Due to our travel and the general over scheduling, it’s been a while since we linked up for the Friday Five, with these three awesome DC area bloggers: Mary at Mar On the Run, Cynthia at You Signed Up For What?! and Courtney from Eat Pray Run, DC. Feel free to join the fun with your own Friday Five post and be sure to visit and comment on the other blogs on the linkup!
Today’s post, we share Five Ways I Celebrated National Running Day!
1. I ran!
Obviously, on National Running Day, running is key. So I laced up and got out there.
2. I did my first “prediction run”!
A prediction run has nothing to do with your speed. The winner is the one who most accurately predicts his or her finish time. Which is a lot harder than it looks. We have a few prediction races in town, but on Wednesday night, I did my very first one. I was about two minutes off. The winners were off by about two seconds. Impressive.
3. I tried running “naked”!
While I have ventured out without an iPod, especially when it’s dark out, I have NEVER gone out without my phone and/or some kind of timing device. Oh, it was SO weird. I am absolutely so bound to my Garmin, and I felt so lost without it, especially for intervals. I ran as far as I could (about a mile, by my estimation), before I started breaking down into run/walk periods, based on my own counting. Unfortunately, my foot was giving me grief, so I walked a lot more than I usually would, but it was a fun run, so no biggie. Mostly. I still feel like it doesn’t count, since I didn’t have the Garmin data!
4. I found a new route!
I wish I had been able to bring my phone along just so I could share some of the pictures of this route! It was a flat and shaded loop. We ran through two different parks, one with a sculpture garden, and then through the most adorable beach neighborhoods. For a while, we were alongside a little canal, where I saw the most incredibly huge turtles. And there were even a few pieces of little dirt trail. It had a bit of everything, and it’s somewhere I would run again, just to switch things up.
5. I joined a running group!
This is a big one. For a long time, I have been incredibly intimidated by the idea of being part of a running group. However, since my motivation has been low, and the price as right, I thought why not? It would be good to get out there and get some encouragement from other people. The crowd was great, friendly and supportive, and the pace range was all over the place. I felt pretty comfortable and not particularly outmatched, so I am looking forward to attending a group run and seeing how it goes.
It was a pretty fun day. I was nervous at first, as I always am in new situations with new people. But I think I moved on pretty quickly, and was very appreciative to be with a welcoming group of people, all with a shared love of running.
What are some ways you celebrated the day?
What’s something you’ve tried recently to challenge yourself, running or otherwise?

Sounds like a great day! The running groups around here are pretty hard core, so we made our own. Unfortunately most of the members have moved away and we’re down to 2… but two is better than one!
Stacie Seidman recently posted…Nicole’s Creations
We have a few smaller groups, but I am way too slow to run with them. We do get together from time to time, but I need something more consistently.
My running group is done until October. I need a new one. I am hesitant too because I am not fast. I would love to find a new route that is scenic.
Darlene recently posted…Friday Five: National Running Day
It’s great finding new routes. I have another one to try out, too, and I’m super excited about it.
October is a long way away! I hope you are able to find something!
All of these are so awesome! I have to say, I actually did not run a national running day ha ha.
I almost always run without my phone, but not without my garmin. When I do leave my Garman though, it is pretty freeing feeling.
I love love love that you found a new route and Ran with a grip! Those are two of my favorite running things in the whole wide world 🙂
Anne recently posted…Soooooo I’m Moving From the U.S….
I like to have the phone just in case I get into trouble.
The new route and the group were both pretty great. It was a little unnerving, not knowing where I was going (or if I was going to be able to find his way back), but it was definitely something to try.
Sounds like you had a great national running day! I’ve been sick, so I missed out – but hoping to have a belated celebration this weekend 🙂
Nicole @ Fitful Focus recently posted…Cross Training with the PUMA Pulse XT
Oh, no! I hope you are feeling better so you can get out there!
Awesome you joined a running group!
I used to run with RunKeepr so I got pretty good at guessing my pace and splits, it was fun.
Ange @ Cowgirl Runs recently posted…Friday Favourites: 6/5
That’s awesome that you’re able to guess so well! Maybe one day!
I have a hard time running “naked” too. Even on short runs I feel like I need my music.
lacey@fairytalesandfitness.com recently posted…Why I didn’t always want my running partner
I have done lots of runs (long ones, too), without music. But having NOTHING was really difficult.
I’m not a runner so I didn’t celebrate. I couldn’t go walking without my phone to keep track of things…no clue how to track on my own.
Cassi recently posted…My Garden
That’s a great reason to not run LOL!
I have no idea how to keep track without something either. You have to wonder how people managed before GPS watches and smartphones.
runswithpugs recently posted…friday five: national running day
i’ve never done a prediction run. how fun. i think i’d be terrible at that though, lol. have a great weekend!
Courtney @ Eat Pray Run DC recently posted…National Running Day 2015 – 5 Marathon Training Mistakes
I was quite awful at it! But that’s ok. It was fun anyway.
runswithpugs recently posted…friday five: national running day
Oh my gosh I want to run along your new route – it sounds fantastic – sculpture garden and turtles!! I would have been in running heaven!
