Here we are.
Seven days until the big race.
We are looking at one more session of body circuit, one more training run, a little tune-up 6K on Thanksgiving, and then it’s showtime.
I had to do a little rearranging of my schedule because of weather and conflicts, so the week doesn’t really look that impressive. And I guess I am technically tapering, which is something I don’t know that I really ever did before. Or at least, if I did, there wasn’t any real purpose or direction to the taper. This time around has been interesting.
Sunday – rest
I was very happy to have a rest day. My parents and cousin came over and we watched football and grilled out. We walked while little man took a bike ride around the neighborhood, and we just enjoyed the break in the heat. It was a perfect Sunday.
Monday – body circuit, 1 hour
Monday’s class was decent – lots of great exercises with which I was comfortable. When we use hand weights, I am making a concerted effort to break out of my comfort zone to use heavier ones for as long as I can tolerate, although I still struggle with anything that involves jumping (for some reason, running is ok, but tuck jumps, burpees and all their evil relatives wreak havoc on my bladder).
Mondays are for karate, and I got to take one of little man’s friends with us. That was kind of fun. I love listening to the little conversations in the back of the car on the ride.
Tuesday – 3 miles, speed work
A new friend joined our group run on Tuesday, and it made for a great morning. The intervals, however, were brutal. I think worse than all the rest of the intervals and bridge work put together so far. I know it’s good for overall development, but it’s hard to remember that when you seemingly leave your lugs on the side of the road.
Wednesday – rest
Little man asked me to have lunch with him at school, so I picked up some Publix subs for us. We were about halfway through our meal, when little man went pale. Apparently, his loose tooth had popped out! It took us a few minutes to find it, but I was able to snag it and tuck it into my purse for the tooth fairy. Never a dull moment!
He was a little thrown, at first, but powered through the rest of the day like a champ. In fact, he wanted to put himself to bed early so that the Tooth Fairy would come that much sooner.
Thursday – 4 miles
I cancelled our group run because the forecast called for thunderstorms, but managed a very humid and drizzly four miles on my own.
Mr PugRunner had been invited to a reception in honor of the Alzheimer’s Walk we did two weeks ago, so little man and I decided to have a movie night. We watched Dragonheart and had popcorn and it was pretty wonderful.
Friday – body circuit, 1 hour
Papa Bear came over early in the morning – he and Mr PugRunner would be making the trip down to Miami. Mr PugRunner had a networking event to attend on South Beach and Papa Bear would be joining him for company.
We all walked little man to the bus stop, and then they got on the road, while I went to body circuit. It was another great class and I felt fantastic after. I showered and then went to pick up my mother.
I also may have stopped at the store to snag these.
Mom and I got lunch, ran some errands and went home to wait for little man. She would be spending the night and most of Saturday with us!
We were all kind of tired so we rented Inside Out and had a nice, low-key evening at home.
Saturday – rest
The original plan was to go to the zoo, but the forecast called for rain, rain and more rain, so we slept in and lounged around.
Little man wanted breakfast at Starbucks, and I was happy to oblige.
There were more errands, board games and some cleaning. Little man was expecting a friend, so I set up a nice little living room picnic area for them. They ate dinner, made chocolate chip cookies and watched some movies. It was a great, late night, and we had some very happily tired kids at the end of it.
We did our grocery shopping for Thanksgiving and on Tuesday, the cooking will begin. Little man has some pretty fun things going on at school this week, and we are all looking forward to the extra family time.
How was your week in review?
Will you be celebrating the holiday? What are your favorite traditions?
Mary Beth Jackson says
We had tons of rain here too on Saturday. I got the long run in but then it became the perfect day for indoor activities! I went to a painting class and then my daughter and I caught a movie. Have a great Thanksgiving week!
Mary Beth Jackson recently posted…The Heart doesn’t Lie, or does It?
runswithpugs says
I really want to try one of those painting classes!
Anne@candycrazedrun says
Ohhhh good luck in your race, I hope it’s wonderful! I struggle with the same thing with weights when I’m in a class. If I am lifting on my own, it’s easy to play around with weights because it’s easy to switch. In a class though, it feels like you are more committed to your selected weights so it can feel scary to go heavier!
Anne@candycrazedrun recently posted…It’s Been a While
runswithpugs says
Our coaches put outs a few sets of different weights for different exercises, so you can kind of pick and choose amongst those.
Thanks. I hope Sunday goes well.
Wendy@Taking the Long Way Home says
I’m pretty sure you are going to run extra fast in those red shoes! My favorite color!
Wendy@Taking the Long Way Home recently posted…This or that? Gift guide for runners
runswithpugs says
Oh, I hope so. If only they had wheels in them.
Elle says
I hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving! And enjoy the holidays.
Elle recently posted…Putting the FUN Back Into Fitness #holidaysweat
Deborah @ Confessions of a Mother Runner says
Love the pink shoes! Good luck with your race this weekend. You are very prepared-just enjoy! Happy Thanksgiving
Deborah @ Confessions of a Mother Runner recently posted…Thankful For My Readers Giveaway
Natalie says
Have a great race – you will rock it!! Sounds like you had a great week!
Have a wonderful Thanksgiving week!!!
Natalie recently posted…Rock N Roll Las Vegas Half Marathon: Day Three And Four!!
Bri says
Looks like a solid week of workouts! Good luck for your race!!
Bri recently posted…8 tips to help you have a healthy holiday season
Margo says
I keep saying this over and over again but your son is the cutest thing in the whole world. I would spoil him rotten if he were mine!
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AlexandraFunFit says
I hope you have fun. Great challenge.
AlexandraFunFit recently posted…Who Wants to Wrangle a Balloon in the Hollywood Christmas Parade?
Nicole @ Fitful Focus says
Sounds like a lovely week. I’m glad you found that tooth! I swallowed one of mine when I was little. Whoops!! I hope you have a great race!
Nicole @ Fitful Focus recently posted…What the Heck is Jackfruit & Why Is It In My Taco?
Kelli says
Sexy pink shoes! Love them! Sounds like you had a great week 🙂
Kelli recently posted…A “Baller” Week
Sue @ This Mama Runs for Cupcakes says
Sounds like a great taper week to me! I’m right there with you on tuck jumps/burpees etc…I hate them!
Sue @ This Mama Runs for Cupcakes recently posted…Holiday Giveaway Hop
Marcia says
And just like that it’s just about race time! Excited for you! Yay for new shoes!
Marcia recently posted…Holiday Gift Guide for Runners
Debbie @ Deb Runs says
Good luck on your race, and happy Thanksgiving! Love the new shoes – I just purchased new ones as well!
Debbie @ Deb Runs recently posted…Hey Legs, Thank You!
jill conyers says
You had a busy week. Love the new shoes that you may have snagged.
jill conyers recently posted…5 Tips to Start a Daily Gratitude Journal
Becki S says
Glad you were able to save the tooth! Have a great Thanksgiving.
Carmy says
ah! Glad he didn’t accidentally swallow it! Hopefully he gets a good buck from the tooth fairy!
Carmy recently posted…Monday on the Run #36