Well, friends, I have to apologize. This is not going to be the most positive weekly recap I’ve ever shared. I started out strong, but on Thursday, I got taken out by some kind of funk and wasn’t able to complete my speed work. Or anything else for that matter.
Sunday – Long run of 6.2 miles (1:15); 1.5 miles of dog walking
Monday – 3 mile tempo run (35:14); 1.5 miles of dog walking
Tuesday – Power flow yoga – 60 minutes with 3 lb weights to help increase the challenge of the poses; 1.5 miles of dog walking
Wednesday – Sunrise yoga – 60 minutes of dynamic flow; 1.5 miles of dog walking.
Thursday – This was supposed to be my day 8x400m repeats but I woke up with a fever and wasn’t going anywhere.
And then I just pretty much gave up for the week. The fever lingered a bit, along with some congestion, and it just didn’t seem wise to push it, especially with it being so hot and humid out. I didn’t have any more workouts scheduled because we were supposed to go out of town to visit some good friends, but we made the hard decision to postpone, just in the event I was contagious. Sigh.
I had a couple of false starts with recovery, and my sleep has been disastrous. At some point in the night, I developed a migraine, and it was just downhill from there. Fortunately, that particular symptom has cleared up, and now I’m feeling pretty decent, if not a little tired, so I plan to rest and hydrate and take care of myself.
The big question now is Monday’s 5K. It is our one year race-versary and I was really looking forward to it, but I’m torn on what to do. If I just back out, I’ll be pissed at myself for not trying. If I go out there, but tell myself to just take it easy, even if it means walking it, I’ll be pissed at myself for not trying harder. And if I go all out and end up getting sicker or hurt because I’m not in good shape, I’ll be pissed at myself for being an idiot.
Great choices, huh?
What would you do about Monday’s race?
How was your week of workouts?
Do you “celebrate” the anniversary of your first race (or your most meaningful race)?

Jenn, I hope you feel better soon. Re: your Monday race, I totally get the importance. Why don’t you see how today and tomorrow go, and make a game-time decision? I’ll be rooting for a speedy recovery in the mean time 🙂 Rest up and get better soon.
Briana recently posted…Planned (or unplanned) flexibility
I’m definitely feeling much better, but I say that from the comfort of a couch in an air-conditioned house, rather than out on the pavement in high heat and humidity. I think I have to do my best to make it out there.
I would say see how you feel tomorrow and decide from there. If you are feeling better, you can walk it so you are getting a workout in even if you aren’t pushing yourself. Walking is better than sitting. I hope are feeling better soon!
Angie recently posted…Whirlwind
I keep trying to remind myself that doing something is better than nothing, but UGH. It makes me feel like such a whiny sissy! I need to get over that.
You know what? I am going to look for the exact date of my very first 5km. You inspired me! I did miserably but it changed a lot in me and in my idea of training. I will never forget it and should start celebrating its anniversary. Thank you for the great idea!
Have a lovely weekend!
Debbie Rodrigues recently posted…Shout Out Saturday – May 24th, 2014
I’m glad that we’re able to do it. It’s not my favorite race, but it’s a nice little local 5K in a cute part of town.. Sadly, I don’t have high hopes for my performance, but I am trying to convince myself that it doesn’t matter.
Ohhh goodness! I hope you fee letter so soon!
Anne recently posted…Five Things Friday
I am actually doing a lot better today. Thank goodness!
Definitely go if you’re feeling better! Nothing wrong with walking some or all of it. I totally understand what you mean about being disappointed if you’re not as fast as last time, but you always have to take into consideration all the other factors. (Easier said than done, I totally get that too!) I beat myself up about that stuff all the time, but sometimes life gets in the way of performance. And you know what? That’s ok. Running isn’t everything in life, it’s just a part of it.
Stacie Seidman recently posted…Thursday’s Threads
You’re absolutely right, and I do feel better. I took the pugs for a walk, and it was really good, although really tiring. So I’m probably going to have to really take it easy out there because it’s going to be hot. I feel like something is always coming up to screw with my races: sinuses, my foot, stomach issues, freezing cold weather, etc. I go in with the best intentions, and then it all falls to pieces and I feel like a huge failure because I didn’t have the fortitude to overcome. You’re right. It’s not everything. But I do fight hard for every mile and I wish I was better at it. 🙂
Oh I hear ya there! But you keep trying, and one of these days all the pieces will fall into place. Have a great time tomorrow!
Stacie Seidman recently posted…Thursday’s Threads
Oh man I hope you feel better soon–I know its already Monday but I would go and at least run it, I am sure whatever decision you made was best for you!!
Nellie @ Brooklyn Active Mama recently posted…Masala Bhangra by Sarina Jain – Burn The Calories with Indian Dance Fitness!
I did get out there and, while it was hard as heck, I’m so glad I did it! Thanks for the encouragement!
Look at you with your yoga!! I wish I could get into it!
Andrea recently posted…Review and Giveaway- Crazy Compression Socks
It’s been a lot better than I could have imagined!