It’s Monday, and that means it’s time for the Weekly Wrap with HoHo Runs and MissSippi Piddlin!
If you do a weekly recap post, this is a great way to check in with other active bloggers for extra support, sharing and accountability!
Sunday – rest
Party day! While the birthday girl and her sisters got the clubhouse set up for the afternoon’s main event (my stepmother-in-law’s 80th birthday!), we spent the morning in the pool, and then had lunch on the waterfront. It was a nice lazy morning, and we had plenty of time to get ready.
The party was a lovely celebration: Grandma was beaming the whole time and danced the afternoon away.
We were very lucky to be able to be a part of the big day.
Monday – 5 miles running
The hotel at which we normally stay when we visit my in-laws is nice, but it’s on a stretch of pretty congested roadway – totally not optimal for running, especially not before dawn. I rather reluctantly headed down to the small gym and resolved to run five miles on the treadmill.
On the one hand, it was boring as heck. I really couldn’t stand it.
On the other, the climate controlled temperatures and absent humidity allowed me to actually run. I had started out doing my run/walk intervals, but when other people started coming into the gym, I started feeling a little funny about it so I just tried to see how far I could go. Consistently running was no problem at all, and for a brief second I thought about how nice it would be to have a treadmill at home.
We ate breakfast and made the trek to Clearwater Beach.
I confess, we have never been, but it’s already on my list of places to return. The Gulf Coast is much different than the East Coast, but it’s a nice change.
Little man loved the attention from his cousins, especially when they buried him in the sand in the shape of an octopus.
After lunch on the beach, we all cleaned up and went back to Grandma and PopPop’s house for leftovers and conversation. We ended up staying til pretty late, and finally we had to leave to get little man to bed. I wasn’t far behind him.
Tuesday – rest
We all met for breakfast and then Mr PugRunner, little man and I got on the road. We needed to get home to the dogs and I had work. Everyone else was heading to Orlando to continue their respective vacations. Before we left, my niece worked her magic and gave me a fishtail french braid. It was phenomenal.
I loved it.
As soon as we got home, we started laundry, and packed some things for Mr PugRunner and little man: they were going to be joining everyone at Universal Studios the next day and needed to up and out by 5AM. We all desperately needed that night of sleep.
Wednesday – 5 miles running
I didn’t get up right away when the boys left: Molly wanted to snuggle and I was happy to oblige her. Eventually, though, I got myself up and out and turned in a decent five miles.
Mr PugRunner texted to let me know that little man was being brave and wanted to ride Dragon Challenge with his cousins. It would be the first time he would be riding an upside down roller coaster, and I was so sure he was going to change his mind at the last minute.
A few minutes later, I got this.
He was so proud of himself, although he said it wasn’t his favorite. He’s waiting for Hulk to reopen.
In the meantime, I went to lunch with my parents, and then spent the afternoon picking up the rest of little man’s school supplies and going grocery shopping. When I got home, I had to get myself together and do my hair and makeup for a Wine & Chocolate tasting event with some girlfriends. I was pretty tired and thinking of canceling, but I knew that once I got there I would have a blast.
We ended up finishing our flights of wine and chocolate and then grabbing dinner together. It was much needed and I’m so glad I talked myself into going.
Thursday – rest
Back to work for me. It was nice to get back into a routine. It was an uneventful day, and we enjoyed a nice, quiet dinner at home. It was good to have the family back together.
Friday – 10 miles running
Here it was: my first double digit run in a good long time. Yikes. However, it was quite peaceful in the light of the moon.
It went ok. My stomach got pretty upset with me after six miles, which was rather frustrating. The last thing I need is to be in need of a restroom during a half marathon, so it’s back to trying to tame my GI issues during my runs. Funny how out of practice I’ve fallen.
Little man had a playdate and so I took advantage of the free time to rest up. We had our friend’s surprise birthday party that night and it was going to be a late one. Mr PugRunner and I had dinner together before the event, and spent the night with new friends and old, celebrating.
Saturday – rest
We had the chance to sleep in a little bit, which was nice and probably very much needed.
After lunch with my parents, little man and I headed downtown to a local candy shop for another birthday party. The kids all got to make lollipops, which was so cute.
They also got a tour of the candy kitchen and then enjoyed cupcakes and ice cream with the birthday girl. Adorable!
We got home, stuffed from all the treats, and ready to just chill on the couch with some movies.
Since it’s August, we can take a look at July’s goals and see how I did.
Increase weekly mileage – Yup. I’ve done it. By bumping my short runs from three miles to five miles, I’ve been able to bulk up my total mileage, and it’s been making things a little easier.
Incorporate more yoga – Again, on it. While it’s still not as much yoga as I would like, I’ve been practicing as much as I can.
Register for the duathlon – Mmmmm. Still a no on that. Not because I don’t want to or because I’m not ready, but because it involves yet another hotel stay and weekend out of town. We have been traveling A LOT. I love it, but I know that the next few months are going to full of more travel and something has to give. I haven’t given up the idea, but I think it’s ok to say I need a break.
Speed work – Doing it. Not loving it because of the heat, but doing it.
Stay consistent with the 30 day challenges – That’s a bit of a fail. Once we went away, I just wasn’t able to keep up. I’m going to get back into it this week.
Overall, it was a good July.
How was your week in training?
How do you decide what to keep and what to sacrifice in your schedule?

