At some point, I was going to hit a somewhat slow week. In terms of pure mileage, that is.
I am ahead of my training by a few weeks, and so I didm’t think it would a huge issue to step back a little, especially after Tour De Pain. Of course, that could just be one of those things I tell myself to make myself feel better about my laziness.
Sunday – rest
Monday – rest
Tuesday – 3.1 mile run, 75 minutes yoga with weights
I knew I wasn’t going to have a lot of time to run this week, so, even though it pained me, I set the alarm extra early to squeeze in 3.1 miles before my practice.
Yoga was also much-needed. I was very stiff after the weekend, and I was relieved to have the opportunity to stretch and work out the tightness from the weekend.
Wednesday – Universal Studios
Ok, this isn’t really a training session, but I can think of few better workouts than walking around for hours on end, in blazing heat, sweating buckets. I may not have been running with my Garmin, but it sure felt like it.
Thursday – rest
We got home on the later side Wednesday, after a day at the theme park and a side trip to IKEA. I was exhausted and most likely very dehydrated, so I didn’t worry about pushing myself in the morning. Not in my running shoes, anyway. I did take the opportunity to deep clean the living room and continue refinishing some furniture. Because that’s how rest days get spent.
Friday – 3.1 mile run
I was able to catch the sunrise with this one. It was a relatively nice run, and a good way to start the day. We had a playdate at the pool with some friends, and then nana took little man for the night while Mr PugRunner and I took papa bear to the first Jags preseason game. It was a long day and a late night, and while I did have hopes for running on Saturday, it was a no go.
Saturday – rest
Instead of working out, we worked around the house. I repainted two end tables and four dining chairs, picked up three new-to-us chairs for repurposing, and cleaned out little man’s loft – purging old toys and reorganizing furniture. Mr PugRunner got the car detailed and sold our old patio furniture so we can make room for something new when our back patio gets overhauled in the next few weeks. After little man went to bed, we got Chinese food and watched Divergent as a way to unwind.
I was thinking about getting up tomorrow for a run, but… eh. Mr PugRunner wants to get his miles in and I can wait til Monday. I wouldn’t say my motivation is lacking, exactly, but I just need a little break. I want to stay up later than necessary, reading one of my new books and sleeping in a little bit. I imagine it’s ok to do that once in a while. 🙂
How was your training this week?
How do you treat yourself when you aren’t planning to get out for that early morning run?
megan says
I also took a bit of a break last week and I can honestly say it was a good thing! My body needed the rest and I came back stronger than before! Good luck in your training this week!
runswithpugs says
That makes me feel better. I was honestly pretty down on myself for being so lazy, but I just couldn’t get myself in the right frame of mind. I guess it happens, so I should just roll with it when it does.
Anne says
OMG omg if you write a recap of the new Harry Potter World- no lie- I’m probably going to have to skip that post because my heart will hurt haha! I’m actually thinking about coming home over Veterans Day do I can go!
I’ve never trained for a marathon but it would seem to be that if your ahead in your training, taking a step back is probably a good thing!
Hope the Jags game was fun! I had to listen to a play by play from my father as we sat at dinner Friday night on vaca haha
Anne recently posted…Shaun White, Adventures, and EMTs in Silverton
runswithpugs says
I don’t want to make your heart hurt!!! You have GOT to go! It is one of the most amazing things ever!
The game was fun. I hope we get to go a couple of them this season. The stadium improvements are incredible, and I am hopeful that the team has a great season!
John (Daddy Runs a Lot) says
What is this “sleeping in” that you mention?
Every time I read your weekly recap, I tell myself “I need to do more yoga,” yet I never do. Good on you.
John (Daddy Runs a Lot) recently posted…Where random wins the day
runswithpugs says
LOL! My sleeping late is all of 6:30 or 7:00 AM. Such an exciting life I lead!
The yoga helps so much. I wish I could fit in more, but there are only so many hours in a day.
Stacie Seidman says
You have plenty of time still, and I think it’s important to listen to your body and step back sometimes. And it’s not always running maladies I’m referring too. Sometimes we’re just run down and tired from all the craziness that is summer. Plus, you still got some runs in, so it’s not like you sat around and did nothing physical. (Not to mention all the walking and working on furniture!)
My week was similar… Lots of non running things to get done. I went for a 3 mile run Thursday morning, and then met a friend to attempt a 6 miler on Sunday morning. (My first long run since MARCH!) We chose a rather hilly route and went out about 8:45 which was a bit too late. It was already pretty warm by then. So we STRUGGLED our way through, but we got it done! Lots of walking, yet we still somehow averaged 11:30 miles! Shocking given the amount of walking. Though we did run down all the hills (that certainly kicks up your speed!). I’m hoping to push through this giant wall that shows up on every single run lately. Hopefully sooner than later!
Stacie Seidman recently posted…My first Influenster box from Sally Hansen® Miracle Gel™!
runswithpugs says
That’s an amazing run! Especially with hills! Way to go!
You’re right. I get so wrapped up in my numbers, sometimes, and it’s a blow when I don’t accomplish what I set out to do. But, I’m tired and I’m not going to get less tired by running myself down, literally and figuratively.
Abby @ BackAtSquareZero says
Love the Universal Studio picture. I am such a Harry Potter dork.
Abby @ BackAtSquareZero recently posted…Training Update – Long Runs and Late Nights
runswithpugs says
:sits on Abby’s dork couch:
I was geeking out. Geeking out. I can’t wait to share all the pics and details of Diagon Alley!
Kristy @Runaway Bridal Planner says
Sometimes we just need a bit of rest and a break and I find things work out better when we do:) It’s not often, but I love when I get so into a book late at night and pretty much stay up into the midnight hours to finish the book, it’s even better if I don’t have to get up early the next morning:)
Looks like you had a pretty fun week! I think walking around a hot theme park all day counts as a crazy good workout, oh yeah!
Kristy @Runaway Bridal Planner recently posted…Travel Tuesday – Okalahoma City, Oklahoma
runswithpugs says
Oh, those late reading nights are the BEST. I am in such a good book place right now. I just want to stay in my pjs all day, snuggled up and lost in great books.