Week 15 was a pretty big week. I had some shorter training runs, and my third half marathon. Good times.
Sunday – rest
We spent the day with family, watching football. As autumn Sundays should be spent.
Monday – 3.1 miles
Still hot. Still sluggish. What can you do?
Tuesday – rest
I got my hair done. It’s been three months. It was time.
Wednesday – rest
I spent the morning at some school meetings, and then we met up with my parents for an early dinner before batting practice for little man. We had been getting a lot of rain, so practices have been few and far between. Little man’s division is sling pitch this year, which is definitely a change for the kiddos. He’s been doing ok with the machine, so we’ll see how it goes on game day.
Thursday – rest
Technically, this was a rest day, but I don’t think I stopped going all day. We had parent-conferences (which went great!), I had lunch at school with little man, I ran some errands and then I had to go back to school to help with an event. Whew.
Friday – 2 miles
Since I would be running a total of 17.1 miles on Saturday, I did an easy two miles, just to get my legs going.
Then it was off to pick up my packet and get dinner at our favorite Italian place. I packed my race bag, made sure my Garmin and iPod were charging and got myself in bed super early.
Saturday – 17.1 miles
I had a 4:30 wake up call so I could get ready and meet my girlfriend, who was kind enough to offer to drive. The race start was delayed because of a sudden, torrential downpour, which was tough. I will post more in my recap, but needless to say, I completed the race, despite the muddy pit at the finish line…
Got home to shower and change and meet up with little man and the rest of the family for lunch after his team won the first baseball game of the season (and after he got a baby tooth knocked out from a ball to the face!!!!), and then, when Mr PugRunner took little man to get a new glove (his is apparently way too small), I stumbled outside to complete four more miles.
It was more of a slow, forward shuffle than a run. But the miles got logged, one way or the other, and then I was ready to kick back and relax with a fire on our back patio.
The week felt pretty good. I also really enjoyed knowing that I was able to get in the 17 miles, even if it was broken up. I’m not sure if I’m over my fear of any distance over 13 miles, but it’s a start.
I’m also a little nervous about my Garmin. It’s just over a year old, and has been working great for my purposes, but it feels like the battery is draining quickly. Which leads to panic because…. is it going to last for the entirety of my marathon? Has anyone run a (long) marathon with a Garmin Forerunner 10 and has it held up? Or should I start researching other options?
This week, I am taking it easy, with three low-mileage runs. I do have to complete a distance of 6.2 to earn my Pugicorn virtual medal (squee!), but other than that, I can take advantage of the nice weather and enjoy myself.
How was your week in training?
Do you recommend looking into a new running watch?
Do you ever split up your long runs or knock out all the miles at once?
Kristin @ A Mom on the Run says
Andrea has the 10 and ran the Disney Marathon with it last year. I think I remember her saying she had some issues with it on her 20 mile training run, I don’t remember what they were though.
I have the 220 and I really love it. The battery on that thing lasts forever. With my 305, I had to charge it after every run. The 220 gets charged the night before my long runs, but that’s it. I ran the Disney marathon with it and it had plenty of juice after five hours.
runswithpugs says
That’s the one I’m looking at. I don’t want anything too crazy fancy, but I just want it to last for the duration of the race. Off to research more.
Darlene says
I split them all the time esp. when I have a race and need more miles.
Darlene recently posted…Monday running update
runswithpugs says
It feels a lot more manageable to be able to do it that way.
Kathy Bruinooge says
congrats! well done! I am still training for my half on Nov 2. How do you like your garmin? my bday is Nov 6 the big 50! I was hoping to get one. keep up the great work!
runswithpugs says
I do really like my Garmin. It’s been very good to me. I don’t really want or need a heart monitor and it’s a nice size and comfortable. It does my intervals for me and keeps track of everything, so really, that’s all I need. I am just super worried about that battery.
emy says
hey girlie! I have a 210…….. I love it…Very simple to use! The battery life last for long time, like a week =) I usually due my miles all at once, minus potty breaks =) and sometimes walk breaks. I’m one of those if I don’t get them done now, I never will LOL.
emy recently posted…Am I a Runner?!?
runswithpugs says
I have been looking at the 200s. Just not sure if it’s all panic in my head or if something is really wrong. Obviously, the easy answer is to run faster, but that’s not happening LOL! Thanks for the recommendation.
