With Virginia Beach behind us, it’s time to start focusing on the Space Coast Half Marathon. This is my annual goal race and it is also the year I will earn my three-year challenge medal. Eeek!
I am taking my training very seriously this time around, and I am hoping that it all pays off.
Sunday – rest
After breakfast, we got on the road for the five hour drive home. I was really, really, really grateful to be done with long car rides. At least for a few weeks.
My parents brought little man back home and we went out for a nice bite to eat.
Home, sweet home.
Monday – body circuit, 1 hour
Of course, the show must go on, no matter how much fun we had over the weekend. I was really excited for my body circuit class, and had a fabulous workout. I even got to use resistance bands for the first time, and I was a huge fan.
Tuesday – 3 miles
Early morning group run. It was awesome to be back on the road.
And even more awesome to get to break in new shoes!
We finally had a bit of a break in the weather, so I took little man out for a brick in preparation for his upcoming tri. With the constant thunderstorms, it’s been almost impossible to train, but we really needed to work on transitions.
Our focus was biking and running. WE got rained on and everything, but we got it done!
Wednesday – rest
I was grateful for a day off. This week had been really wearing me down, for some reason. I’m sure the gray skies and almost constant drizzle has had a lot to do with it. Rain, rain, go away.
Thursday – 3 miles
Despite the morning rain, I met my girlfriends at the bridge for hill work. It was windy and humid and I really wasn’t feeling it, but we logged it anyway.
Friday – body circuit, 1 hour
Have a I mentioned how much I am loving this class? It is hard work, and sometimes requires me to really bust out of my comfort zone, but that’s a good thing. Friday’s class involved a lot of arms and heavier weights, which I knew was going to hurt the next day, but I have an embarrassing lack of upper body strength, so I’m glad to have someone pushing me to change that.
Saturday – rest
I was supposed to do six miles, but I was just. So. Tired. I woke up with my alarm and hit snooze more than a few times. And then just when I convinced myself to get up, Molly snuggled up on one side and little man tiptoed into the room and snuggled on the other and said he didn’t want me to go out. There’s not arguing with them.
Somehow, I ended up dozing off and sleeping until about 8:30! That never happens! Mr PugRunner and little man ended up making pancakes from scratch and then hustling off to karate, while I cleaned and chilled around the house.
We had a bit of unexpected “excitement” when we came home from lunch and found a snake in the laundry room. In all fairness, it was a very small snake, but it was IN MY HOUSE!!!! I guess, with all the rain, they are seeking dry areas (which I find ironic considering so many of them are WATER snakes).
Little man locked himself in a closet, while I tried to help Mr PugRunner remove the unwelcome guest from the premises. I may have cried (and I was too freaked out to get close enough to take a picture).
Eventually, the snake was expelled and we put down mothballs everywhere in the garage to keep them out. I love mothballs.
How was your week in training?
What’s something exciting that happened to you this past week?

Snakes! Oh hell NO!
Margo recently posted…Bruno Mars Ride with Foos, Fitz, B.I.G, TLC, and More
That was pretty much my reaction.
love the shoes! I would freak if there was a snake in my house.
Darlene recently posted…Monday Running Update
It was not my favorite moment.
I don’t work on transitions enough so it’s great that you focus on that too. Hope you have a great week!
Deborah @ Confessions of a Mother Runner recently posted…Freekeh Black Bean Burgers-Meatless Monday
I figure he can do all three activities just fine, but transitions are something in which he has no experience. I would hate for him to get flustered because he doesn’t know the drill.
Snake? Nope. Nope. Nope. I think finding a snake in your house is a totally valid reason to not run – or maybe you should have just run super fast in the opposite direction! haha
Nicole @ Fitful Focus recently posted…Thin Mint Ice Cream Sandwich (gluten/soy/lactose free) + Arctic Zero GIVEAWAY!
It was blocking my door. So all I could do was run in circles. It wasn’t good.
I love how pretty Mizuno’s are. Too bad (for me) they’re just too firm for my feet.
I’m very much in favour of taking a rest day when you’re that tired, being well rested helps so much in the long run.
I really like the firmness of them. For some reason, it just feels right for me. I also run in Saucony Guides, which are a little more cushioned, but the Wave Inspires are my favorites.
runswithpugs recently posted…week in review: 9.13 – 9.19
Ugh. Snakes….. ugh. ugh. UGH. Ew. I’d be with little man. Except I live alone. Maybe I’d just abandon the place.
Nice job on all those workouts! You’re doing great, and you’re going to kill Space Coast!
I’m super excited to hear how Little Man’s Tri goes! I have zero interest in trying to be a swimmer or biker, but I have so much respect for people who can do all of that! Go Little Man!!
Stacie Seidman recently posted…Thursdays Threads
I want to abandon the place! I was trying to pack and move, but Mr PugRunner was all “Stop.” Whatever.
I figured that he can do all three disciplines, and he does better with individual sports than with team sports, so maybe we could introduce and see what happens. Training is not his favorite, but I’m hoping he will come around a little. I am going to kA him to pick up his own packet and take him out for a carby dinner and hopefully get him geared up for a great race.
runswithpugs recently posted…week in review: 9.13 – 9.19
Ewwww to the snake! A couple of weeks ago, my husband and I were watching TV and a mouse ran through the family room. I screamed and curled up in a blanket. As if that would do anything. Then he ran through again! My husband said he “took care of it”. Whatever that means….
Wendy@Taking the Long Way Home recently posted…Marathon training week 9: It’s Goin’ Down
That mouse will never bother you again LOL! Our snake was also “Taken care of.”
