Happy November! Another month has come and gone, and according to all the memes, we are about seven weeks away from Christmas.
Holy moly.
This also means I have about four more weeks until Space Coast, and my training is going to be taking it up a notch.
Yes. It is terrifying.
Sunday – Evergreen Pumpkin Run 10 Miler
Of course, I will do a race report for the Evergreen Pumpkin Run 10 Miler, but I will say it was a hard run. My legs felt like lead from the get-go, and even though I managed a six minute PR, I wasn’t really thrilled with my performance.
I didn’t have time to dwell on it, because I had things to do. After a quick bite to eat with my race buddy, I dropped her off at her car, and then showered and got ready to meet my parents and little man at a local fall festival. Where we “won” our new family member, Mr. Sammy (Basically, if you walked by the booth, you got a fish. Yay?)
We got some BBQ for a late lunch, and then it was on to a pumpkin carving party.
We had the best time and I loved that little man drew and carved his own pumpkin. Even if he did take it one step too far.
Monday – body circuit
I was not a huge fan of this class. It was focused on body weight exercises, and man, those can be hard.
I was incredibly glad to be done, and move on to running my errands and getting on with my day.
Tuesday – 4 miles, speedwork
I am coming to dread speedwork, especially when it comes in the form of bridge work. Yuck. Fortunately, I had my two group run buddies with me, and that made the miles pass a little more quickly.
Wednesday – rest
Rest and I was glad for it. Our only big obligation was karate and then I made some really cute stuffed peppers, in an attempt to be festive.
Thursday – 5 miles, with coach
Nothing is more intimidating than going out for a run with one’s coach. At the same time it is also incredibly encouraging to have someone at your side, cheering you on. The run was hard. I was a little wheezy, from some kind of pollen and also from someone doing an early-morning controlled burn. However, I ran it at a pretty darn fast pace (for me), and was feeling pretty good by the end.
Which is great, because I needed the adrenaline to get me through the end of the day. After work, I had to get little man from the bus stop and then head back to work for an evening event. It was a lot of fun with a ton of people, but it was a much later night than I’m used to.
Friday – body circuit
This was a body circuit class I loved: weights, weights and more weights. I like weights. A lot.
When I was finished and showered, I went to help out at little man’s Fall Centers. It was a lot of fun with Halloween bingo and cookie decorating. He has the best kids in his class and I adore his teacher.
After school, we had a playdate with one of this friends from class. She and her mom came over to hang out, and have pizza and s’mores on the fire pit. It was a really fun and relaxing night.
Saturday – rest
Happy Halloween!
I was slated for eight miles, but…. To be honest, I had all that sinus-y gunk collecting and I was way more interested in getting a good night’s sleep than going out for a run. As much as I hated to procrastinate, I decided that I would go ahead and make sure I hydrated well throughout the day and go for the run on Sunday instead.
Our day was chock full of fun. I made breakfast.
Next up, a birthday party at Chuck E. Cheese. All the kids wore costumes, which made it extra cute, too.
When I got home with little man, Mr PugRunner reported that two of our pugs weren’t feeling too great, so he took little man to our second party, while I stayed home to play nurse. (We will be making a trip to the vet today, unfortunately). I was sorry to miss the fun, but cuddling the furbabies was the priority.
The boys spent a few hours at that party, then came home to trick or treat. Little man hooked up with some friends in the neighborhood and Mr PugRunner and I took turns walking around with them.
It was a wonderful night. And it was daylight savings time, so we actually got an extra hour of sleep, even though we stayed up pretty late! Yay!
According to my stats, I ran 76 miles in October, which is the most I’ve done in a long time. Maybe even since marathon training. Just goes to show you how hard my coaches have been working me. For the most part, I’m hanging in there. Some of those early wake-up calls have been brutal, but once I’m up and out, I do ok. The next four weeks are going to be a true test of will, and I hope that I have what it takes to finish strong on race day.
How was your week in training? How about your month of October?
How was your Halloween?
Deborah @ Confessions of a Mother Runner says
Looks like you had a great month and a 6 minute pr is huge!! Congrats!
Deborah @ Confessions of a Mother Runner recently posted…Cranberry & Rice Stuffed Acorn Squash
runswithpugs says
It was a great month. Thanks so much. I know it’s a great thing, but I am having a little fit about it. I will get over it soon.
Nicole @ Fitful Focus says
Another busy week for you! I hope the pups are feeling better!
Nicole @ Fitful Focus recently posted…Fudgy Chocolate Chunk Brownies {vegan, gluten free, soy free}
runswithpugs says
I think it will be busy through 2016, to be honest. I love this time of year, though!
Bri says
Such cute Halloween-themed snacks!! And we’ll done on your race!
Bri recently posted…Forget focusing on goals: To get healthy and fit, focus on this instead
runswithpugs says
Thank you! I am usually a lot more Pinterest-y about Halloween, but with the two parties we were invited to, I thought maybe I would try to be a little more spontaneous and a little less crazy. I’m not sure I liked it, so I may have to make up for everything at Thanksgiving and Christmas.