Stacie Seidman says
17 miles! GO YOU!!!! Awesome job this week!
I’m not techie enough to give really good advice on the watch front… BUT I did have mine die at a race, and it was pretty depressing. So if you’re worried about it not working, I might consider a replacement. I mean it’s your first full marathon! You’re going to want that logged in your records. I think mine is the Forerunner 110. I like it, but have a hard time sometimes getting the charger to connect properly.
I’ve logged zero miles this week. That 6.2 virtual race is obviously going to be a run/walker I’m afraid. Hey better than nothing right?
Stacie Seidman recently posted…Weekend? Hello? Weekend?
runswithpugs says
17 miles and so tired. And hungry. So hungry.
I would be so sad if mine died! I wouldn’t know what to do with myself. Wouldn’t it be awesome if these big races had some kind of timing device and mile markers so we wouldn’t have to rely on GPS watches? Oh wait…. 😉
Hey, I may be adding 3.2 miles to my 3 from today and calling to good. 6.2 is 6.2 is 6.2!
John (Daddy Runs a Lot) says
Yay for 17!
I was supposed to manage 21 yesterday . . . but I didn’t. I’m aiming for next Monday now. We’ll see 🙂
John (Daddy Runs a Lot) recently posted…Where I bring the random on a Friday
runswithpugs says
Yay, indeed! I hope you are able to get that 20 done! It’s hard to fit them all in, sometimes, but you’ve got it! 🙂
Tina@GottaRunNow says
The more often you run over 13 miles, the more you’ll realize that it’s possible and not too hard to do. Good job on getting in a half marathon+!
Tina@GottaRunNow recently posted…Honey Running Fuel & 18 Miler
runswithpugs says
I’m working on it! It feels like it shouldn’t be that hard, but then long run day comes and I fall apart. All I can do is pick up and keep join! Thanks for the encouragement!
jan says
Yay for 17 miles! Who cares if it was broken up. As for the Garmin thing, my first Garmin started to freak right around the 1-year mark. I did get it replaced (I think it was slightly less than a year). Then, my new one broken within a year so I ended up buying a different model (neither were the same as yours). It’s such a bummer when they don’t work!
jan recently posted…Dance
runswithpugs says
It’s funny how much we come to rely on them. At first, I was all “Pfft. I don’t need that!” But now I feel naked without it!
Anne @ CandyCrazedrun.com says
Oh no! That is nerve racking about your Garmin! I have had my Forerunner 10 for about a year and a half, and while sometimes it goes through phases where it WILL NOT pick up a signal, seriously it shuts off before it does, I’ve never had battery issues so I can’t offer much advice!
Congrats on 17. 1 miles that is incredible!
Anne @ CandyCrazedrun.com recently posted…It’s Official…It’s Fall!
runswithpugs says
That’s funny – I’ve never had issues with it not picking up a signal. I’ll have to test it out on another long run and see if I’m just being crazy in my head, or if there is something really wrong. Or a combo of the two LOL!
April @ RunTheGreatWideSomewhere says
Awesome job on the race AND the extra 4 miles! I have heard that the Forerunner 10’s biggest drawback is that the battery life isn’t always long enough for a full for the average runner. Might want to consider an upgrade (plus new stuff is fun!). Sorry to hear about the baby tooth, that must have been scary for everyone!!
runswithpugs says
TERRIFYING! I’m almost glad I wasn’t there. I don’t think I would have been able to handle it. Poor kid is terrified of taking another ball to the face, so we have a lot to work through 🙁
Well, I am definitely an average runner (or less), so I may need to strongly consider that upgrade. But you’re right. New stuff IS fun.
Angie says
I was not happy about the rain Saturday morning. I was supposed to run two more miles after the race, but I decided to skip it.
I have heard the 10’s battery does not last for a full marathon for most people.
Angie recently posted…32 seconds