Things are ramping up a bit and as a result, my weekly miles are looking more and more intimidating. I’ve started working with a coaching team, Empower Coaching & Fitness, mostly because I don’t think I’m capable of hitting my upcoming goals on my own, and a little because I am curious about how it all works. So far, the activities they have assigned me have been hard, but within the realm of possibility.
Sunday – 6 miles
This was a weird run. I did exactly what I had to do, at a faster pace than prescribed, but I didn’t feel good about it. I had to stop several times for some tummy troubles, and I felt like my pace was inconsistent and all over the place. I went out way too fast and ended way too slow, and I just didn’t feel like it was any real indicator of my fitness or abilities.
The sunrise was quite beautiful, though.
My parents came over around lunchtime to start watching football, and while Mr PugRunner and Papa Bear were engrossed in a game, little man, Nana and I headed to the pool (Nana drove, little man and I biked) for some triathlon practice. He did pretty well, and we had fun swimming together.
Monday – body circuit, 1 hour
I am trying to get the most out of all my workout, so I rode my bike to and from body circuit.
I still don’t love biking, but I’m getting more comfortable with it, and I think we’re at the point where I’m going to have to ditch Papa Bear’s hand-me-down cruiser and get something that’s a better fit (ideas and suggestions welcome).
The class was great, as usual. Translation: I was going to be sore for a few days. I’m at a point where I almost welcome that feeling. It means I’m working hard.
Tuesday – 3 miles
My three mile sunrise group run went a little slower than planned. I am still trying to get a handle on how certain paces feel, and I’m not there quite yet.
When little man got home from soccer, we hit the road for another trial brick: this time biking and running.
He was ready. The only thing I needed to do was get him some bungee laces for his shoes and lower athletic socks (the kids LOVES high socks) to make transition easier.
Wednesday – body circuit, 1 hour
Due to some scheduling changes, I wasn’t able to make my second body circuit class this week, so my coaches sent along the workout for me to do at home. While I missed the accountability and support of my training group, I did have this going for me.
Thursday – 3 miles, speedwork
I am trying to be less of a brat about the weather, which is why I went out in the rain to do my speed intervals. I felt fantastic about this run – I came in under my assigned pace on each of my repeats, and that put me on top of the world.
If not exhausted for the day! I was looking forward to an early bedtime.
Friday – rest
Mr PugRunner had an early flight out to Alabama, leaving little man and I on our own for the weekend. After I got him off to school, I cleaned up around the house, with a little help.
She’s not supposed to be upstairs. But she also doesn’t listen. While I was in the shower, she took it upon herself to wander the second story, and when I told her to go downstairs, this is what I got.
Sassy pants.
I ran some errands and got little man’s socks, as well as outfits for our family pictures next week. Then I had to wait for little man to get done with his after school clinic and we were off to pick up his triathlon packet and do some carb loading.
We went home, and both of us called it a night.
Saturday – rest
I set the alarm for 5AM, and popped right out of bed. We needed to get to the race around 6:30 in order to rack little man’s bike and set up for transition. I think we were both a little nervous.
It was an amazing experience for all of us. Little man didn’t love it, which is ok so long as he tried it, but he did great anyway.
On the plus side, he said he wants to continue biking with me, and that he wants to do an upcoming mile long run in a couple of weeks. Of course, buddy.
After he was finished, we went to breakfast with my parents, and then I went home. Showered.
And sat.
I’m pretty sure the only time I moved was when I went from sitting to napping and then back to sitting again. I was done.
This is one of the best weeks I’ve had in a while. I got in tons of running and cross training, and I have loved sharing the extra fitness time with little man.
This upcoming week holds an 8 mile long run, as well as increased mileage overall and a 5K! Eek!
How was your week in training?
Have you ever worked with a coach? How was the experience?
What kind of bike would you recommend for a newcomer? I’m not looking for fancy or expensive, but I need something suited more for my tall frame.

