September wasn’t really my month in the fitness capacity.
Which is ok. Because some months are going to be that way. But fizzling out is kind of discouraging and humbling, and I don’t like the way I’m feeling about it.
However, I was coming off a long, hot, humid, painful summer of pretty consistent training. So, I’m entitled to a little bit of a slowdown, even if it is in the middle of a marathon training cycle. Or at least that’s what I’m telling myself.
September Shortcomings:
- I. Slacked. On. Yoga. I am having a hard time fitting it into my schedule right now. With mornings still so hot, and our days so busy with getting little man off to school and PTA and extracurriculars and homework, and both of us training for distance runs… well, yoga is the thing that suffered. I miss it. My hips miss it. My sense of adventure and confidence miss it. Yoga made me stronger and more daring. Is such a thing possible? I’m going to have to figure out how to get it back into my routine.
- I am afraid of runs longer than 13.1 miles. I need to get a handle on this (ridiculous and stupid) fear. Because I have this thing called a marathon coming up, and I’m going to have to run longer than 13.1 miles. That’s what marathons are all about. Hopefully, my plan of splitting my next long run will give me a mental handle on what’s to come, because I am struggling pretty hard with all the feelings.
September Wins:
- I overcame my self-conscious nonsense and ran with a buddy. One was in a race, and once was for a training run. No one pointed and no one laughed. It was nice. I need to make it a habit.
- I listened to my body. A lot. Maybe more than I should have. But I had some tired, exhausted, sluggish days, and on those days, I ignored my alarm and my Mizunos. It was the right thing to do.
- I was spontaneous. Registering for a race the week of instead of months in advance. Changing up my standard long run route. So many runners are creatures of strict habit. I’m proud of myself for daring to challenge those habits.
Random September Happenings:
- Little man learned how to ride a two-wheeler! It’s been a hard-fought battle, but he’s decided he wants a skateboard, and so he went out of his way to prove to us that his balance was up to snuff. We are so ridiculously proud of him. I love that he put himself out there and didn’t give up. It’s also amazing to see how much he improves every time he goes out for a spin. He went from wobbling along, struggling to maintain a straight line, to making it all the way to the end of the street, to navigating turns. Amazing.
- I was selected as a ZOOMA Florida Ambassador for the Amelia Island event! Want to join me in January for a beautiful, scenic half marathon, 12K or 5K? Register here and use code JENN15 to save 10% off the fee for any distance.
courtesy of I was offered a job! I won’t be starting for a while, but I’m excited all the same!
- I have been keeping up with my reading and finished another three books (Voyager, Dragonfly in Amber and The 1o0-Foot Journey)
- We booked a Disney Cruise for an extended family vacation. I’m not a big cruiser (I get horribly seasick and I don’t like the feeling of being trapped on a boat), but little man Mr PugRunner and Papa Bear are all very excited (or will be – little man doesn’t know yet), and so I agreed to take the leap.
October Goals
- Up the mileage. Obviously. It needs to be done. Period. The end.
- Return to yoga. My hips and calves need me to find the time.
- Talk Mr PugRunner into registering for a fun 5K (beer related) or a holiday-themed 10 miler. Yay for running dates.
- Rock Halloween. Because it’s my favorite.
I can’t believe it’s fall and we’re in the last parts of 2014. We are getting closer and closer to all my big races and events, and it’s incredibly exciting!
How was your September, personally and in the fitness sense?
What are your goals for October?
What’s something awesome that has happened to you recently?

No month has been my month since I got injured. But, I ran 5 miles with no pain and no stops (except for a bathroom break…) today and I’m feeling better about wanting to run a half marathon in nine weeks. It’ll be slow and probably my worst time, but I’m getting back into it!! I miss the way running makes me feel.
Rachel @ Undercover Diva: A Sitcom recently posted…Turtle Tuesday # 5
That’s fantastic!
I need to catch up with all your turtle adventures! You must be having the time of your life!
