One thing that I’ve needed to get back to is the long run.
Since the Gate, I’ve been taking it very easy. I’ve started building pretty much from the beginning, with consistent sets of three to four mile training runs. However, three to four miles does not a marathoner make, and at some point, I needed to suck it up.
To be honest, I pretty much bailed on last week’s 6 miler. And I wasn’t planning to be able to make it up over the weekend because Mr PugRunner was out of town and the idea of running back and forth in front of my house to keep an eye on little man was less than appealing.
Things worked out, though, because my parents decided to spend Saturday night, and they were ok with the fact that I wanted to head out for six miles first thing on Sunday morning and would watch little man for me. Have I mentioned how awesome they are? Not this week? They are awesome.
I woke up with the alarm, but then turned it off instead of hitting snooze, so I got a bit of a later start than I intended: just after 6:00 rather than 5:45. It happens. I was still out early enough to catch the lovely sunrise.
We had a bit of a cool front so it was in the 50s when I made it outside. I didn’t take any hydration with me – it was too cold for me to need it, and I really didn’t feel like carrying my bottle. It was the right call.
The run started out ok, but I floundered in the middle. I just couldn’t get myself in the right frame of mind, and the third and fourth miles were absolutely grueling. Oh, how they dragged. I modified my planned course along the way, just to make things more interesting, and by the time I got to my last mile, things were improving, and I was able to make up some serious time.
I had intended to run 6 miles, but then I thought I would go for an actual 10K, and had to loop around my culdesac a few extra times to score that distance.
I was incredibly happy to have it done. I feel like I’ve leaped a huge hurdle, and I’m relieved to report that I’m not experiencing pain like I did the last time I attempted some distance.
I’m also starting to experience such crazy thoughts as “Gee. It’s only 20 more miles. How hard can that be?” So it’s safe to say I’m in the crazy and positive upswing of early training.
For the first time back, my times weren’t hideous. I was definitely tired at the end, but i feel like I’m making forward progress, which is what matters most.
In the wise words of Dorie, the forgetful fish: “Just keep swimming.”
What are some mantras that you use to motivate you when the going is tough?
What are you training for right now?
Kathy Bruinooge says
Way to go…. Not that I wNt to do a Mara but I would like to get some 6 milers under my belt… Have only done it a once. Congrats!!!
runswithpugs says
It’s a great distance (I think 10Ks are my favorite), and I was so glad to have it done finally (again). Definitely give it a shot!
Stacie Seidman says
Nice work! I desperately need to get back out there. You’re inspiring me to get going.
That sunrise is amazing, I bet in person it was even better! And yay for grandparents! Win-win for everyone I bet!
Stacie Seidman recently posted…Truthful Tuesday
runswithpugs says
It has been a godsend having them here. We all love it so much.
Seeing the sunrises are such a great motivator for me. It’s so quiet and so peaceful and it makes me feel incredibly accomplished to be out there getting it done before a lot of people are up and about .
Karen Loves to Run (@karenlovestorun) says
Way to go! Once you get into the “long run groove” it gets a bit easier. I found myself sayig “yes! I did 15 miles today and I’d ONLY have 11 left in the marathon!” ….runners, we’re crazy ;P
Karen @karenlovestorun
Karen Loves to Run (@karenlovestorun) recently posted…Race Day Etiquette
runswithpugs says
So very crazy! LOL! You’re right, getting back in the groove was probably more difficult than the run itself.
Anne @ says
Get it girl! There is nothing like the feeling you get completing a long run that is just plain tough!
Literally 1 week ago, I was feeling the EXACT same way about long runs as you described, but something happened this week (I credit the cool weather) and my 3 week funk ended and I had the most fabulous long runs! I know you’ll get in the zone again asap 🙂
I’m not huge on mantras but what I usually find myself telling myself, is, you’ve gone this far, don’t quit now, that’s just dumb.” haha
runswithpugs says
A few cool days definitely helped here!
I think any time you tell yourself not to be stupid about something, it counts as a mantra! 🙂
Abby @ BackAtSquareZero says
So happy that you are enjoying your long runs again.
Abby @ BackAtSquareZero recently posted…End of the Year Banquet
Joanna @Makingmine says
Oh my goodness, I wish I could run distances like that! It gives me something to work towards 🙂
Joanna @Makingmine recently posted…eleanor: 11 months
Elizabeth says
Awesome job! I just keep telling myself “just one more mile”.
Elizabeth recently posted…Wordless Wednesday: More runDisney Jewelry
runswithpugs says
That’s a good one! I mean, at that point, what’s one more, right?
Gabriella says
Fellow SPA sister here to say I love your blog, and that I totally feel your pain RE: long runs. The entire time they can be rough, but then afterwards they (should) feel amazing! Best of luck with your training 🙂
Gabriella recently posted…Feelings + race recap
runswithpugs says
Sometimes, I hang on just so I can get to end and say “hell, yeah!” LOL! Whatever gets you through, right?