Running a race on Thanksgiving morning has become a favorite tradition. I especially love the Subaru Thanksgiving Day Distance Classic: it’s a fast race of an unusual distance, and it’s just perfect before having to rush home to get the turkey in the oven (I’m not quite ready to take on a half marathon prior to the big feast, but maybe one day).
Racing had an added incentive this year: for the first time, there would be an actual medal for the 6K. It was a cute medal, too, and the shorter distance was almost a sellout as a result.
As it was, the staging area was pretty crowded when I arrived. I rode alone, simply because I had to leave immediately after finishing: little man wanted to run a Thanksgiving race, too, and there was one closer to home with a much later start time. I registered him for that one, instead, so that they could sleep in and not have to wait around for me; he would also get to see some of his own friends there.
The temperature was much higher than it was last year, and I was glad that I was able to wear my festive turkey tank.
I joined up with some of my friends and we hopped on the bathroom line. Even thirty minutes before the start, it was packed.
Most of them were in for the half. The race director announced that due to the crowds and the size of the course, the 6K would be starting about 10 minutes ahead of the half marathon. We wished each other good luck and said our goodbyes and Happy Thanksgivings.
I happened to stumble into these ladies in the crowd at the start, and I was so happy to see them, too!
Despite the unseasonable heat and humidity (last year, I was in long sleeves, capris and gloves), the morning was shaping up beautifully.
I’m a bit of a superstitious person, so my strategy was to run the course the way I did last year: complete the first mile without stopping, before settling into the run-walk. This year, I was going to work with my :60/:15 intervals, just to see what I could do.
Even with the crowded course, I was able to comfortably log a mile in under 10 minutes (huge for me). The humid air made it hard, but I fell into a pretty consistent pace for the remainder of the course.
In the last mile I was approached by a woman who came up behind me and started … trying to encourage (?) me. I was in a walk break, and she started hopping around me yelling “Come on! We’re almost there! You can do it!” I smiled and made some reply, thinking she was just really excited about the day, and continued on my way. However, she didn’t move on, but continued “We’re right there! Keep going! You can make it to the end!” etc. I realize I’m probably not incredibly attractive or put together when I’m running, but I’m fairly sure I was in no visible distress, so I’m not really sure what she was going on about. I finally just made eye contact, told her thank you and Happy Thanksgiving, and sprinted off to get away from her. It was really distracting and while I love camaraderie on the course and appreciate concern from fellow runners if I find myself in trouble, I get the feeling that she saw my walk breaks and thought I was having a hard time, when, in fact, I was on track for a pretty big PR and feeling great.
I didn’t have time to be too annoyed, because the finish line was, in fact, right around the corner, and I cruised through with about a two minute thirty second PR and an overall pace of under 10 minutes a mile.
I grabbed water and was just about to hustle to my car when I ran into little man’s karate instructor. I chatted with her, and then I saw Kristin and Andrea, too!
It was a great race for everyone, and I was flying high when I left.
I didn’t hit much congestion, and made it to little man’s race right before he was read to start. He was pretty surprised to see me, and I’m so glad I was able to be there. He did a fabulous job on his mile, and we were all pretty ready to get home for breakfast and the Macy’s Day Thanksgiving Parade when it was over.
What’s an “off-distance” that you enjoy racing?
Did you ever have to hit up two races in one morning?

6k what a fun distance! I do love an 8k but we don’t have that many. Always great feeling to run a race a little faster than you thought you could. Congrats! and a medal too
It’s a great distance! And of course, a PR makes it extra special!
Sounds like a fun race altho that woman would have gotten on my nerves! If I’m struggling, a little encouragement is nice but enough…
Your outfit is super cute! And congrats on the sub 10 pace!
Wendy@Taking the Long Way Home recently posted…Ode to Joy
Right? I do love encouragement if I’m fading, but this was just beyond that.
Thanks! I was really happy with this one.
You look great 0 love the outfit. I’ve run a 7k.
Darlene recently posted…Wednesday Word, Gift Exchanges & Giveaway Winner
Oooh, 7K sounds even better! I like those not-quite-10Ks, sometimes. They are just right.
runswithpugs recently posted…race report: subaru thanksgiving day distance classic 6k {11.26.2015}
It was crazy humid that day and crowded. I’m not so sure I will be doing this race again next year, but it wasn’t so bad. If I do run it again next year, I will remember to take my medication for my stomach issues. I forgot this time around and I was sick to my stomach the whole time. :-/
The humidity has been absolutely awful this year. There’s just no getting away from it.
I always have to take something to settle my stomach before I run. I wish I could do without but it’s just not in my cards.
I’ve never heard of a 6k. Fun! I was once doing speed intervals in the park near me. One of the walk breaks happened to be at the beginning of a hill. This guy came running up to me and was all, “Come on! You can do it!” I know I can, buddy, but that’s not what this run is about! I appreciate the support, but there’s a time and a place for it. If you weren’t huffing and puffing and saying you want to quit, that woman should have left you be.
Nicole @ Fitful Focus recently posted…2015 Workout Roundup
That is so annoying! I always try to remember that people are usually coming from a good place, but dang.
Awesome job! That’s so strange about that woman… If I see someone who looks like they’re struggling, I try to say something encouraging, but then I go on my way. Not sure why she was stalking you! She probably thought she was doing you some great service too… ha. Weirdo!
So nice you were even able to make it back for Little Man’s race! What a great day! And your outfit is fantastic!
Stacie Seidman recently posted…Truthful Tuesday
She kept bouncing around me. I assure you, I was clearly in no need of help, and I think the guy she was with finally picked up on the fact that I was about ready to run over her if she didn’t back down. So weird.
Haha love your reaction to the overly helpful lady…something I would cynically think about someone!
Markita @ SweshFit recently posted…4 things you can easily add to your everyday life to burn calories
I try to be friendly. I really do. But some days… it’s hard.
OMG–that outfit is amazing! Well done!
Margo recently posted…Brooklyn Fit Chick Playlist: Featuring Eminem, The Weeknd, JR JR and More!
Thank you!
That turkey tank is soooooooo adorable! I need one!
Carmy recently posted…Mizuno Wave Inspire 12 Review
Thanks! It’s from Raw Threads, and I love it.
Cute tank!
I once ran a race at the Harpoon Brewery in Vermont and the distance was something like 3.4 – because that’s how long the loop was.
MCM Mama Runs recently posted…Nava Health and Vitality Center, Visit 1
Love your fun and festive outfit!! What a fun race and congrats on the PR!!
Natalie recently posted…The Will To Run Faster
This race looks so fun! I can’t wait to start running again!
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