I don’t know if I would be too bothered by a mouse. Maybe a little. Rodents are as gross as reptiles. Boo.
runswithpugs recently posted…week in review: 9.13 – 9.19
Ok you totally lost me at snake in the house. We had 2 in the garage last summer and I was all set to move out. So mothballs work? Going to spread some right now. Yay for Spacecoast! I’ve heard so many great things about that one.
Marcia recently posted…Then There Were Two
We have had a few in the garage. It’s awful. But yes, they allegedly do not like mothballs at all. They are poisonous to dogs and other animals, so not sure if you have to worry about that at all (we keep our pugs away), but just a headsup.
runswithpugs recently posted…week in review: 9.13 – 9.19
Oooooooh. New shoes! How are you liking them?
Love. They are the same model I have been using since I started (Wave Inspires), but in a new color. No matter what other shoes I try, these feel like home.
runswithpugs recently posted…week in review: 9.13 – 9.19
New running shoes are the best. Its like Christmas day whenever I open a box of them up.
Kathryn @ Dancing to Running recently posted…Rock ‘n’ Roll Philadelphia Half Marathon Training Log – Week 2
I know! I was so excited to open them, even though I bought them for myself.
runswithpugs recently posted…week in review: 9.13 – 9.19
you had a snake, I got stung by a bee – not a great week for wildlife 😉 sometimes you just need to listen to your body so glad you got some rest!
Mar @ Mar on the Run recently posted…Milwaukee Half Training Week 3
I am never a fan of hostile wildlife! Sorry about your sting – such a bad place, too!
I’m glad I got to sleep – it NEVER happens like that.
runswithpugs recently posted…week in review: 9.13 – 9.19
How fun that the little guy is going to do a triathalon! That is a great idea. My son loves to swim and bike and run. I should try and find one of these for him!!
Sue @ This Mama Runs for Cupcakes recently posted…MCM Training Recap Week 11
I hope he likes it. He’s a little anxious about it, I think (he sometimes gets nervous in new situations and has a fear of the unknown, quite like his mommy). We have a couple of great kids’ tris in the areas, and this will be our first time.
Gorgeous photos! What are the snakes like where you are? We have little garter snakes here that are harmless… I used to pick them up all the time as a kid. If that were a rat, however, that’s another thing… haha!
Bri recently posted…{Friday Favourites} The best reads in fitness, health and wellness
In my world, all snakes are bad. We have the “harmless” black racers and banded water snakes. There are corn snakes, which I think are ok, too. Then we have water moccasins, pygmy rattlers, and cottonmouths. There will be no picking up of any of them.
New running shoes feel so good! My husband is running an ultra this weekend that he has run for the past 5 years.
jill conyers recently posted…Daily Habits That Increase Productivity
Oh, how fun! What a great thing for your hubby! Best of luck to him this weekend!
Ooo I love your Garmin. I”ve never seen one like that, that’s also purple =) Me and purple are totally friends.
Becki S recently posted…Guest Post: Autumn Soup
Mine is the 220. I wanted the 225, but it only came in black/red, and … that wasn’t fun enough for me, nor do I NEED the HRM. I love it.
We get the teeniest snakes under our basement door at least once a year. I freak out every.single.time. Luckily, Beer Geek and Jones are phased by them, so I can always find someone to remove it.
MCM Mama Runs recently posted…Center of the Nation Series Half Marathon Day #4 – Wyoming
It’s handy to have a snake-remover or two at your disposal. I am generally quite good in emergencies, but nope nope nope to snakes!
oh my goodness. a benefit of living in the city is we don’t have snakes here in this part of dc. i would freak the f out if i saw one. oh man!
courtney @ eat pray run dc recently posted…Running Gear I’ve Been Lovin’ Lately
I am very much a city girl. Very much. All the delightful concrete and those high-rises? Those are safe.
Yikes snakes!! Dislike. YAY new shoes. LOVE.
Training has been hit and miss for me. Trying to juggle working and running is my struggle.
rachel recently posted…Manitoba Harvest Hemp Heart Bites {Review}
It is definitely hard to be all things and balance everything. You do what you can do and it will all work out.
I guess the awesomeness of the new shoes had to be balanced by the awfulness of the snakes.
I had a snake in my garage and I was terrified. Thank goodness my husband took care of it by himself. I check my garage carefully now when I go out there.
I love seeing Little Man’s training. I can’t wait to hear how the tri goes!
I just saw that Mizuno had new colors for the Inspire 11s, and I can’t decide between the green or the purple. The green looks great in your picture.
Angie recently posted…Back to school
I went with the green just because it’s so uncommon. The 12s are coming out in a pink version and a purple version, so I can always get the purple next time.
Good to know! I haven’t looked at the 12s yet. Thanks! That made my decision much easier.
Angie recently posted…Time
You always have the best running pics/pics of the sun. And everytime I read your posts it inspires me to TRY to wake up early to run but I just can’t do it. I want to try again after Chicago because I feel like it would just give me so much more time in the evenings to get other stuff done. Idk we’ll see!
Patty @ Reach Your Peak recently posted…Chicago Marathon Training Week 15
If I don’t get this stuff done in the morning, it won’t happen. Plus, with the Florida heat and humidity, if you don’t go out before the sun, you are done for. When it cools down, I’ll be able to do runs after little man goes to school some days, but once he gets home, and we have the karate/dinner/activities rush, I’m out of the game.
I think if a snake showed up in our house I too would be in a closet and I’d never come out! YIKES!!!!!
jan recently posted…Horse Lesson Pictures
Apparently, snakes go in closets, too. No where is safe.