I didn’t feel particularly productive this week, but maybe it’s one of those things that is quality over quantity.
Obviously, being away on vacation kind of throws a bit of a wrench into things, but I did bring my running gear so I could make the effort. Here’s how I did on Week 4 of my marathon training.
Sunday – rest
Monday – 3.1 mile trail run
This was a bit of a slower run, because I went out close to 8:00 AM (after spending the morning admiring turtle nests on the beach) and was finding my way around. I posed with a rather friendly crocodile
And then embarked on what I could only define as a trail run.
My very first.
It was a little eerie, but I ended up loving the scenery and the huge blue crabs that peeked in and out of their hidey-holes as I went past.
(I did NOT love the snakes I saw).
Tuesday – 3.1 mile night run
After a long day in the car, I absolutely. Had. To. Run. Mr PugRunner was going to be out of town for four days and I wasn’t going to get much of a chance once he was gone, so I had to take advantage, even if it was at a time of day I normally avoid.
I started paying a lot of attention to my form that night and focused on taking more steps per distance than on longer, bigger steps. Imagine my shock when my first split turned up as an 11:39! I was completely motivated by that, and kept pushing, finishing with an overall pace of 11:36.
I couldn’t have been happier. I had managed to cut about a minute off my pace. It was hard, but it was doable. My confidence took a major upswing.
Wednesday – 1 hour of sunrise yoga
Enough said.
Thursday – rest
Friday – rest
Saturday – 3 mile run
Even though Mr PugRunner was out of town, his brother and family were staying with us on their way home for vacation, so they were kind enough to let me scoot out for a pre-dawn three miler.
I remembered the high of Tuesday’s run, and went out with the same goal in mind: keeping my steps small and pushing myself through each 2:30 interval. The end result had me completing my scheduled distance with an 11:56 overall pace. Slower than Tuesday, but still under a 12-minute mile. This run showed me that my time wasn’t a fluke and might actually be something sustainable.
I wish I had a longer distance on the calendar for the week, but it seems that my long runs fall every other week, with an exception here and there. For the week, I completed nine running miles, and so far, for the month of July, I am at a grand total of 40 miles. I will admit to being a little stiff this week, but I haven’t been getting a lot of sleep, and getting knocked down to one yoga class rather than two is something that is starting to make a big difference.
In Week 5, I am looking at another single yoga class and an 11 mile run. This will be my first double digit run since January, and I’m a little nervous about it. Hopefully, I can keep my mental edge and my pace by focusing on my form and by breaking the run into a few parts to keep it manageable.
How did your week go?
Do you prefer road running or trail running?
Stacie Seidman says
You’re doing great! That trail looks like a fun place for a run!
Stacie Seidman recently posted…Thursday’s Threads
runswithpugs says
It was really neat. The main road wasn’t too far, and I chickened out when I got to the lake portion of the trail (because gators), but it was definitely something I would do again.
Anne says
There are not a lot of runners out there who an day the wildlife they see on trail runs include Blue Crabs haha! I remember saving my brothers life (figuratively at least :)) multiple times when I lived at home because I stare at the ground when I run and he would always almost step on snakes!
That is so awesome about your focus in your form-and of course the result from that! I don’t have a terrible cadence, but even when I’m trying to it 180, I NEVER do!
Good luck on your 11 miler! I’m sure it will be jut fine, and think about how great you’re going to feel after, wohoo!!
Anne recently posted…Summer Send-Off
runswithpugs says
The snakes I saw were technically harmless, but still. LOL. I don’t know if I’m hitting the 180 but increasing my steps is helping.
I am going to feel absolutely on top of the world when my 11 miles are done!
Abby @ BackAtSquareZero says
You got a ton in for vacation, always find it is harder to squeeze runs in then. awesome job!
Abby @ BackAtSquareZero recently posted…Wave Sayonara 2 – Review
runswithpugs says
It is hard to do, but fortunately, I didn’t have too much else going on, so the runs were a nice way to break things up and keep busy.
jan says
Trail running, hands down! Although, if I saw weird & creepy reptiles while running like you do I would NOT like it as much.
jan recently posted…Race-Ride-Run
runswithpugs says
The crabs weren’t so bad, to be honest! It was just weird to hear them rustling around off the road. I don’t think I could do the trails regularly, even though it was a nice change of pace.
runswithpugs recently posted…weekly recap: 7/13 – 7/19
Matilda says
Sunrise Yoga sounds so peaceful, I would like to try that one day.
I love my trail running, way more interesting things to see.
Matilda recently posted…One Million Steps Challenge
runswithpugs says
It is really such an energizing and serene way to start the day. I wish they offered more classes at that time in the morning, but I will take what I can get.
Angie says
I am terrified to run trails because of the wildlife. I have an extreme phobia of snakes. I freak out if I see one. I guess it would make me run faster just so I could finish and get away from the snakes…
Angie recently posted…The end is here!
runswithpugs says
Unfortunately, there are many snakes here, so I just have to stay alert and power through. Not my favorite, for sure.
Lisa RunFastMama says
Love the friendly crocodile! Up here in MI our wildlife isn’t that thrilling, although a little girl did get bit pretty bad by a rattler last year on the trail – granted she grabbed it…
Lisa RunFastMama recently posted…Signs you need a running coach…
runswithpugs says
Oh, no! No touching the rattlesnakes! Yikes!
Pam says
I would freak out if I encountered snakes while running. I only do trail runs with my group. I prefer roads because of my fear of getting injured. It might be an old lady runner thing!
Pam recently posted…Why I am deferring Marine Corps Marathon
runswithpugs says
Injury is definitely a viable concern. Fortunately, the trails around here aren’t anywhere close to treacherous (all manmade, I would think), and they are close enough to main roads that help would be quickly available.