What a great way to celebrate her birthday! Love the sand picture. Looks like you all had a great week!
Deborah @ Confessions of a mother runner recently posted…Avocado Egg Salad You’ve Got To Try
That braid is amazing! Other than when I was a kid, I’ve never had anyone braid my hair; I’ve always done it myself. It definitely doesn’t look like that.
I can’t say I love my treadmill, but I am glad to have it. And you’re lucky you get to stay in a hotel when you visit the inlaws — we always stay WITH my MIL. I’d rather stay in a hotel, frankly!
Sorry about the GI issues. Do you think doing your long run at the end of the day has anything to do with it?
Judy @ Chocolaterunsjudy recently posted…Mountain climbers & Burpees: 7/25-31 Weekly Wrap
My niece is absurdly talented with hair. I wish I had a fraction of her skill.
LOL – that moon was before the sun rose, so it was a first thing in the morning kind of deal. I don’t have a gallbladder, so sometimes, things just run right through me. It’s usually pretty well controlled, but when I run… not so much.
Chocolate and wine…my kind of combination. Sounds like a fun and productive week. And the braid is beautiful. I love French braids.
Debbie @ Coach Debbie Runs recently posted…Quick and Easy Vegan Curry Stuffed Avocado Recipe
I love them, too! I wish I knew how to do them myself!
Yay! for your first upside down roller-coaster ride. I am roller coaster nut, but I remember how scary it felt as a kid! It is a big step 🙂
You did a great in July meeting your goals and it is nice to feel like you have a choice whether to do an event or not. Just knowing you are trained enough is a good feeling.
Congrats on the double digits by the light of the moon. That is how I do them as well lol
Karen recently posted…August Has Arrived
props to the little man for riding that coaster!
Carmy recently posted…August 2016 Goals
Oh gosh! I LOVE roller coasters! The Hulk is the bomb!! We got the second row (I think) one time on that 😉
Kimberly Hatting recently posted…Wrapping Up a Crazy Week
It’s one of my faves! I can’t wait for it to reopen!
runswithpugs recently posted…friday five: why you should run best damn race + discount code
I’ve been doing a lot more runs on the treadmill lately because it’s been so darn hot. Movies help me a lot with the boredom. Love the fishtail french braid!
Nicole @ Fitful Focus recently posted…Paleo Beef Buffad (gluten free, soy free, dairy free)
I could only get news on the tv attached to the treadmill. A movie might have helped.
runswithpugs recently posted…friday five: why you should run best damn race + discount code
So many fun events crammed into one week! Amazing you can still fit in so may runs and workouts. Awesome job! I love that candy making party idea too. So fun!
Stacie Seidman recently posted…Thursdays Threads
Girl, I”m getting tired! It’s hard to keep going full-speed all the time!
runswithpugs recently posted…friday five: why you should run best damn race + discount code
Great week. Congrats on getting double digits. I haven’t been there in a while.
I HATE the treadmill. My max is 3 miles.
Darlene recently posted…Monday Running Update
It was pretty cool to be there again. Of course, I’m dreading 11.
runswithpugs recently posted…friday five: why you should run best damn race + discount code
You know I struggle with those GI issues–now that my mileage is way cut back, I’m really feeling it. Funny how that happens.
Wendy@Taking the Long Way Home recently posted…Time For To Play
Usually, my tummy doesn’t bother me until I hit over six miles. Which is a blessing and a curse. I blame the fact that I don’t have a gallbladder, so things are a little more delicate in there.
What a busy fun week for the family! I love that braid- perfect weather for that! I used to be pretty good at braids but not so much anymore. Scheduling is always tough to get everything in you want to do and still spend plenty of time with the hubs and family!
Mary Beth Jackson recently posted…ZOOMA Summer Challenge Week 5- What is Next?
I have zero braid talent. Having a boy means never needing to learn to braid. And lord knows I can’t do it on myself LOL!
It all gets figured out in the end.
runswithpugs recently posted…friday five: why you should run best damn race + discount code
They don’t call it the “dreadmill” for nothing…it can definitely be boring.
I agree, the gulf and Atlantic coasts in Florida have completely different feels. I personally prefer the gulf side.
Kathryn @ Dancing to Running recently posted…Rock ‘n’ Roll Philadelphia Half Marathon Training Log – Week 5
I like the big crashing waves of the Atlantic, but you really can’t go wrong either way.
I grew up playing on the sugar white sands of the Gulf Coast! Are those Mizuno Inspires? I’ve worn that shoe for years but am now trying the Catalyst. I love your braided hair! That is something I can’t do — I had all boys and no one to practice on. Congratulations on your double digit run!
They are Inspires. They were the shoe I started in and I love them. I also wear the Catalyst for my speed workouts. They are much lighter, and I love them as well. I have added the Brooks Adrenaline and sometimes the Saucony Guide to my rotation, although I think I might look at the Omni this time around.
Yes the Gulf is a lot different than the Atlantic. We visited Myrtle Beach and the waves were bigger and there were a lot more people on the beach than in the water!
Wow that braid looks good! I think beaches and braids go hand an hand! I sported a small one in the front by my face.
Wine and Chocolate??? Yes please!
Tricia Vaughn recently posted…Weekly Wrap 52 Myrtle Beach Vacation
Well, probably fear of sharks. We have them all over the place, now!