Week 13, and the bad news is… I somehow managed to lose the saved draft of my Excel worksheet outlining all my training thus far.
I have to go digging through my archives to see if I can resurrect it, but it’s a bummer to not have access to all the hard work I’ve done thus far.
In the meantime, I’m glad I have everything logged on Daily Mile, for the most part, sans some yoga and dog walking. But, it is what it is and we must press on.
This week was a step down week, and I was happy to do so.
Sunday – rest
It was time to say goodbye, and after a few stops (including for breakfast at an amazing bagel place that was so good we had to actually order a dozen bagels to take home with us), we were back on the road for the long drive home. Nana and Papa Bear met us at the house and we ordered pizza for a nice, relaxing dinner and visit. We did our best to get the laundry going and the house back in order before turning in for a good night’s sleep.
Monday – rest
Tuesday – 3.1 miles
I confess. These 3 milers have me dragging as of late. I don’t know if it’s the weather or just general lack of motivation, but it’s a little frustrating. I feel like I’m getting out there and hustling, but my Garmin just doesn’t reflect that feeling. I try to focus on the beautiful sunrises and scenery and just enjoy.
I spent the rest of the day volunteering at little man’s school and then got home long enough to tidy up and take him out to karate. Because of baseball practice, he hasn’t been able to attend quite as many karate classes. I think we both miss it but practices will even out soon and we’ll be able to get back to it.
Wednesday – rest
The patio crew came back again to do some more work. Poor guys were out there for over 12 hours, getting the basic wrapped up. There is still work to be done: sod replacement, electric, and possibly running wires for an outdoor TV. I will get some photo with the good camera as soon as it’s looking a little more tidy. It’s amazing what a difference it has made.
Thursday – 3.1 miles
Nothing special again. Just logging my time and going on about my day.
Mr PugRunner took little man out to baseball practice (their first non-hititng practice, thanks to all the evening rains we’ve been having). Poor kid was just about exhausted and asked us if we could have a do-nothing weekend. We were pretty happy to agree.
Friday – rest
After some more volunteer time, Nana and Papa Bear came over to visit and to see the work that’s been done. They asked if they could take him to see Dolphin Tale 2 on Saturday, and we thought that would be great. I kind of wanted to see it, too, but I’m sure we will catch it when it comes out on DVD. When little man came home from school, we went to Home Depot for stones and wood for the new fire pit, and then out to dinner. It was just a nice, relaxing evening, with no rush – exactly what we needed. I stayed up late, watching TV and reading, and I loved it.
Saturday – rest
I woke up at around 5:00AM with an awful feeling in my stomach. It wouldn’t go away. I was queasy and nauseous and crampy. Mr PugRunner was going out for a long run, and I didn’t want to worry him, so I waited til I thought he had gone out to run a hot bath for myself. He heard me, however, and came in to check on me to see if I needed him to stay. I felt more like something hadn’t agreed with me than actually contagious sick, so I told him to go and I would just stay in the bath to see if the hot water would ease the cramps. After a while, it did, but my body was so wrung out after being so tense that I just needed to get a little more sleep. By this time, little man was awake, and I asked him if he could either sit quietly in bed with me and watch TV or play in the loft so that I could finish resting. Mr PugRunner had about 30 minutes to go on his run, and little man was super sweet about it. I got a few extra hours of sleep and felt fine. Bizarre.
We dropped little man at his grandparents’, had a lovely lunch with them, and then headed home to do some grocery shopping, nap and watch the Hurricanes game. I had to go to bed early, because I had agreed to meet up with our new local Moms Run This Town group and I wanted to make a good showing. There was definitely some anxiety about this: meeting new people, hoping I wouldn’t be too slow, that kind of thing. Eek.
My heels were bothering me towards the end of the week. I’m not really sure why and the discomfort stopped up after a day or two, but I’m glad it did, and I hope it doesn’t come back. Mr PugRunner has been heavily preaching resting and giving my body a break, but I don’t really feel like I’ve been training too hard. In fact, I feel like maybe I don’t train enough, especially considering all the high mileage weeks coming up. Maybe it’s premature, but I’m really looking forward to the end of this training cycle and moving on to something less serious.
For real, this time. Fifteen miles on the schedule. I’m not entirely sure what day I’m going to go for it, but it needs to get done. I’m also thinking about splitting the run into two parts, but I haven’t come to a final decision on that one.
How was your week in training?
Do you think you overtrain, undertrain, or train just right?
Anne says
I I definitely feel like I experience a little bit of anxiety when I’m sort of in limbo with my running. Sometimes it feels much better to be running higher mileage or faster workouts. To break out of a funk that I might be in!
I’m sorry you didn’t feel well that’s no fun, but I hope the meet up with the running moms was super fun!
Anne recently posted…A Few Tidbits
runswithpugs says
The higher mileage is freaking me out. I need to get past this!!!!
Angie says
I am glad your stomach is better! I think sometimes your body just needs some rest time. Good luck with the 15 mile run! I did 13 this past weekend so I feel prepared for the half in a few weeks.
Angie recently posted…Virtual 5K
runswithpugs says
Sometimes, it does. I am still freaking out over the 15. I’m thinking about holding off til my half next weekend, running 13 and then going out later for another four. It makes me feel better.
Abby @ BackAtSquareZero says
So sorry you lost your Excel draft, that would drive me nuts.
Abby @ BackAtSquareZero recently posted…5 Steps to Long Run Recovery and a PRO Compression Giveaway
runswithpugs says
It’s extremely frustrating. 🙁
jan says
Sorry you lost your spreadsheet!! 🙁 Maybe try a Google docs on next time so you can access it from anywhere?
jan recently posted…Paint the Town
runswithpugs says
I had it backed up on Carbonite, but somehow it didn’t save the updated version. So annoying. Oh, well! I need to be looking onward, not back!