The week after a half marathon is always a good time to recover and bounce back. I wanted to take a full week to do pretty much nothing, just because I was tired from all the driving, Mr PugRunner was going to be out of town for work and then we had another road trip over the weekend. Rest can be just as important as training, and if I was going to do it, this was the time.
Sunday – 13.1 miles, Rock ‘n’ Roll Virginia Beach Half Marathon
I will post a detailed race recap this week, but this was a great event. Per Mr PugRunner’s request, I stayed with him the entire time. There were high points and low points, but it was really fun getting to actually race with him. I’m also glad I was there because he ended up getting hurt, and so he had someone there to help keep his mind off things.
After the race, we had a delicious lunch and then spent the rest of the day hanging out in the hotel room, meeting up with family, and packing for our drive home.
Monday – rest
After breakfast and saying goodbye to everyone, we spent the day in the car. Ironically, the weather was gorgeous, this day, so at least we had a pretty sunrise upon our departure.
We actually made great time, but we were all so ready to get off the road and into our own beds. We all showered and went straight to bed for a great night’s sleep.
Tuesday – body circuit, 60 minutes
I was flat out exhausted, but that was no reason not to work out. My instructors were pretty understanding that I was just off 13.1 miles and a road trip, so I phoned it in a little bit.
I also rescued a turtle in the parking lot when we were done – it’s my second one this summer.
Wednesday – rest
Mr PugRunner was off to New York for work, and so it was just me and little man. I scrambled to get the house clean and work on the endless loads of laundry (laundry day is the worst). Little man had his second soccer skills class and he was beaming when it was over. I’m so glad to see he’s enjoying it.
Thursday – rest
After little man got to school, it was a busy, busy, busy day of work. It’s great to be swamped because the time goes by so quickly. However, as soon as I was done for the day, it was home like lightning to pick up little man, take him to a playdate and meet my parents for dinner.
Unfortunately, Mr PugRunner’s flight got cancelled, so we had to work out some details of getting him back to Florida. It was a little stressful, and it turned out I would have to pick him up in Orlando on my way down south. Not my favorite airport or drive, but we didn’t have too many other options.
Friday – rest
I got up super early to finish packing and say goodbye to little man and the pugs. And then I was off to the Hurricanes game!
The drive was pretty long, but we made it to our friends’ house about an hour before we would have to leave for the game. Fortunately, the Hurricanes were playing at FAU, which was less than 10 minutes from their house.
We changed into our game day colors and headed out.
We got great parking and set up our tailgate. The weather was gorgeous and we had a blast. Finally, it was time to go in!
The game did not start out great. For some reason, the Canes just couldn’t get it together. And then, we had an almost 90 minute lightning delay! Ack! However, when we got back from halftime, our boys in orange and green rallied and after an early third quarter field goal from the Owls, they shut down FAU and went on to a definitive win!
Not going to lie – I was done. We didn’t get to bed til almost 2:00 AM, when all was said and done, and I am NOT equipped for those kind of late nights anymore. I’m fairly certain I was asleep before my head hit the pillow and I slept straight through the night.
Saturday – rest
It was a great day. We lounged around a bit and then went to visit other friends to meet their baby. I hadn’t been able to make it down for the baby shower or when she was born, so it was nice to finally get to say hi (and spoil her with a couple of outfits).
We also got wings at Bru’s, our favorite.
The rest of the night was spent watching football, grilling out, drinking wine and chatting.
It was perfect.
This week, it is time to get back to work. I have my sights set on the Space Coast Half Marathon, and I want to own that race.
I have a bit of a break from travel, so I will be able to focus on combining my running and my cross-training, and hopefully can stay on plan until race day.
How was your week in training?
Football season: yay or nay? says
Congratulations on both of you finishing VA Beach. That is one of my favorite races. We had really good weather opposed to scorching hot in the past.
Between races and games
You have had alot of traveling lately. Hope you get to relax this wk:) recently posted…Things you should be tracking about your runs
runswithpugs says
I had heard so many nightmare stories about the heat and humidity – logically, it shouldn’t have been a big deal because we are from Florida and have been training in the heat and humidity all summer, but it was nice to have the cloud cover and breeze.
runswithpugs recently posted…week in review: 9.6 â 9.12
Elle says
How great that you ran your half together!
And that sunrise is truly beautiful.
No football for me!
Hope you have a terrific week.
Elle recently posted…Slow and Steady Sunday Shuffle
runswithpugs says
People either love football or they hate it. We are big lovers of NCAA and NFL, so it gives us something to do on the weekends.
It was a great race.
runswithpugs recently posted…week in review: 9.6 â 9.12
Darlene says
that’s so cool that you could race with your hubby.
Darlene recently posted…Monday Running Update
runswithpugs says
It was definitely a cool thing to do. Not sure we could always race together, but from time to time, it’s nice.
runswithpugs recently posted…week in review: 9.6 â 9.12
Nicole @ Fitful Focus says
can’t wait to hear about the half! 🙂
Nicole @ Fitful Focus recently posted…Hemp Heart Bites Review & Discount
runswithpugs says
I’m excited to write about it. Especially now that I’ve had some time to process.
runswithpugs recently posted…week in review: 9.6 â 9.12
Mar @ Mar on the Run says
Football season – big YAY!! I’m salivating all over my computer screen over those wings… mmmm. Sounds like a wonderful post half marathon week to me!