Wendy@Taking the Long Way Home says
I love little man’s pumpkin! Mom of boys here…I get it…
I’m so glad my coach doesn’t run! I’m intimidated enough lifting weights with her…
Wendy@Taking the Long Way Home recently posted…Full moon fever….and #fasterthanBOO10k
runswithpugs says
LOL! He was carving with so many sweet young ladies, and there he was all “MY PUMPKIN IS THROWING UP!!!!” Mind you, he wouldn’t stick his own hand in the innards to make this happen. Mom had to step up. So I guess I’m an enabler.
It was TERRIFYING to run with a coach. They are both ultra marathoners. Does it get more intimidating?
Margo says
Your son is so adorable. Really! I just want to pinch his cheeks and sneak him some candy. 🙂
Margo recently posted…Brooklyn Fit Chick: News & Notes #Ryka #UnderArmour #TomTomSpark #Hello Fresh #Brooks #BelleFit
runswithpugs says
LOL! I’m sure it doesn’t come as a shock that he gets that. A lot.
Stacie Seidman says
Awesome job with your training! Ok, so maybe your 10 miler didn’t feel great, but a SIX MINUTE PR?! That’s incredible! Nice work!
I love all the Halloween festivities you all fit into the schedule. It’s one of my favorite holidays!
I hope the puggers are feeling better asap! Artie and P send some pug love their way!
Stacie Seidman recently posted…Halloween!!!
runswithpugs says
I know it’s a big PR. I guess I just wanted to feel better.
Halloween is my favorite. I really toned it down this year. On the one hand – no stress. On the other, it didn’t feel quite right.
The pugs will be ok. Bentley is recovering from the removal of five teeth and treatment of an abscessed Delilah is getting meds.
Amy @ Will Run For Ice Cream says
It looks like a good training week. Congrats on the PR (but I know what you mean about not feeling pleased with your performance).
I love speed work, but hate longer distance runs. My hammy isn’t happy right now so I’m having to keep the pace on the slower side. (The peppers were cute!)
Amy @ Will Run For Ice Cream recently posted…Still Workin’ On My Night Moves
runswithpugs says
I guess there will always be something we don’t enjoy. I think that sometimes I could run all day, but if I have to sprint for shorter distances, I lose it. We’re all good at different things, though.
Elle says
Your son’s pumpkin is awesome! What a cute and clever idea! And your pancakes are pretty darned cute, too.
Elle recently posted…Holiday Sweat Challenge 2015
runswithpugs says
Thank you! I am a bad pancake maker, but these didn’t turn out too badly!
Marcia says
Congrats on a great mileage month and that monster PR! Looks like you had the perfect Halloween weekend, pumpkin guts and all. 😀
Marcia recently posted…Whip, Nae Nae and the Haunted Hip
runswithpugs says
Thank you! Halloween is my favorite, and I loved every minute of it.
Janelle @ Run With No Regrets says
Great job with your workouts! Love your son’s pumpkin – I wish I could carve those cool designs everyone does nowadays. My mileage in October was actually a little lower than September in, but it feels good to be running so consistently.
Janelle @ Run With No Regrets recently posted…Weekly Meal Plan for 11/1/15
runswithpugs says
I usually do all the pumpkin carving, but he’s old enough now, and sometimes, I have to step back and let him him shine.
Consistent running is great! If you can just get in a groove, it makes everything so much easier!
Markita@Sweshfit says
Laughing at your reaction to your new fish…he’s cute but now you do have a new responsibility haha
Markita@Sweshfit recently posted…Did diet play a role in Jared the Subway Guy’s scandal?
runswithpugs says
Seriously. The goal of the game was to get a ping pong ball in a fish bowl. You got 3 balls for 1 ticket, 7 for 2. I told little man to give 2 tickets, and the guy running the booth (already holding the fish) was like “Nah. One ticket is fine. Everyone wins.” LOL!
Little man has actually been awesome about feeding him and he has one of those self-cleaning bowls, so it’s not so bad.
MCM Mama Runs says
Sounds like you had a good month! Congrats on the PR!
MCM Mama Runs recently posted…Holiday Fitness Challenges
runswithpugs says
Thank you! It was a good month!
jill conyers says
I’d have to say October was awesome! Great workout week.
jill conyers recently posted…Books That Inspire
runswithpugs says
I can’t complain! Happy November!
Carmy says
The stuffed pepper is too cute! Love the face!
Carmy recently posted…Monday on the Run #33
runswithpugs says
Unfortunately, it wasn’t as big a hit and I was hoping. oh, well. The grownups enjoyed!
Natalie says
Congrats on your mileage for the month!! Also, I have to say your Halloween breakfast is the cutest!! My kids would love it 🙂
runswithpugs says
Thanks! They were fun to make and little man thought they were awesome!
Patty @ Reach Your Peak says
lol at that pumpkin with the “puke” coming out! love it. Looks like a good month of training! I want to start doing more circuit workout classes and stuff in my training too…really need to get my strength back!
Patty @ Reach Your Peak recently posted…Post-Marathon Blues – Where Do I Go From Here?
runswithpugs says
Isn’t it hilarious? He was so proud of himself!