I bailed on my long run.
Friday: 75 minutes of “center, stretch & strengthen” yoga, .75 miles of dog walking. It turned out to be cooler than I expected, so I could have run after dropping little man at school, but I had already reserved the class. The pugs needed the exercise anyway.
Bentley is finally at a point where he is letting me harness him (he HATES people, especially me, touching his paws, and he has to have a special harness where someone has to guide his legs through the opening – it’s not a step in apparatus).
Molly, who hates any and all physical activity, got jealous, so I offered to take her out afterwards. She made it halfway, before she just couldn’t do it anymore and had to be carried home, like the royalty she thinks she is.
I think we will be getting her a harness of her own. She’s just going to have to suck it up.
Saturday: planned rest.
Last, but not least, I had to deal with our workout clothes. Slowly, but surely, we are running out of room in our drawers. We have purged and reorganized, but it became abundantly clear that we needed some more space. I got a hanging shelf unit from Target, and we are now using it for smaller items: socks, headbands, belts, compression sleeves and hats in the two drawers,
sports bras, yoga tops, and Mr PugRunner’s shorts and tech shirts in the shelves. I also started hanging my skirts to keep them from getting too wrinkled.
It’s not the most glamorous, but it was a relatively inexpensive and quick fix.
How was your week of workouts?
How do you organize your fitness clothes and gear?
What do you have planned for the weekend?
Cecilia @ MommiesRun says
Great idea with the hanging shelves! I need to do something like that since my drawers are literally overflowing!
Cecilia @ MommiesRun recently posted…seven things i found on the webz that you need to see: Paul Rudd edition {3}
runswithpugs says
Ours were a mess! I still have some tidying to do, but this took care of the bulk of it.
Jen says
I hung up my skirts also, but my tops are in a dresser drawer. I do have two of those little plastic drawer units from Target that hold my other running gear, like my sleeves and my hydration and SPI belts.
Jen recently posted…Three Things Friday
runswithpugs says
I hate folding so much, and I needed the drawer space for the capris, tights, skirts, sports bras and socks. I’ve been overtaken!
Elizabeth says
I love your yoga mat! I have been attempting to organize our room at my parent’s house and on our trips back to California I take things I don’t need to storage. I’ve been finding out I really don’t need that much here. As for this weekend, I have a nice 4 mile run planned.
Elizabeth recently posted…Wordless Wednesday: runDisney Fail
runswithpugs says
Thank you! It’s was from Target, on sale! The floor of the yoga studio is kind of hard, so they suggested I supplement with one of theirs under mine, and it’s a great idea. Kind of considering picking up a second one.
Karen Loves to Run (@karenlovestorun) says
Awesome yoga mat!
I need to purge my running closet as well. It’s out of control…I like that hanging organizer from Target!
Karen @karenlovestorun
Karen Loves to Run (@karenlovestorun) recently posted…Friday Five 5/16 {Superhero Half Marathon}
runswithpugs says
Thank you! I love the pink and orange color combo.
the organizer is working great. Of course, we’ll probably outgrow it soon and then I’ll have to figure something else out.
Briana says
Jenn, way to go on trying something new. Love your yoga mat. Look forward to reading how your classes went. I’m still working on organizing my gear as it, too, is expanding! 🙂 Have a great weekend!
Briana recently posted…Try, try, try again
runswithpugs says
We could always just stop buying gear, but…. nope! LOL!
I am taking one more type of class on Tuesday so I will write up my recap then. So far, it’s going so much better than I thought, and I’m doing much better than I dreamed. That helps.
Anne says
I was right here with you on taking some unplanned rest time last week. It happens!
What I certainly did not do and should have wads 75 minute yoga class! In theory I truly want I add yoga in every once in a while, but when it’s time to hit the mat I don’t.
Mollys face in that last picture is too stinking cute! Haha
Anne recently posted…I’m a Lucky Gal
runswithpugs says
That class was no joke! I had no idea that yoga could be so… varied and demanding? I’m not sure that’s quite what I want to say, but I think so. I think I might be getting into it. I never thought I would even break a sweat, and I was dripping and sore (in the right way) after both my classes. I MIGHT like it (Gasp! Who am I???).
Molly is a diva princess of the highest order.
Matilda says
My workouts have been non existent thanks to me getting a head cold.
I so need to get organised with my workout gear, one day I will have a bigger wardrobe… one day.
Matilda recently posted…Leaving Home
runswithpugs says
Yuck. Head colds are the worst. 🙁 Mr PugRunner is dealing with a sinus thing right now and it’s really sidelined him. 🙁 Hope you feel better soon.
The biggest problem with organizing is that now I feel like I have more space to fill. Must resist!