Mar @ Mar on the Run recently posted…Milwaukee Half Training Weeks 1 & 2
runswithpugs says
Bru’s Room in South Florida. Best. Wings. Ever.
runswithpugs recently posted…week in review: 9.6 â 9.12
Deborah @ Confessions of a Mother Runner says
So cute and fun that you got to run with your hubby for the race. Can’t wait to read about it.
Deborah @ Confessions of a Mother Runner recently posted…Zucchini Nachos-Score! Meatless Monday
Ange @ Cowgirl Runs says
That’s great the two of your ran the half together!
I’m learning about football. Canada doesn’t really do football, but I do enjoy watching and napping after my Sunday long runs 🙂
Ange @ Cowgirl Runs recently posted…Dear Women’s Running Magazine…
Tricia @ MissSippiPiddlin says
Awesome job on the half! The rest of your week sounded fabulous with the football, grilling out, and drinking wine just doesn’t get any better than that!
Tricia @ MissSippiPiddlin recently posted…RooSport Giveaway
Sue @ This Mama Runs for Cupcakes says
Sounds like a great week! Sorry to hear your hubby got injured in VA Beach though!
Sue @ This Mama Runs for Cupcakes recently posted…MCM Training Recap Week 10: Another great training week and a giveaway announcement!
runswithpugs says
He will be ok. It stinks, but it happens 🙁
Kathryn @ Dancing to Running says
I hated that the VA Beach weather on Monday was the nicest of the entire weekend. It definitely made it difficult to leave VA Beach after a fun race weekend.
Kathryn @ Dancing to Running recently posted…Rock ‘n’ Roll Philadelphia Half Marathon Training Log – Week 1
runswithpugs says
Friday was really pretty, too, but I was sad not to get more time on the beach and by the water. I guess I will just have to go back – although I’m not sorry we had clouds and breezes for the race. Not at all.
Wendy@Taking the Long Way Home says
I personally am so excited for football to be back! I love watching football.
I would love to do the Space Coast half marathon. It’s on the bucket list…
Wendy@Taking the Long Way Home recently posted…Marathon Training Week 8: Holdin’ on….
runswithpugs says
Me, too! It’s just part of what makes fall fall!
Space Coast is awesome. It sells out in a hot minute, so you have to be quick about it, but it’s amazing.
Carmy says
My week was great! Slowly adding mileage and reaching my peak soon! Currently the thing of Toronto is the Toronto Blue Jays so no football over here right now!
Carmy recently posted…Monday on the Run #29
runswithpugs says
Well, baseball is still going strong, and football isn’t huge in Canada, from what I understand so that makes sense.
So glad you had a great week!
Morgan @ Wildly Fit says
I love most sports, like I watch all the obscure ones in the Olympics that you wouldn’t even know about except for the Olympics. But something about football I just can’t get into!
Morgan @ Wildly Fit recently posted…Fight the Freshman 15: Healthy Study Snacks
runswithpugs says
It’s funny how people either love it or hate it! But it saves you tons of time in the fall if you’re not into it!
Stacie Seidman says
Sounds exhausting! I hope Mr. Pugrunner is feeling better soon!
I went to a Yankee game last week and also had a 2 AM bedtime. How did we manage that regularly in college?! Ugh, I’m old.
Stacie Seidman recently posted…Thursday’s Threads
runswithpugs says
It was definitely exhausting.
Go Yankees! But, yeah, I don’t know how we managed. Maybe we slept in later and napped more. I don’t know.
Natalie says
So fun to race together as a couple!! I look forward to reading your race report.
The football game and tailgate sound like so much fun. I’d like to get to a football game this season.
The Space Coast marathon sounds awesome!!
Natalie recently posted…Weekend Update: I’m Getting My Groove Back!
runswithpugs says
I hope we get to go to a pro game this season, but we are just so crazy busy. I miss having season tickets to the Dolphins, so that we could just spend all weekend tailgating and enjoying the sport.
Sandra Laflamme says
We are not big football fans although will watch the occasional game. You will totally own your half marathon! Can’t wait to hear how it goes!
runswithpugs says
I’m excited for it!
Coach Henness says
Hope the Mr is okay! Sucks to get hurt on a race!!!! I like that my husband gets excited for Football season. I don’t like that he is less interested in doing things on the weekends because he wants to know/watch/hear about the games. 🙂
Coach Henness recently posted…You are what you feed your mind.
runswithpugs says
He will be fine. He really needs to focus on his cross training and strength training to help minimize injuries!
LOL – it does get frustrating when they get so into it. I love to watch, but I am ok if we have other plans. It’s sometimes hard dragging him away from the tv to do things, but we figure it out.
Abby @ BackAtSquareZero says
Sounds like an amazing week. I miss watching football games live.
Abby @ BackAtSquareZero recently posted…The Run that Wasn’t
jill conyers says
Football season is a yay. Not necessarily because I like football but because it’s a very social time in our house. Friends, family and football 🙂
jill conyers recently posted…My Yoga Journey
Patty @ Reach Your Peak says
Football season = yay! I’m going to PSU this weekend as I had mentioned and I am so pumped. But yeah it will derail my running for the weekend too haha but whatever. It will be so fun! (unless they lose).
Patty @ Reach Your Peak recently posted…Chicago Marathon Training Week 14