It has been a long, long, LONG time since I’ve had the pleasure of writing a race report. I had planned on the Beson4 Corporate Run 5K as a kind of pre-return: not quite a comeback 5K, but a warm up to the real thing.
The Corporate Run is a fun way for companies to bring employees together to participate in physical activity. There are teams based on a variety of industries, with men’s, women’s and mixed divisions, as well as a CEO category. Teams are awarded points based on their top four runners, and category winners are then decided.
I don’t love that Corporate Run is a nighttime event. I have never been a strong night runner, and after a day at work, I’m pretty generally spent. The weather forecast was also pretty ominous. The race had already been pushed back from 6:30 to 7:00 PM and if the lightning continued, there was a possibility it could be delayed even later, if not canceled altogether.
Tammy and I drove up to downtown together. It was nice to have a buddy for the ride. We were able to score free parking in the Everbank Field lot, directly across from the start line, so that was a huge plus. We found our team tent and got our singlets..
I love the color.
Since the weather looked like it was clearing, we headed over to the start line. I found a comfortable spot and started getting myself set.
As the National Anthem concluded, the heavens opened. Ugh ugh ugh. If I don’t like night running, I don’t like rainy running even more.
There was a group of young ladies lined up next to me. They checked the sky, exchanged glances, and then exited stage left. I really wanted to go with them, but I was committed to the next 3.1 miles, and tried to ignore the fact that I was getting soaked, and would have to do this thing with no music because I didn’t want to waterlog my iPod.
When we started, I was pretty annoyed to discover that I had screwed up when I set my watch for intervals – I wanted to try :60/:15 but somehow, I had pressed :60/:30. That was way too much walking for me, so I just went ahead and started ignoring the intervals, running by feel, rather than timer.
The rain continued through my first mile, and I was kind of pleased that I ran through most of that. Unfortunately, after that, things didn’t go quite so well. The course was crowded and puddle-filled, and I got stuck behind larger groups more than a few times. It reflected in my pace, and I wasn’t really thrilled with my finish.
That being said, it was a relief to know that I was able to get through a 5K without my hip dragging and without all the doubts and insecurity. It wasn’t a victory as far as time, but it did incredibly positive things for my mindset.
I made my way back to our tent to hang out. However, even though the rain had cleared up, the bad weather was still lingering.
We enjoyed a few post-race drinks and watched the clouds roll in.
It started raining again, and we finally decided it was time to head out. We were starving and we joined up with several other teammates for a late night dinner. It was a nice way to end the evening, even though we wound up being out way past my bedtime.
And so I guess it’s safe to say I’m back. I’m not particularly displeased with how the night progressed, and I’m looking forward to Monday’s 5K as a way to better gauge my progress (morning run with better weather). The one nice thing is that, since my injury, I’m not feeling the same self-imposed pressure I used to. Maybe because I’m starting to mix activities up a bit so running isn’t the central focus. It’s definitely not a bad thing.
Do you race better in the morning or evening? In torrential downpour or mild weather?
Has your outlook on running and racing ever shifted dramatically after an injury or a break?

Wow those clouds are HUGE! nice job getting through despite the weather. Sounds like a fun race. Boo rain!
i’m on the fence about nighttime runs too. In DC they can still be really humid! MY 5k last weekend was done in a downpour so I feel you on the rain part. Those storm clouds looked intense. But congratulations for getting back out there and finishing – even if you didn’t meet your goal! I love the corporate theme of the race.
Mar @ Mar on the Run recently posted…Thinking Out Loud v22: Summer is Here
Wow. those are some serious looking clouds. My race on Saturday was a rainy one, and it confirmed for me why I hate running in the rain. Absolutely hate it. If only we had more control over the weather!
Kathryn @ Dancing to Running recently posted…2016 Fit Foodie Weekend Recap
night running is not really my thing either! We’ve had lots of rainy runs this spring so that doesn’t bother me as much anymore.
Deborah @ Confessions of a mother runner recently posted…Summer Celebrations Made Easy with Chobani Mezé
That sky… Yikes! I’m glad the lightning held up for you at the very least.
Sounds like, despite the weather, it was a decent come back!
I actually prefer running later in the day versus the morning. I’m not a morning person to begin with, and all the years of horse back riding (or maybe it’s the falling off?) leave me rather stiff and slow moving first thing. The old body definitely is more limber after being up for awhile. But the rain? Yuck. That’s not so much fun.
Stacie Seidman recently posted…Thursday’s Threads!
By the end of the day,I am just tired and over it. Even if I am a little stiffer in the morning, I rally pretty quickly.
Oh wow those clouds! I would have booked it inside!
Carmy recently posted…The Injury Prevention Guide for Runners
We were pretty quick to get out of there.
I’m not an evening runner–I don’t know how I’d do with anything much longer than a 5k at night! But great job and with the rain, it had to be quite a challenge. I’ve got a 10k on Sunday and we are experiencing Florida-like conditions here. Complete with storms. Should be interesting.
Wendy@Taking the Long Way Home recently posted…Running Free
LOL at Florida-like conditions! I’ve done one 10 miler at night and it was just so miserable as far as getting myself prepped and ready. It’s just not my thing. Good luck with your 10K! I know you’ll own it!
Crazy clouds! I actually love running in the rain if it’s not too cold. Cold rain is awful.
MCM Mama Runs recently posted…Five things to know about Mainly Marathons
Cold rain is awful. I think the biggest problem with our rain is that afterwards, it is usually so humid and steamy, and then you’re just wet and gross. Or I might just be a wimp. Either way 🙂
Welcome back! Night runs can be a pain, especially in Florida I am noticing because that’s when the storms come! I am actually getting used to running in the rain!
Toni recently posted…It is time to start over and begin a new chapter
Well, now we are approaching Official Hurricane Season.So it will rain every afternoon. Without fail. Just watch the lightning and standing water.
Good job racing even though the conditions were not ideal. It must feel so great to be back out there again!
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