It’s Weekly Wrap time with HoHo Runs and MissSippi Piddlin!
If you do a weekly recap post, this is a great way to check in with other active bloggers for extra support, sharing and accountability!
First up? The BIG news.
I got my birthday present!!!!!!!!!
Isn’t she lovely? I have named her Francine.
I cannot wait for our first real test ride.
Coincidentally, I’m writing about National Bike Month on the St. Augustine Moms Blog. Check it out here!
But enough of that… Time to review the week!
Sunday – rest
After all, it was Mother’s Day, so we got to sleep a little and then it was off to brunch with my parents. It was very quiet and low-key, and they surprised me with an ice cream cake and some incredibly generous gifts for my birthday.
I adore my gorgeous mom and I was so glad to be able to celebrate together.
After brunch, the boys went swimming and I hung out chatting with a friend who happened to be there. It was a really nice way to spend an afternoon.
Monday – 45 minutes cycling, 60 minutes body circuit
Happy birthday to me! I turned 39 and I was ready for the day!
I kicked it off with a bike ride,
and followed that with body circuit. I was going to get in the pool but then decided against it. Mr PugRunner wanted to go out to lunch and I still had to go the grocery store for some things I had forgotten on our last food shopping.
When little man got home from school, we headed to downtown for a BBQ dinner and a birthday sundae. I don’t really like cake: ice cream is my jam.
Tuesday – 3 miles running
It was well past time for me to get back to my morning running group. I confess that I have been nervous and embarrassed of my current condition to feel comfortable being back out with them.
I did deviate from the Couch to 5K plan so I could hang with them. And for the first time in a long time, I was able to complete three whole miles! It wasn’t fast or pretty, but it was done and I was quite pleased.
To celebrate, I showed Danielle how to do the crow, and we practiced a little twinning on the sea wall.
After work and helping little man with his homework, I had to get dressed and ready for a night out on the town! Some good friends had organized a May Birthday outing to Hamburger Mary’s, and I was ready for dirty bingo and the subsequent revue.
It was a total blast! We had a delicious dinner, and laughed ourselves almost sick. We closed the place down, and I loved every second of it. Granted, I was up way past my bedtime, but it was totally worth it.
Wednesday – 60 minutes cycling, 280 yard swim
I was tired in the morning, but otherwise fine, so I was more than happy to ride with my friend, who had gotten a new bike and wanted to break it in. She did great and we got in about 10 miles.
And then I grabbed my goggles and jumped in the pool for some laps. I struggled this time. For whatever reason, I felt like I was taking in water every time I turned my head to breathe. It was annoying and I was really glad when the workout was over.
Little man didn’t have much in the line of homework, so I thought we could have a little spontaneous fun. While I was waiting for his karate class to be over, I texted Mr PugRunner and asked him to meet us at the pool with a pizza. Little man was thrilled that he got to swim on a school night and have a picnic, too! And we all got in some extra swimming as a family, which was even nicer. Sometimes, you just need to forget about bedtimes and schedules and have some fun!
Thursday – 3 miles running
This run was even more fun, because I had new shoes, courtesy of my parents! (Brooks Adrenaline 16, Kaleidoscope print, in case you were wondering).
They may have made me faster, too!
I do very much love these ladies, and am so grateful for their support and encouragement.
Friday – 45 minutes cycling, 60 minutes body circuit, 160 yard swim
I was all set for a busy day, and I went at it pretty hard.
After the bus stop, it was 45 minutes on the bike.
Then it was time for the hottest, sweatiest body circuit to date! We were all soggy messes by the time the last ab circuit ended.
Which meant it was a great time to hop in the pool. I was a little bummed after how my swim went earlier in the week, so I took my time and focused on my form. I also happened to meet a new friend, and we kind of got distracted and started chatting more than swimming. Oops.
I felt great, but a little tired and grouchy through the rest of the day. We had an event at little man’s school where the parents get to see their childrens’ artwork and projects displayed in the halls, followed by a basket raffle (or tricky tray) and some musical performances by students and teachers. To be honest, I wasn’t in the mood to go. It was rainy and I just wanted to snuggle up at home.
However, my parents were going (my mom loves her some tricky tray) and so I sucked it up.
I’m kind of glad we did. Between us, we won a huge art supply basket (mom said we could have the art supplies if she could keep the actual basket), a tailgate basket (with folding chairs, tailgate tent, collapsible wagon, snacks and different sports balls), and an all-about-town basket (with hotel nights, zoo passes, local water park passes, dinner for two, movie tickets and a few other goodies).
