‘Twas the week of Christmas, and all through the house, I was scrambling to make sure everything was ready for the big day. The holiday crept up quickly this year and I feel like I wasn’t ready!
Sunday – 4 miles
The weather was lovely this morning and so I took advantage of it with a nice four mile run. It went great and I felt incredible.
After I got cleaned up, I took little man to a gingerbread house building party. He had a blast constructing his house and playing with some friends.
Once that was over, Mr PugRunner and I had a date night. We met up with another couple for dinner at an Irish pub and then we went to see The Force Awakens at the most adorable arthouse theater.
It was just as good the second time and it was nice to see old friends. It was also nice to be out late, without worrying about having to get up for a pre-sunrise run.
Monday – body circuit, 60 minutes
Body circuit was fabulous. It was a great workout, even if I did have to leave few minutes early. There were a few things I had to grab and then I was going to the movies one more time, with Papa Bear and little man.
And yes, third time was the charm.
Tuesday – 3 miles, bridge work
We mixed things up by going to the bridge. The heat and humidity was back with a vengeance, so we will call this a character building run. It was a great way to start the morning, even if it was rough.
While I was at work, the boys took on the task of decorating Chewbacca gingerbread cookies. They spread a little too much in the oven, but the end result was pretty cute.
Wednesday – rest
I picked up little man and it was off to do some last-minute shopping at the outdoor mall. Mr PugRunner met us for lunch and then we switched off. In the meantime, I went home to wrap gifts and bake the rest of the cookies.
After shopping, Mr PugRunner took little man to Dave & Buster’s and then we all met for dinner.
Thursday – 3 miles
I wanted to bail on this run so badly, but I knew I would regret skipping it, so out I went. It was a solid run and frankly, it jumpstarted Christmas Eve beautifully.
After work, we headed to my parents for Christmas Eve dinner. I got a really awful allergic reaction on the way and so the first part of my evening was pretty miserable, but eventually, my head cleared so I could enjoy.
We called it an early night, so little man could get home, put out reindeer food, leave cookies and milk for Santa,
and read ‘Twas the Night Before Christmas.
We got him off to bed and then it was time for us to go to work. It took a few hours to finished bowing and tagging, but by 11:00, we were able to get to bed, too.
Friday – rest
Christmas was wonderful. It was so relaxed and low-key. Little man woke up a few times in the night, but we were able to hold him off until 6:30. He loved all his gifts, and was so very appreciative for everything.
After we opened presents, the boys went upstairs to start hooking up the new video games, and I made breakfast. Pancakes are not my forte, but these worked out well.
Nana and Papa Bear showed up around 1:00, and we hung out, opened more presents and had a late afternoon meal.
I don’t think we got out of pajamas all day, and that was just fine by me. It was the most perfect day.
Saturday – rest
We got to sleep in a little on Saturday. There were a few errands to run and then it was off to our friends’ White Elephant party. I think it’s safe to say that we had two perfect days in a row: it was so nice to chat with friends while the kids played. I think we were there for six hours!
There were oysters, a game of Pie Face
and then somehow, everyone ended up in the pool!
We couldn’t wait to see what else the weekend had in store!
How was your week in workouts?
Did you have a nice holiday week?

I saw Star Wars twice this year as well! Love it. Glad you had such a nice holiday!
Margo recently posted…Brooklyn Fit Chick News: Book Vs. Movie Podcast, Top Songs of 2015 and Piriformis Syndrome
I want to go again! Happy New Year!
We’ve only seen Star Wars once so far. I may have to take the boys again when we get home.
Happy holidays!
MCM Mama Runs recently posted…Christmas in Wisconsin
Every time I see it, I love it more! Happy New Year!
Love the Chewbacca cookies!! Looks like you had a fantastic week!
Happy New Year!
Wendy@Taking the Long Way Home recently posted…Running with the devil
They did such a fantastic job! It was a great week!
You had me at Chewie cookies! So cute! I’m more in love than ever with Chewie after seeing the movie. Great week!
Marcia recently posted…A Marco Island Christmas
Chemie is AWESOME! And so brave LOL!
Yay for runs that make you feel great! I used to love making gingerbread houses with my kids when they were younger. Looks like a great week for you all
Deborah @ Confessions of a Mother Runner recently posted…The Best of Meatless Monday 2015
I love all the baking parts of the holidays. Mr PugRunner is usually on gingerbread house construction detail, but we did two this year. It was a fabulous week!
Those cookies are incredibly cute! Your runs look GREAT this past week – I’m getting back into the swing of things after taking a few days off with a stupid cold! Hope you enjoy the rest of 2015, I can’t believe how fast this year went.
Thank you! I felt really good, and that’s important. I hope you are feeling better! Colds are the worst.
Sounds like such a lovely holiday. Your Christmas pancakes are adorable! I still haven’t seen the new Star Wars movie, but my office is supposed to take everyone mid January!
Nicole @ Fitful Focus recently posted…2015 Recipe Round Up
I love your office! What a fun treat for everyone!
Sounds like a great week! We got out to see Star Wars on Christmas Eve, and then it was so mild on Christmas day that we were able to play our annual game of road hockey without any jackets or winter gear! What did Santa bring YOU?
Janice @ Fitness Cheerleader recently posted…#MotivateMe Monday: An Active and Fun Christmas
Christmas here was hot. Just hot.
Santa was very good to me. A Rusk curl freak, a trail race registration, a gift card to Raw Threads, and one of those self-charging phone cases, among other things. It was fabulous.
Looks like an awesome Christamas minus the allergic reaction! You’ve seen Star Wars 3 times now? That is impressive, lol. Those gingerbread Chewbacca’s came out awesome!! Merry Christmas!
Sue @ This Mama Runs for Cupcakes recently posted…Join me for the Zooma Run Love Challenge!
I am a bit of a movie junkie. I believe my record for most times seen in a theater goes to Waterworld at a whopping seven times. I know it was a terrible movie, but for some reason, I just couldn’t get enough of it.
How great was Star Wars?! I’ve only seen it the one time, but I could definitely go again. I hadn’t done any refreshers with the originals, but they all came back to me as I watched. So good!!!!
Love the Chewie cookies too!
It looks like you had a wonderful holiday! The pancakes are amazing!
As always, I’m so impressed with you getting all those workouts done! I managed to keep the horses working all the way until Christmas. Hoping the weather holds a little longer!
Stacie Seidman recently posted…Truthful Tuesday
So great. I felt so satisfied, but there are still so many questions!
I figure if I keep doing the work, I’ll keep seeing those results. Hi to the ponies and to the pugs!
Ohhh it looks like you and your family had the most lovely Christmas! I love those Christmas morning pictures, they are so precious.
Also, those Chewbacca cookies are the cutest haha.
Anne@candycrazedrun recently posted…It’s Been a While