Sam @ PancakeWarriors recently posted…Fitness is a Dance
It was so cool! I’m nervous that there were other things besides turtles in those canals, though.
runswithpugs recently posted…friday five: national running day
I love my MRTT group and seriously have no idea what I did before I met them all! Prediction runs sound cool.
Deborah @ Confessions of a Mother Runner recently posted…Sport2People Resistance Band Review & Exercises On The Go
I am hopeful that our MRTT group becomes a little more active. Our city is very spread out, so it makes it hard to get things going.
runswithpugs recently posted…friday five: national running day
I love finding new running routes. On Wednesday I ran around the mall (DC).
Jennifer recently posted…Friday Five – Scenes from National Running Day
Oh, that must be incredible! I would probably be stopping every few seconds to look at things LOL!
runswithpugs recently posted…friday five: national running day
How great you joined a group! I’m typically a lone wolf runner as well. but learning to swim this year to take on my first tri prompted me to join a tri group. I don’t always enjoy it, but I definitely work harder in the group.
Marcia recently posted…Currently: School’s Out Edition
I agree! I don’t know that I will always go out with the group, but I imagine it will be a little motivating and help me push a little harder.
runswithpugs recently posted…friday five: national running day
I don’t like running naked! Especially when it comes to my Garmin. I guess it helps when I go to one our trails and there are mile markers. Exciting that you joined a group! I start back running with my running group next week. Can’t wait!
Artney @ My Pretty Brown recently posted…Roasted Buffalo Cauliflower
See, I think I would be ok with actual mile markers, but I don’t have any around here! It’s like the whole run is invalid if it’s not on my Garmin.
runswithpugs recently posted…friday five: national running day
I don’t know about a running group. I love to run solo. It’s my me time!
Wendy@Taking the Long Way Home recently posted…A matter of perspective
I really like running solo, but I feel like I push myself harder when I’m with people. I will still have my “me” time, but I think it will be good to mimx things up to help my motivation.
runswithpugs recently posted…friday five: national running day
Running “naked” is so hard for me! I always have my watch and headphones, unless I’m running with a friend 🙂
Karen @karenlovestorun
Karen @karenlovestorun recently posted…Friday Five 6/5: National Running Day
It IS so hard! Although I guess it has his place.
runswithpugs recently posted…friday five: national running day
This is the first I have every heard of a predictive run! Sounds interesting – so does the course your ran. Running groups are great and that’s great that you just jumped right into one. Enjoy yourself!!
Diane @runninrocker recently posted…National Running Day
Well, jumping in is really the only way to get it done! I’m still nervous, but hopeful that it works out.
Kudos to you for running naked. I think I’d feel lost without knowing exactly how far I’d gone, or how long I’d been out running.
Kathryn @ Dancing to Running recently posted…Friday Five – Five Things I Love About Running
It was really hard. I could deal with it just because the course was measured, marked and timed, so that worked, but to just do for funsies around the neighborhood? I don’t think so.
Sounds like an amazing route for a run! I would love that!
Lauren @ The Bikini Experiment recently posted…Mini Frittatas with Zucchini & Red Pepper
I’m not a fan of running naked. I can go without all devices but not the Garmin.
jill conyers recently posted…Fitness Health and Happiness
It’s definitely a difficult thing to get accustomed to.
Yay for running groups and new trails! I feel weird without my Garmin, too! I just like racking up the miles on the website, plus sometimes I run a little further so I round out the mileage number. I think as long as you don’t start getting negative about it then it’s fine to keep using it 🙂
Lindsey recently posted…Friday 5: ZOOMA 10k
I am the same. I like to see those miles increase. I don’t use my Garmin Connect app as much as Daily Mile, so I can input manually, but it just doesn’t feel legit.
Wow, a prediction run would be tough!
Abby @ BackAtSquareZero recently posted…RACE THE LANDING 5K SERIES #3 – 2015
It was tough! Fun, but tough! It was cool to see how close (and far) people’s predictions were!
Good for you! I have become so attached to my Garmin that I would go nuts without it! I’ve never heard of a prediction run – very interesting idea.
Hope you had a great weekend!
Debbie @ Deb Runs recently posted…Lake Fairfax Trail Run
I know! I kept looking at my wrist, but womp womp. Nothing there.
Great job running!! I don’t think I have done a prediction run… off to read more about it
rachel recently posted…So this happened…
It’s defnitely a cool concept. We have a couple of them around here at different times of the year.
Running naked is so freeing but also stressful for me because I have to STOP worrying about my time. I’ll get home and calculate my pace based on what time I left home and got back lol. Discovering new routes are the best!
Patty @ Reach Your Peak recently posted…RBX Activewear at T.J. Maxx
LOL! NEVER! It’s so hard to not worry about it!
The prediction run sounds fun! I have been scared to join a running group. I went to a group run for a running store once, and that is it so far.
Angie recently posted…Summer vacation
I was always scared, too, but figured I didn’t have anything to lose. Now to plan to get out there and run with them!