Sorry to hear that the little man didn’t like the triathlon experience, but like you said, at least he gave it a try!
Yeah, I was hoping he would have enjoyed it more, but he tried it and he pushed through. In a lot of ways, it was incredibly intimidating and he was very nervous. He may change his mind, too – there is a really cool one in spring at our local NFL stadium, and he might be down for that. We’ll see.
What a packed week. You did great with all your runs!
Darlene recently posted…Monday Running Update
Thank you! I’ve been working hard.
Ah biking to your class-impressive! Have a great week
Deborah @ Confessions of a Mother Runner recently posted…Southwestern Spaghetti Squash Boats
It’s only about 1.5 miles, if that, but I figure if the weather is decent, what the heck?
There is so much cuteness going on at your home. Is it weird to tell you I want to hang out with you? 🙂
Margo recently posted…Brooklyn Fit Chick Notes: “Like Water for Chocolate” 6 Bad Habits Fitness Instructors Want Students to Drop NOw
LOL! It’s crazy here.
Sounds like a great week to me! Hope the next one treats you well 🙂
Cristina recently posted…Review: PUMA IgniteXT and Gear
It was pretty darn good. I’m looking forward to what the next 7 days bring (and beyond).
I used to love running and biking with my boys, but as it turns out, they didn’t love it as much as me….my youngest is now 16 and plays rugby, and his coaches tell him he needs to run with me. It hasn’t happened yet!
Wendy@Taking the Long Way Home recently posted…Marathon week 10: Run this Town
Well, at 16, I don’t think boys love hanging out with their moms, no matter how awesome their moms are. I remember growing up not being particularly athletic. I was encouraged in dance and horse back riding, but as a side hobby, not a passion or lifestyle, and I am hoping that we can model a different way for little man.
We’ve been toying with the idea of getting bikes. You’ll have to keep me posted on what you end up getting!
Becki S recently posted…Product Review: Journal Menu and Giveaway
I will! There are so many choice, and it’s hard for me because I am tall with long legs. I am seeing that I probably can’t walk into a big box store and walk out with a proper fitting bike, but I also don’t want to spend a lot to be fitted at a bike shop and get all the bells and whistles. I have zero intention of ever racing on it, so I hope I can find something that will do.
My son is 4 so he’s just starting into the biking. I’ll be excited when he can bike and I can run beside him, but I don’t want to rush this time either. He is growing so far. Love your sunrise photos! (and I have the same garmin 😉
Amy @ Will Run For Ice Cream recently posted…Jogging Strollers Freedom And Fresh Air
It’s great to be able to spend that time together. I hate biking, but I enjoy just getting to be with him, doing something low pressure and that he finds fun.
Congratulations on such a great week! And major congratulations to the little man! I am way too intimidated to try a duathalon!
Anne recently posted…It’s Been a While
I think I could manage a duathlon. Maybe. I don’t know. The whole thing is pretty intense.
Way to rock such a busy week. Triathlons are hard. I totally understand why the little man didn’t love it. Maybe he’ll come around.
Yeah, I figure he may, now that he knows what it’s all about and as he gets more comfortable with biking and swimming. It’s ok. I’m glad he tried and I’m glad he stuck with it.
Looks like you had a great time!! I love your dog too btw!!
She is ridiculous.
great week of workouts! sorry little man didn’t love the experience – but he did it! love you guys working out together, he is too adorable.
He did do it and I am so proud of him! I love working out with him, too. I hope that it’s something that he can carry with him in his life.
Awesome job! I think you are going to LOVE working with a coach. This marathon training is my first real experience with a coach and it has helped me tremendously. The fact that your plan can actually be catered to YOU and how you are feeling/doing etc is HUGE. I think you will have great results!