You were offered a job?!? Oh my gosh congratulations that is so exciting, I cannot wait to hear about it!!!
I am actually struggling with the same thing as you mileage wise. I have certain goals and expectati for myself that I bottom line, haven’t been hitting and in over it, but each week I just miss my goals. Thing is, they’re completely in my control! I guess that’s why we’re all works in progress right 🙂
Anne recently posted…Savory Pumpkin Chicken Sauce with Spaghetti Squash
I was! Crazy, right?
We ARE all works in progress. But life happens, and running isn’t my career or my livelihood, even if I do love it, so I can’t and won’t be too hard on myself about it. I’m doing this for fun and for health. That’s all. If I don’t hit my goals? Well… that’s ok, too.
Congrats on the job! Can’t wait to hear about it! Sounds like overall you had a great month! I think it’s a good idea to go easy once in awhile in the running department. It keeps the body happy and prepares you to step it up in the future! (That said… SOMEBODY… Ok, me, anyway, this girl needs to figure out her new schedule and get back to running regularly!)
Nice work little man with the bike! I haven’t ridden a bike in years! I wonder if I would need training wheels to start again?
Stacie Seidman recently posted…Truthful Tuesday
It was a decent month. I guess I can’t complain too much. Not where it should have been, but I obviously didn’t work harder to make changes, so I have to be happy with where I’m at.
Little man did so well! He’s always lagged a little bit with his gross motor skills (nothing concerning, but he’s always been a cautious kid, so things like bike riding came a little harder for him), so this was a Really Big Deal. I, of course, am a failure on a bike (hence, no tris over here), but I imagine family bike rides are going to become a thing. Lucky me LOL!
Congrats on all the success. And don’t sweat the small stuff. You have to listen to your body when it comes to running and training for a distance event. Committing to a training schedule is tough work for us mommies. I completely understand that.
Just a suggestion for you with the time management of your yoga: I break my yoga routine into pieces when I’m stretched for time. Like I’ll take 15 minutes after a run to stretch and meditate. It’s not always convenient depending on if the kiddos need us right away, but it’s an option. Then in the morning or evenings before/after bed, I’ll do another 10-15 minutes of sun salutes or a hip opening sequence. Any way we can get it, right?
Haley @ Running with Diapers recently posted…Currently: September 2014
That’s a great suggestion about breaking up the yoga. I will have to try. I am usually a bit of a slacker when it comes to form so I like to be under a professional’s watchful eye, but I guess a stretch is a stretch is a stretch. Thanks for the tip!
My September was okay. I found excuses to skip too many workouts and take too many rest days so I need to get on track.
Abby @ BackAtSquareZero recently posted…Weight Watchers – Week 11 of Meetings
It’s so easy to fall off the wagon and so hard to get back on. Ugh. Here’s to October!
You’re so brave to go on a cruise when you get seasick. That’s love!
Tina@GottaRunNow recently posted…Post-race Depression & Your Race Recaps
A lot of love. I’m hoping that between sea bands and a patch and several pina coladas, I won’t notice. 🙂
Hey – a full marathon is just two 13.1 mile runs. You’re good with that distance – you’ll be fine with the longer one 🙂
But yeah, get yourself doing more yoga. The benefits will reap themselves.
And yay for Disney cruises & riding a two-wheeler!
John (Daddy Runs a Lot) recently posted…Where I inspect my training plan with a half marathon
That’s a great way of looking at it. Just two 13.1 mile runs. EASY!
I know. The yoga has got to get back in there. I need more hours in the day.
Congratulations on the job!
Have you been on a Disney cruise? I loved it. I have a terrible time with sea sickness. I was pregnant at the time so I decided to wear the bracelets on my wrist. It helped some.
Angie recently posted…4 year olds
Nope. This will be my first. It’s ridiculous that I love traveling so much, but the means of doing so are difficult for me. Oh, well. It will be great, or it will be miserable, but it’s only three nights, so…. I’m just going to have to deal.
See you tomorrow!