Happy July (a few days late, but that’s how summer goes).
I can’t believe that we are halfway through 2014 already. It seems like only yesterday we were ringing in the new year and complaining about the cold weather.
And now, we are smack dab in the middle of hurricane season and battling high temperatures, suffocating humidity and regular thunderstorms. Fingers crossed that all the storms stay safely out at sea.
June was a good month. A solid month. I hit 42 miles and I’ve been mostly pain free. The plantar fasciitis seems to have worked itself out. I have some twinges in the mornings after a long run, but I have been able to overcome it with some good stretching. I didn’t set the world on fire, but it’s been a lot of forward progress, especially after coming off months of injury and backward steps.
I have big hopes for July. Huge.
- Crack 70 miles. I think my training will allow for it, and I’m excited to see my mileage increase.
- Continue with my yoga practice. It’s going really well and I am seeing crazy improvements in my balance and strength. I’m not seeing a lot of flexibility in my hips and thighs, but there is enough progress to make me excited about continuing to see where it goes.
- Try something new. Before the summer ends, I want to try stand up paddle board yoga. Which is nothing short of insane for me. But I guess I’ll never know unless I try, right? It will make for a good story, regardless.
- Take a month off from racing. I might possibly squeeze in a virtual race, just to say I did, but otherwise, July will be a race-free month. It’s goo dot take a break, and it may as well be during one of the hottest months of the year, when there aren’t too many events going on.
- Work on some home improvements. We have a few things going on around the ol’ home front, and there are some little touches that are long overdue. We have spent a lot of time outside of the home, but it’s important to us that we love spending time in our home, too. I’ll report back with some progress reports as things go along.
So that’s where I’m at. We have some fun family plans in the works and I’m excited to see what this month has in store (besides scorching temperatures).
What are your plans for this upcoming month?
Rachel @ Undercover Diva: A Sitcom says
These are great goals! My goals this month are moving (hopefully), getting more miles in, and traveling!!
Rachel @ Undercover Diva: A Sitcom recently posted…The Great Adventure: THE QUEEN!
runswithpugs says
I confess. The actual act of moving makes me want to kick things, but the adventure is the best. And travel! I hope we get to travel somewhere awesome soon!
Karen Loves to Run (@karenlovestorun) says
Time is flying by isn’t it?! My goals for this month are to get back into the groove of training, and sweat once a day (go to a class at the gym, run, yoga…something to keep moving).
Karen @karenlovestorun
Karen Loves to Run (@karenlovestorun) recently posted…SUMMER 2014 Running Goals + Happy July
runswithpugs says
That’s a great goal! Keep at it!
Sarah @ Sweet Miles says
I think taking a month off racing is a perfectly acceptable idea! ESP in the hot hot heat of summer!!! It would probably do your body good to get a good rest in 🙂
Sarah @ Sweet Miles recently posted…Brooks Ghost 7 – Help! Which Color?
runswithpugs says
Nothing ruins the desire to race more than the humidity of Florida in July. While I would love to do a race a month, I’m good with the decision to take a little break.
Angie says
My plans are to celebrate the end of my husband’s deployment, run without pushing the double stroller, and (hopefully) close on our house so we can move.
Angie recently posted…Closing Day…technically
runswithpugs says
All good things! Best of luck with your closing! Have a great holiday!
Jennifer says
I would love to do SUP this summer.
Abby @ BackAtSquareZero says
I like SUP, but suggest trying it for the first time on still water like a lake and not in a river or the ocean which get tougher and tougher.
Abby @ BackAtSquareZero recently posted…Mizuno Wave Kazan Review
runswithpugs says
It’s going to be on the inter coastal, so definitely not the ocean. I don’t do lakes.
Matilda says
Stand up paddle board yoga! Wow that’s sounds like so much fun, but also sounds cra-zy.
You’ll crack your 70mi goal I’m sure of it.
Matilda recently posted…Ultimate Coffee Date #3
runswithpugs says
Crazy is right! I don’t even know why I got it in my head to do!