With Mr PugRunner being away on business for most of the week, it was pretty challenging figuring out my workouts. For the first time, I skipped a body circuit class, not even doing it at home on my own. I did replace it with a pretty strenuous yoga class, so I feel like it was a wash.
Sunday – rest
Well, it was a rest day for me, but a race day for little man. He had the Arlington Toyota Kids Fitness Zombie Chase. It was a mile run on a closed course, and he was doing it completely on his own. Because mommy doesn’t run from zombies.
Afterwards, we went to a local Fall Festival and spent the afternoon doing fall festival-y things.
Little man was going to stay with his grandparents for the night since he had Monday off from school and I had to work, so he went home directly with them.
Monday – 5 miles, bridge
This workout was rough. Not only was it five miles of bridge work, but it was with some serious headwinds. When you have to work that hard going downhill, you know it’s a bad day. My friend and I powered through, but we were not at all sorry when it was over. While it doesn’t look like a super fast run, we were both gasping for breath and exhausted.
After work, we got little man back from his day trip to the beach to hunt for shark teeth, and then got ready to return to the regular routine.
Tuesday – rest
Mr PugRunner left bright and early, and little man and I were on our own. He went to school, I went to work, and when he got home, we agreed to have a nice, chill night at home. We picked up dinner from a place that was hosting a fundraiser for his school, and ate in front of a movie. It was really nice and relaxing, and I loved the extra snuggles.
Wednesday – rest
Nothing to report. We had another meal out with Nana and Papa Bear and turned in when we got home.
Thursday – 4 miles, 60 minutes yoga
I was able to get in my “easy” four miler after little man went to school. It’s been quite a while since I ran in the full sun and heat of the day, and that made things a little rough. I didn’t love it, and neither did my calves.
I would have loved to have stayed home for the rest of the day, but I had the opportunity to take a yoga class and couldn’t squander that. It was supposed to be a pretty easy flow, but as we got deeper into it, we started to play a little. Which resulted in me finally having the confidence to try this. The goal is to get those legs straight, but this time last year, there is no way I could have even made it this far.
We will work with little man on flattering angles at another time.
Friday – rest
I went out for a bit to pick up my and Mr PugRunner’s race packets for the Evergreen Pumpkin Run 10 Miler on Sunday and to get a Camelbak hydration pack. I have had it with my handheld bottle, and thought I might give a backpack a shot. I know they say nothing new on race day, but I needed to break that rule.
I was so excited for little man to get home from school. I had planned an awesome night for us. First, it was dinner at Chipotle, and then it was off to trick or treat at Creatures of the Night at the Alligator Farm. This is a fun event where kids can wander the reptile zoo, interact with a variety of animals, and even have their photos taken with alligators.
Lucky me!
He loved the chance to give his costume a test run.
Saturday – rest
Mr PugRunner came home late the night before and we were glad to have him home. He had brought with him lots of goodies from a NY bakery, so we were able to have crumb cake for breakfast: my favorite!
I went grocery shopping and after a little football, we headed to Nana and Papa Bear’s. My mom had made the most beautiful and delicious pasta dinner for carloading purposes.
Let’s not even talk about the Reese’s Pieces trifles she made. There was no way I could finish mine.
When we got home, I set out my things for the race and turned in early. We had a 4:30 AM wake up call and I needed to get some sleep.
Up next: 10 miles through one of the most beautiful, historic cemeteries in the city.
My runs came hard this week, which was frustrating. Of course, it’s better to get the rough spots in training than on race day, so I try to look at it from that perspective. I also had the benefit of seeing some of the results of my strength training through what I was able to accomplish in yoga. Not only am I stronger, but I have more confidence to try things that before I wouldn’t have bothered attempting.
How was your week in training?
What is something you’ve done recently that is a true measure of the results of all your hard work?

I love that your son loves to run and do races. So cute! What a great example you set. That Reeses dessert would make me run too-yum
Deborah @ Confessions of a Mother Runner recently posted…Roasted Butternut Squash Soup
He is super cute about it.
My mom is such an incredible cook. I Only wish I had enough room to finish it all!
Little Man is so passionate about his racing! His expressions are priceless! Holy cow that looks like a pasta cake. Amazing!
Marcia recently posted…To Tri or Not to Tri?
It practically was a pasta cake. You cut it like cake and the pieces stood up all on their own. So good.
runswithpugs recently posted…week in review: 10.18 â 10.24
What a great week! That past dish looks incredible! And I love the trifle too! That bat spoon! So cute!
Little man looks a little unsure about that gator… can’t say I blame him!
Great job getting all those tough runs done, and your newest yoga pose!
Stacie Seidman recently posted…My long awaited running post!
He’s the one that wanted to hold the gator. So he had nothing about which to be unsure!
runswithpugs recently posted…week in review: 10.18 â 10.24
Little Man had another race? He’s a rock star, just like his mom!
Nicole @ Fitful Focus recently posted…Cherry Chocolate Truffle Protein Cookies {gluten & soy free} + a GIVEAWAY
<3 Thanks for that :)
runswithpugs recently posted…week in review: 10.18 â 10.24
How great that your son did that race all on his own! He looks proud! And you look a bit nervous holding that alligator!
Debbie @ Coach Debbie Runs recently posted…Another Take on Quiche. And the Race I didn’t run.
He didn’t love the zombies, and I kind of felt bad about that, but I probably would have cried. I just don’t love the idea of zombies. He handled it really well, though.
runswithpugs recently posted…week in review: 10.18 â 10.24
Oh I hope you’re right about the difficult training runs. Hopefully that means race day will be much easier for you!
Kathryn @ Dancing to Running recently posted…Rock ‘n’ Roll Philadelphia Half Marathon Training Log – Week 7
That’s what I’m clinging to. I do feel like rough training leads to better races. Hopefully that holds true for the big one.
I love love my camelback! And it’s pink 🙂
jill conyers recently posted…Fitness Health and Happiness Is Where the Magic Happens
yay for pink!
Some weeks are like this. But hey, you got your leg up in Bird of Paradise! If I get my leg up, I never get it straight. It’s like broken bird of paradise….
Wendy@Taking the Long Way Home recently posted…Falling for…food and family #hemphearts #sweatpink
I’m so close! I just need to keep trying!
Awesome job on the yoga pose. That one is hard to master, I can’t get my leg straight either and not sure I ever will, lol.
Sue @ This Mama Runs for Cupcakes recently posted…Flourless Peanut Butter Brownies: Mighty Nut review
It is super hard. I’m going to get it there one of these days!
Nice job on your training this past week, and congrats on your race! I need to look into a Halloween race next year – I’d love to run in a cemetary! Oh and your mom’s pasta looks amazing!!
Janelle @ Run With No Regrets recently posted…Weekly Meal Plan for 10/25/15
We have several races around here in honor of Halloween – however, I have to say that the Evergreen Cemetery puts out the best of them. With the exception of one chunk of the course, it’s just so beautiful.
Great week. I always love your photos, and I had to laugh about the angle of the photo. My husband is always taking zoomed in shots or really unattractive ones. Can’t wait to read about the pumpkin run.
Becki S recently posted…Five Fitness Printables & A Giveaway
Sadly, little man’s photos are far better than Mr PugRunner’s. I should see if one of the pugs is up to pushing the shutter button. They might have all the talent.