I never win anything, so to get two of the bigger packages was a serious coup!
In all fairness, it was a really wonderful event, and I love supporting our schools. The teachers did a fun lip sync battle and I’m glad I ended up going.
Saturday – rest (ish)
So I’m not sure if I can call this a rest day, since I spent the day at Universal Studios, with my fellow Best Damn Race Ambassadors. Obviously there are miles of walking (and skipping) when in a theme park, so we’ll say this was an active day.
I left the house at 5:30 to be able to meet everyone at the gates when the park opened. It was a hot, but beautiful day and we had the best time.
More on that later.
In the meantime, don’t miss out on low prices for Cape Coral and Jacksonville Best Damn Races! And code RUNPUGS saves you $5 on any distance in these two cities!
Bam. Another week. For those playing along at home, here are the stats
- Cycling – 31.9 miles
- Running – 6 miles
- Swimming – 440 yards
- Body Circuit – 2 hours
And a partridge in a pear tree!
Not too shabby!
How was your week in review?
Do you get lucky with winning things at raffles and similar?

Happy birthday!! Also, I didn’t know it was Bike Month. It’s one year ago this month that I started riding. I fell in love and stuck with it. 🙂
Well happy one year anniversary to you! I really loved riding today. It made such a difference!
Great week. HB. Mine was May 9.
Enjoy your gift. Are you signing up for a tri?
Darlene recently posted…Monday Running Update
Happy birthday to you, birthday twin!
I am. I have to man up and pick one.
Happy (belated) birthday! It sounded like a fun low key day 🙂
Carmy recently posted…Jump into Spring with Mizuno
Thank you! It was nice!
Happy belated birthday! It’s hard for me to choose between cake and ice cream so I like to have both, haha! Great job with all your workouts, you definitely kept busy! I wish I could get more into swimming, such a great workout! And congrats on the raffles! I sometimes get lucky from bloggers’ contests, but rarely in real life, lol!
Janelle @ Run With No Regrets recently posted…Weekly Wrap: Lots of Workouts and Cooking With Quinoa
I very rarely win from online contests, either! I wish I was luckier, but I guess Friday was just my day!
Happy belated birthday! Sounds like you were seriously on a roll, in so many ways! Winner winner!
Susie @ Suzlyfe recently posted…Wanderlust 108 Chicago + Weekend Recap
Rolling, rolling, rolling! It was a great week!
Happy Birthday! What a great gift and I love that you named it!
Jen @ Pretty Little Grub recently posted…Weekend Recap – Tattoos, Beer & Shopping
She needed a name, and since we are clearly going to be spending lots of miles together, it only made sense. Francine is my girl.
I may have to sign up for the race in Cape Coral, I live so close and that medal looks super cute! I can’t believe I haven’t heard about it.
A day in a theme park is definitely an active day!! Whenever I go to Disney, I know I’ll get some nice mileage in!
Alison recently posted…Tinkerbell Half Recap
Really??? You have to do it! It’s about five hours away for me, so not an easy racecation, but Best Damn Race put on a fantastic event. And you can’t beat the price, especially with the discount code! Feel free to share with your running buddies, too!
When I’m in theme parks is the only time I wish I had a fit bit. It would be nice to see what kind of mileage I racked up.
I love that you named your bike! I’m not much in to the biking (cycling?) circuit…is that common? I have a mountain bike…but I’ve never him (her?) And those Brooks Adrenalines…are those the new 2016 model? #beautiful 😉 They could be mine!
Kimberly Hatting recently posted…This past week? Victorious!
Those are the 16s, so the newest model. I actually prefer them because of the neoprene upper, rather than the mesh (but that’s exclusive to the Kaleidoscope pattern).
I was never into cycling either. In fact, I haven’t actually owned my own bike in decades. Francine is changing that – today’s ride was pretty magical, and not just because she is new and shiny.
I really hope you enjoy your new bike! I have really come to love riding mine. I call her Betty 🙂
Deborah @ Confessions of a mother runner recently posted…7 Layer Mediterranean Salad-Meatless Monday
I loved riding her today. It felt like I was flying, but with not so much effort. I hope it’s something that continues going forward. I feel like there is a lot of potential for Francine, and I hope that it helps me like riding more.