Sue @ This Mama Runs for Cupcakes recently posted…MCM Training REcap–Week 12 & #BOSUChallenge Week 3
So far, I’m liking it. They are holding me accountable in different ways than I would have done if I was training on my own. I’m still feeling a bit out of my league, but S & J are doing fabulous handholding and they are being really encouraging. It’s possible I set my own goal too high, but I guess we will see.
i think it’s so cool that little man did a tri. at least he tried, right? i know, terrible pun. but it’s awesome that he wants to continue biking and running!
courtney @ eat pray run dc recently posted…Clarendon Day 10K Race Recap
LOL! I think the rule of puns is that you have to take the opportunity when it presents itself.
I am proud of him for giving it a shot. And I’m glad that even if he didn’t like that particular experience, he wants to continue with other active things.
Sorry to hear the little man didn’t like the tri, but how awesome that he gave it a shot! I can’t work up the courage to do a tri, so huge kudos to him. Congrats on the great week!
Nicole @ Fitful Focus recently posted…Gluten-Free Banana Bread
It was really intimidating, even as a spectator. I can’t believe how intense it was, especially since it was for kids. Honestly, the best time to start out is when young, because I would absolutely freeze up.
Great job, Little Man!
I need a new bike as mine is awful, but Beer Geek also wants a new bike. The problem is he’s 9 inches taller than I am, so I can’t take his old one. That said, his Trek hybrid is a pretty nice entry level bike.
It’s frustrating when you’re not average. I would love to spend al little more on a nicer bike, but the problem is that if I hate it, I’m going to have a hard time reselling it, because of my height and leg length. I am looking at hybrids – part of me really wants a road bike, but I can’t justify the cost, especially if I’m not going to use it to race.
WOW! You got a lot accomplished in just a week! So. Many. Workouts!
It’s too bad Little Man didn’t love the tri, but I’m glad he kept at and accomplished it! And now he has a better idea of what he likes and what he doesn’t. Great learning experience!
Ugh. I still haven’t made myself get up for a run. But I rode more horses this past week/weekend than I have in forever! AND no stirrup work. That has to count for something…
Stacie Seidman recently posted…Nicole’s Creations: September
It was a great learning experience. For all of us!
Riding is hard core exercise! Definitely counts for a lot of things!
Love your pug! Haha. Mine just enjoys laying there to try and kill us as we mindlessly go down the stairs.
Carmy recently posted…Monday on the Run #31
That’s pretty much what pugs do. Delilah is a hoot. She is so sassy and spunky and I am so glad we found her.
Congrats to your Little Man for completing the triathlon!! Sounds like you had a great week as well. I’m not too knowledgeable about bikes to really make a good recommendation. I found a Cannondale on sale since it was last year’s model, and it made such a HUGE difference after riding on a mountain bike for so long!! I was told that entry level road bikes are great because parts can be upgraded later down the road if necessary.
Ariana recently posted…Review of Vima Running App
Oh, I have zero interest in upgrading anything. I am not mechanically inclined, when it comes to vehicles. I’m in a panic because I want to be able to walk into a store and wheel out a fully assembled bike – I have no idea how it would be to have to order one shipped and have to put it together at home.
I loved working with a coach! Ask lots of questions and find the right match.
jill conyers recently posted…Nourishing Nut & Seed Bars
So far, I am really enjoying the experience.
Looks like an awesome week! I am trying to embrace the rain too, I tend to be a fair weather runner….
Toni recently posted…Running with Hemp Heart Bites #HHBites
I’ve been doing better about the bad weather, but I don’t think I’ll ever actually like it.
runswithpugs recently posted…race report: rock ‘n’ roll virginia beach half marathon
I am sorry he didn’t like it, but it is good he went out there and gave it a shot.
Angie recently posted…Time
lol “less of a brat about weather.” I feel ya! I don’t mind the rain but I just HAAATEEEE when my socks an dsneakers are soaking wet. I really should invest in some of those Goretex shoes or something. Great week of training for you!
Patty @ Reach Your Peak recently posted…When I Feel Most Confident