What a week! Amazing numbers down there when you total up all those workouts! Universal must have been tons of fun with that group…
Congrats on Francine, she’s gorgeous! And Happy Birthday!!
Stacie Seidman recently posted…Thursday’s Threads
We had a blast at Universal! They were such great people (old friends and new!) and you just can’t go wrong with the Wizarding World of Harry Potter!
Francine is my girl. Not quite as fun as a horse, but close.
Francine!! She’s beautiful! Happy belated!
Nicole @ Fitful Focus recently posted…The Best Paleo Recipes for Every Meal
Thank you and thank you!
Gosh, you had quite a week! Happy Birthday – love the bike! I was surprised at how much I loved cycling since I think of myself as a runner. 😉
Coco recently posted…What Is Orange Theory Fitness All About
Thank you! I love the bike, to! It’s fabulous!
I’m pretty excited about your new bike! How did you pick the name? I’ve never named my bike, poor thing….
I love the partner crow pose! I think Kristina and I should have done that when we were at Big Sur!
Wendy@Taking the Long Way Home recently posted…The Marathon as a Metaphor for Life
I name a lot of things: bikes, cars, Christmas trees…. I just looked at her and “Francine!” came to mind. And so it came to be.
Partner yoga is fun! I need to get more brave and try different things!
Happiest of birthdays to you! Love your bike- that is so awesome!
Annmarie recently posted…Three Bean Mediterranean Salad {Gluten Free}
I love going for bike rides. It’s been a while since I’ve ridden my bike, so I’m taking it in for a tune up this weekend so I can ride more this summer.
Ange // Cowgirl Runs recently posted…Shoppers Drug Mart Run for Women Race Recap
Happy Birthday to you!!! A new awesome bike is the perfect present!! Great job with your workouts this week – love how you kept with the swim even though it was tough! 🙂
Natalie Mitchell recently posted…Life Lately + 18 Weeks!!
Happy belated birthday! Francine is a beauty!
Debbie @ Deb Runs recently posted…Ragnar’s Unisex Versus Women’s Cut Race Shirts
Francine is beautiful. And those sunset shots are absolutely gorgeous! I’m quite jealous of the beautiful weather that you’ve been enjoying. We’re now on week 3 of rain almost every single day.
Kathryn @ Dancing to Running recently posted…ZOOMA Annapolis Half Marathon Training Log – Week 15
Happy belated birthday! I really want a new bike, but I am not sure how much I would use it. My butt always hurts when I finish a bike ride.
I am jealous of your raffle winnings! I have wanted one of those wagons for a long time. I get tired of carrying chairs, water bottles, etc to soccer games.
Angie recently posted…Playing Catch Up…Again
I did wait a long time to invest because I wasn’t sure I would ride it. However, I didn’t really have one at all (just a really old beach cruiser, which isn’t so sporty). I think the secret to your butt not hurting is to be consistent. My first few outings were hard, but as of now, I can ride up to 2 hours without any major discomfort. I don’t even have padded shorts. You can always change out the saddle, too.
I love the new wagon. I hope we can bring it to the beach this weekend.
I have a Trek! Love it! Her name is Sanity because I got her when I fractured my foot two weeks before my first marathon. Yep. HAPPY BIRTHDAY. It sounds like you had an awesome week of celebrations. Just think, you’ll be in a new age group next year! That’s always seems to thrill runners. LOL. Hooray for spontaneous midweek fun. I think we all need a little of that. Thanks for linking with us Jenn!
HoHo Runs recently posted…Gateway to the Smokies (WW # 41)
Sanity it a perfect name!
My AG is seriously one of the most competitive… and all those crazy-fast ladies are moving up with me. It’s HARD! I’ll also be a “Master” which is just fancy talk for old. Meh. I’ll keep trucking along.
Happy belated birthday! looks like an incredible week! Hope you enjoy many more miles on your new bike. You’ve already logged more miles than me and I’ve had my Trek a year and a half now. That’s about to change since I’ve gotten my new indoor bike trainer. Good thing you went to the school event. Y’all really racked up.
Debra @HappyRunningSole recently posted…Weekly Wrap
Wow! A year and a half! It’s funny – I held out a loong time before committing to the purchase. I really didn’t think I would use it. Or more specifically, that I would want to use it. I guess I’m doing ok, then.
We did rack up at the raffle. Crazy how that worked out. But we will be all set for summer!